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US Open 2024: Scottie Scheffler Narrowly Makes the Cut

Scottie Schefflers troubles at the US Open 2024 worsened on day 2 and he shouldn’t have needed another shot, otherwise he would have missed the cut. No birdies for the world No. 1 on day 2 at Pinhurst No. 2, but two bogeys on the front nine and then disaster on hole 5. Like his flight partners, Scheffler was unable to escape his home turf and ended up with a triple bogey. With a round of 74 strokes and a total score of five over par, he is tied 57th after round 2.

Scottie Scheffler about his second round at the US Open 2024

Q. How much of a grind was it out there today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, it was for sure. Around this place you have to hit such good shots. The golf course is challenging. I think personally it’s fun to play, but yeah, it was definitely a grind.

Q. The fifth hole took a little bit out of everybody in the group. What was going on there?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I think that’s part of the mystery of the kind of sandy areas. You get down there and it’s kind of luck of the draw whether or not you have a shot. Preferably I would have loved to have hit like a little runner out of there, but I had a bush in my way to where I couldn’t play the runner that I would have hoped to. Really all you’re trying to do from there is get it up on to the green somewhere, and I felt like I took the best route I could think of at first, and just because it’s so unpredictable.

So yeah, just pretty challenging spot for your ball to end up in.

Q. You’ve been playing so well, so consistently. Is it kind of a readjustment out there to remember how to play when it’s not going your way?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Not really. I think this week — yesterday I felt like I played really well and got a lot out of my game, which I feel like I’ve done a good job of this year. Today was kind of the opposite. I felt like especially the back nine today I actually hit it really well. I just couldn’t get a putt to fall early. Then I had that unfortunate deal on No. 5 which probably on any other golf course if I hit those two shots, driver, 3-wood into a green on a par-5 and probably have a pretty good look at birdie, I’m not going to have walking off with a 7. But just unfortunate place for me to put myself.

Q. What positives do you have to take out of today if 5-over gets you into the weekend?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don’t think 5-over is going to get me into the weekend. But I’m proud of how I fought today. I gave myself a good chance. Really yesterday I felt like I did a great job. Today I just couldn’t get the putts to fall. This golf course can be unpredictable at times, and maybe it got the better of me the last couple days. I’ll sit down and think about where we’re going the last few days and figure it out.

Highlights Tours

US Open 2024: Scottie Scheffler Struggles on the First Day

Scottie Scheffler had some problems with the difficult course on the first day of the US Open 2024. Scheffler repeatedly missed the fairway with his tee shots on the famous Pinehurst No. course. After three bogeys and only two stroke gains, the world number one is in the upper midfield of the leaderboard.

Scottie Scheffler struggles at the US Open 2024

Scottie Scheffler had problems right from the start on Thursday and missed many fairways. The world number one did not always manage to free himself perfectly from the sandy ground, so that he had already made two bogeys after six holes. He made up for one of them on the par-4 7th, but was unable to improve on the back nine. In 34th place, Scheffler will have to try to keep up the pace on Friday.

Highlights Tours

US Open 2024 – Scottie Scheffler: “It Will Be a Fun Test”

With Pinehurst No. 2 in top conditions and the greens as fast as they could make it, Scottie Scheffler really looks forward to a tough challenge. In his press conference before the US Open 2024 the world number one reflects on previous US Opens and how the play differs in this years major venue.

Scottie Scheffler: “You have to step up and make great shot to win the US Open 2024”

Q. Overall reaction to the course from today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, the course is great. In good shape. I think the areas around the green are extremely difficult to play out of. I think the golf course is going to play pretty tough this week, but it’ll be a fun test.

I think the golf course is great. It’s extremely challenging. I don’t really think they have to do too much to trick it up with the way the greens are if they want the scores to be high. So it should be a good test and a fun week.

Q. You were out with Teddy yesterday chipping and putting mostly. What are your thoughts about your plays around the greens and what you might be using and that kind of thing?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I mean, a lot of the areas around the greens here are quite different, and a lot of it depends on the lies that you get. It’s grainy Bermuda, so if you get a good lie, you can be a little more creative with what you want to do. If you have an iffy into-the-grain lie, you’re a bit limited in what you can do around the green.

It really depends on the lie and then it depends how big of a slope there is that you’re trying to get it back up onto the green. A lot of that is going to be missing in the right spots. But there are certain holes out here that there isn’t a great miss, you’ve just got to step up there and hit a great shot.

Q. You have improved with your putting this year. Can you describe what was going on as you stood over a putt in your head, what you were thinking about before you started working with Phil, and what do you think about now as you stand over the ball?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I mean, going now, I’m trying to get as visual as I can with what I’m trying to do. Before I used a line on my ball, so sometimes I’d be trying to match up the line on the back of the putter with the line on the ball. At times I’d almost get a bit confused.

Nowadays I feel like I am getting much more visual with what I’m trying to do, seeing kind of what I want the putt to do versus maybe playing a little bit of a guessing game before.

I’m putting the ball down and lining it where I feel like it should be lined up and then hitting the putt.

Q. Of all the US Opens you’ve played, what’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I think a lot of it’s patience. And then there’s certain areas of the golf courses where you can’t really fake it. You just have to step up there and hit great golf shots. There’s certain holes out here where, like especially some of the par-3s where there’s not really a place where there is a good miss, it’s just you just better just get up there and you better hit it right where you’re looking or else you’re going to be in big trouble.

A lot of that is just being committed to what you’re doing. I can’t really worry about where the ball is going to go because I am going to hit a lot of really good shots this week that just don’t work out, and you’re going to make bogeys hitting good shots. That’s just the nature of how difficult the golf course is.

But what I appreciate about this kind of course is a lot of the areas around the greens are all fairway, and so it may be extremely difficult shots, but there’s always opportunity. Sometimes when there’s heavy rough, there’s not really much opportunity for a great shot.

I appreciate more having the playability of the run-off areas more than heavy rough surrounding every green. It definitely provides a little bit more variety, a little bit more excitement and a little bit more creativity around the greens. I believe it’s a better test than just having heavy rough over the back of every green.

Courses like this I think are a lot of fun to play.

Q. Last weekend when you triple bogeyed that hole, you seemed to stay a little bit calm. How did you keep from getting frustrated from your bad shots?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: That’s a good question. I was very frustrated so I’m glad you couldn’t tell.

I think I learned over the course of my career to stay as patient as possible. When I made a triple on that hole, I really didn’t hit that bad of a shot, it just hit a tree and went out of bounds.

I kind of reminded myself I was playing good golf and as long as I kept a good head on my shoulders I could continue to go about my day and was able to bounce back nicely. I.

Think that’s something you learn playing more and more golf, is that bad breaks are going to come but it’s more about your response to those things than really receiving the bad break because over the course of a 72-hole tournament you’re going to get plenty of bad breaks and hit plenty of bad shots. It’s more about how am I going to recover from those shots.

Q. A lot of players have come in here and said great things about you, and Xander even mentioned the state of your game in his winner’s press conference at the PGA. Have you heard any of that? And what does it mean to hear your fellow players say such things?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, yeah, I think it’s nice to hear a little bit of good things from my peers because I think we all try to bust each other up at times when we’re out there playing and competing. I think that’s part of the friendship bond, is you want to mess with your buddies, so to hear some compliments every now and then is definitely nice.

Q. When we think of coaches out here, I think many of us think of technical stuff and the swing and whatnot, but can you speak to what Randy gives you in terms of course strategy and your actual plan, almost like X’s and O’s? In terms of the actual course and your plan of attack.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I think as far as the actual course goes, a lot of that falls on Teddy. As far as Randy goes, Randy is back there kind of making sure that I’m working on the proper things going into the event. He’s not one really to overthink things, and he knows when to step in and when to kind of just let me go.

I think that’s one of the most important things with a coach is, especially with Randy, he can almost tell sometimes when I’m not really swinging it my best, and he’ll step in. Then other times when I’m playing really well, he’ll kind of sit there and watch and we’ll hang out and have fun.

He’s always done a good job of keeping things loose because at times I think I take myself a bit too seriously when I’m out there practicing. Randy is definitely not a guy that takes himself too seriously.

Q. Xander said after the PGA that some of the guys in your group text like roasted you over what happened at Valhalla with you. I don’t know if you saw yesterday a fan drove into a Louisville golf club with a fake policeman dragging along his car. Are you able to laugh about that sort of stuff now?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, it’s kind of hard not to laugh about the guy who did that. But I didn’t see any videos. Xander did tell me about it yesterday. He got a pretty good kick out of it.

But yeah, I think that’s part of just having good friends. If all they did was make fun of me, it would be different. It wouldn’t be as fun. But they’re great guys, and they’re great friends. So you’ve got to be able to look in the mirror and laugh at yourself, too.

Like I said, I don’t love reliving it, but sometimes being able to laugh about it is a good skill, too. When they make jokes, it’s definitely hard not to laugh, especially with some of my good buddies, they’re pretty funny with it.

Q. How has it been compartmentalizing Scottie Scheffler the golfer and Scottie Scheffler the dad over the last little while?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: You know, with some of the circumstances that have been going on outside the golf courses, it’s been a bit more challenging.

But overall I feel like when I’m at home, having Bennett around, it’s almost easier to not be on my phone, not be watching TV. I just want to hang out with him and hang out with Mere, and rocking him to sleep puts me to sleep. Being at home is fun. I haven’t been bored at home in quite some time, that’s for sure.

Time is always filled, and it’s filled with great things, hanging out with my son and hanging out with my wife. So that part of it has been really nice.

But yeah, some of the circumstances around the golf course have made it, I would say, a bit more challenging.

Q. How aggressive can you be here on this golf course, or is it mostly a defensive approach?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I think it’s a mix because, like I said, there’s certain holes out here where you have to just step up and hit a great shot. Some of the par-3s, Teddy and I are walking around trying to figure out where you miss it to certain pins. It’s like, there’s not really a good spot here, you’d better just hit it in the middle of the green and try and two-putt. There’s a lot of that out here.

I think it’s kind of fun, too, when there’s not really any hazards on the golf course. It’s not like we’re hitting over ponds or your ball is rolling back into water or into bunkers you can’t get up-and-down out of. There’s definitely some areas where you’re going to be extremely challenged, but I feel like there’s always opportunity.

Since it’s fairway, there’s opportunity for great shots. The landing area may be literally this big in order for you to hit a great shot, but there’s always opportunity. I feel like you’re never out of the hole, but you’re also not too far away from making a huge number. You’ve really got to manage your way around the golf course and execute where you need to.

Q. How does it feel to be by far the best golfer in the world?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I try not to overthink things, I try to live one moment at a time and soak it all up because you never know how long it’s going to last. Just try and soak up the good times when you can and fight through the bad.

Q. In hindsight, it can be easier to talk about how important patience is on a difficult golf course, but when you’re in the tournament mode in the setting, what is the inner dialogue when a shot doesn’t go your way or you hit a shot and it rolls off? What are you telling yourself to try and reset for the next shot?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, I think that’s a really good question because a lot of the stuff that we all talk about is much easier said than done. It’s much easier to step up there and say, hey, just be committed to your shot, but it’s a lot more difficult when you just bogeyed the first two holes and you’re sitting there with a 9-iron and you’re playing 30 feet away from a pin and you know it’s a pin you can’t attack, but it’s a 9-iron, and you’re like, I can get one back here, and you try and force it and then all of a sudden things just get out of hand.

I always try to remind myself of just being committed to what I can control, and I’m not worried about the results out there. I try to do my best to execute the shot. And like I said, over the course of a 72-hole tournament, I’m going to get plenty of good breaks and plenty of bad ones.

It’s all about responding to the bad and kind of rolling with the good and doing my best to control what I can control and execute.

Highlights Tours Live

Scottie Scheffler Set to Shine at US Open Golf 2024: An Overview of Past Performances

Scottie Scheffler, one of the worlds top-stars in professional golf, has shown impressive performances in recent years, especially at the US Open. Known for his calm and precise style of play, the American golfer entered the world golf stage with a bang and has continued to prove his worth ever since.

Scheffler’s career began with a solid college stint at the University of Texas, followed by a successful time as an amateur before turning professional in 2018. Since then, he has continued to develop and make a name for himself in the highly competitive world of golf.

Scottie Scheffler’s Performance at the US Open Golf 2024

In recent years, Scottie Scheffler has built up an impressive record at the US Open. He made headlines at the 2022 US Open when he secured a remarkable second place finish. This result underlined his ability to perform under pressure and shine on golf’s biggest stages. Scheffler’s impressive play on the challenging courses of the US Open has earned him a reputation as one of the most consistent players of his generation.

In 2023, Scheffler was once again able to showcase his skills and secured a respectable fourth place. This performance showed that his performance the previous year was not a flash in the pan and that he is capable of consistently playing at a high level. His strong performance impressed fans and critics alike and cemented his place among the top players in the world.

Looking ahead to the US Open Golf 2024, the excitement is high to see if Scheffler can deliver another top performance. Pinehurst No. 2, the venue for the 2024 US Open, is renowned for its demanding conditions and will undoubtedly present a huge challenge. However, Scheffler’s extensive knowledge and experience on such difficult courses could give him the edge.

Scheffler’s steady rise up the world rankings, the strongly held first position and his consistently strong results in major tournaments reflect his potential to play a decisive role in US Open Golf 2024. He is a player who not only impresses with his talent, but also with his mental strength and strategic style of play.

To summarise, Scottie Scheffler is one of the most exciting golfers to keep an eye on at the US Open Golf 2024. His past performances at the US Open and his continued improvement promise another exciting and successful participation. It remains to be seen whether he can shine again at the US Open Golf 2024 and perhaps even win his next Major title.


Charges against Scottie Scheffler dropped

Yesterday,Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell announced that the four charges against Scottie Scheffler will be dismissed. Scheffler was charged with charges including reckless driving and second-degree assault of a police officer following the events of May 17.

Scottie Scheffler’s explanation of the events “corroborated by the evidence”

Leading prosecutor Mike O’Connell: “Mr. Scheffler’s characterization that this was ‘a big misunderstanding’ is corroborated by the evidence. Mr Scheffler’s actions and the evidence surrounding their exchange during this misunderstanding do not satisfy the elements of any criminal offenses. For these reasons, I now tender to the courts a motion and order to dismiss all these charges in this case against Mr. Scheffler with prejudice.” According to Rex Hoggard, a NBC golf journalist, the announcement also means that there will be no further charges against the world number one, even if there is new evidence.

Statements from those involved

Both Scottie Scheffler and Bryan Gillis, the police officer, made comments after the prosecutor’s announcement. Scottie Scheffler: ” I hold no ill will toward officer Gillis. I wish to put this incident behind me and move on, and I hope he will do the same. I appreciate the support during the past two weeks and want to again encourage everyone to remember the real tragedy of May 17.”

Bryan Gillis, the officer, made the following comments:


Dashcam Video Released Shows Scottie Scheffler’s Encounter with Police

A recent dashcam video released by the Louisville Metro Police Department depicts golf star Scottie Scheffler during his encounter with law enforcement on May 17. The involved officer faces disciplinary action for a rule violation.

The dashcam footage captured Scottie Scheffler attempting to bypass a roadblock near Valhalla Golf Club. Scheffler, en route to his second round at the 2024 PGA Championship, was subsequently apprehended by a police officer.

Scottie Scheffler at the PGA Championship: The Police Incident

Detective Bryan Gillis stopped Scottie Scheffler on May 17 as he entered the closed lanes. Gillis reported Scheffler disregarding instructions and proceeding, causing the officer to fall to the ground. Scheffler was charged with aggravated assault, property damage, reckless driving, and disobeying a law enforcement officer, charges he denies. Detective Bryan Gillis did not activate his bodycam during the incident and was disciplined as a result.

Release of Dashcam Footage

The dashcam video released by the police shows Scheffler slowly passing a barrier at around 5 mph on his way to Valhalla Golf Club, before being surrounded and arrested by officers. This blockade was set up due to a fatal traffic accident that occurred on the morning of the PGA Championship’s second round. Scheffler claims he misunderstood police instructions and never intended to disobey them. There are also recordings from a fixed camera capturing the events.

Scottie Scheffler’s View On The Incident

Scheffler explained he was in a chaotic situation and misunderstood the officer’s instructions. His attorney, Steve Romines, emphasized Scheffler never assaulted an officer. The defense is preparing to resolve the case in court.

Disciplinary Action Against Officer Involved in Scottie Scheffler Incident

The officer in question, Detective Bryan Gillis, was disciplined for failing to activate his bodycam during the incident. According to LMPD Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel, this is a violation of departmental guidelines. Gillis received a “corrective action” noted in his personnel file. The police department stressed the importance of all officers activating their cameras in such situations.

The incident has sparked attention both within the police force and among the public. Scheffler himself emphasized his appreciation for law enforcement’s work and regretted the misunderstanding.

Scheffler’s next court appearance has been postponed to June 3. In the meantime, he will continue participating in tournaments, including the PGA Tour’s Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas, as both parties prepare for a legal resolution.

The Released Video Footage


Scottie Scheffler’s Court Date Postponed Following Arrest

Scottie Scheffler’s court date, initially set for May 21st, has been postponed to June 3rd, according to his attorney Steve Romines, who informed the Golf Channel. Scheffler, currently the world’s number one golfer and this year’s US Masters champion, was arrested last Friday before the second round of the 2024 PGA Championship on multiple charges, including aggravated assault on a police officer.

Romines stated that Scheffler will plead not guilty to all charges. “I’ve been defending criminal cases for 30 years and have learned to never be surprised,” Romines commented, adding, “whoever reported [the charges] were going to be dismissed was not accurate.”

What Happened During Scottie Scheffler’s Arrest?

According to the police report, the incident occurred when Scottie Scheffler tried to escape a traffic jam that build because of a deadly accident friday morning. Detective Bryan Gillis stopped him and gave instructions that Scheffler refused to follow. Scheffler then accelerated, causing Det. Gillis to fall to the ground. Scheffler described the incident as a “big misunderstanding” and expressed confidence that the situation would be resolved.

In addition to aggravated assault, Scottie Scheffler was also charged with three other misdemeanors: vandalism, reckless driving, and disregarding an officer’s signals. He was booked into the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections and released at 8:40 AM, allowing him to return in time for his second round at Valhalla.

Scottie Scheffler’s Performance at the PGA Championship Despite Arrest

Scottie Scheffler entered the week as a favorite, having won the US Masters and claimed his fourth PGA Tour victory in five starts at the RBC Heritage. Despite the arrest and tumultuous circumstances, Scheffler managed to finish in a tie for eighth place. “On the course I have always been proud of my toughness out there,” Scheffler told CBS. “I try to keep the off course as quiet as possible and this week was obviously not that way, but I’m proud of the way we competed and posted a decent finish running on fumes.”

Despite the ongoing legal issues, Scottie Scheffler plans to participate in the Charles Schwab Challenge of the PGA Tour in Fort Worth, Texas.

Highlights Tours

Scottie Scheffler After PGA Championship 2024: “Hectic Would Probably Be a Good Description”

Scottie Scheffler finishes the 2024 PGA Championship 2024 with a strong round of six under par. Although the Masters champion had little chance of winning the title after a 73 on Saturday, the 27-year-old will be glad to be leaving Valhalla Golf Club after all the excitement of the last few days. Scottie Scheffler became a father just a few days ago, and on Friday morning he was detained by the police on his way to the second round and was subjected to identity checks. On Sunday, he proved his class again on the par-71 course. With a round of 65, he improved into the top 10. Read here what Scottie Scheffler had to say after the final round of the 2024 PGA Championship:
View final result of the PGA Championship 2024

Scottie Scheffler Interview After Finishing the 2024 PGA Championship

Question: Scottie, with everything that’s happened this week I’m sure it’s been a tumultuous time, but can you just even try to put this week into words?

Scottie Scheffler: (Laughing). Yeah, I’m not really quite sure. I think “hectic” would probably be a good description. Overall right now how I’m feeling, I’m fairly tired, definitely a lot more tired than I have been finishing some other tournaments. But I’m proud of today how we went out there and fought. I got off to kind of a slow start and I was able to kind of get some momentum and post a good round and give myself some good momentum.

Yesterday obviously was quite frustrating and a bit of a different day, but overall proud of how I fought this week. Was fortunate to be out here competing, doing what I love.

Out on the golf course the support this week that I got from the fans was tremendous. The support I got from the players and caddies and everybody inside the ropes was tremendous. So I’m very grateful to have the community that we have out here on the road and to have their support.

Question: How much of yesterday’s round do you ascribe to the circumstances or how much of it was just golf and a bad day?

Scottie Scheffler: I mean, it’s hard to tell. I think I would attribute it mostly to a bad day. I think when you come out here to compete, you’re out here competing, you’re doing what you can throughout the course of the round to post a score and I wasn’t able to get that done yesterday. Did I feel like myself? Absolutely not. Was my warm-up the way it usually is and the distractions were they normally are? Absolutely not. But I’m not going to sit here and say that’s why I went out and played a bad round of golf yesterday.

I got arrested Friday morning and I showed up here and played a good round of golf, as well. So I’ve been good throughout my career or I’d say that I’ve gotten better throughout my career of leaving the off-course distractions at home and kind of keeping a pretty quiet personal life, and this week obviously that was not the case. I’m not going to sit here and say that I played poorly yesterday because of what happened on Friday. I just had a bad day out on the course and was proud of how I came out here and bounced back today.

Question: Was there a moment where kind of the gravity of what happened on Friday and the strangeness of what happened on Friday finally started to sink in?

Scottie Scheffler: Yeah, probably Saturday morning. I think it finally hit me what really happened. Friday most of the day I didn’t really even eat. I came up here and had a couple bites of some eggs and a piece of bacon and went out and played. We were sitting at home, and I realized that I hadn’t even eaten dinner yet and it was almost 9 o’clock at night, and I wasn’t hungry. As somebody who’s a pretty big eater, that was a strange feeling, so obviously my body was a bit off with what had happened in the morning.

But like I said, I did my best to leave that behind me and come out here and compete and do what I love, and the support I got from the fans was amazing. I think they were cheering extra loud for me this week, and I got a lot of support from the players and caddies as well. A lot of people showing their support, a lot of players telling me how much they love me and stuff like that, and like I said, I’m really grateful to have the community that we have out here and the support of the people inside the ropes for sure.

Question: Have the “free Scottie” chants gotten old yet after the last two days?

Scottie Scheffler: I mean, I think when you’re out there inside the ropes, I don’t really hear too much of it. It’s nice to hear your name. I heard a lot of “Scottie” chants. I didn’t hear too many of the “free Scottie” chants, but I definitely heard a lot of “Scottie” chants.

Like I said, it’s great to have the support of the fans. Being able to play out here in front of them week in, week out is one of the greatest joys of my life for sure. So being able to do that this week and play another major championship, it was fun. Obviously the results weren’t what I was hoping for at the beginning of the week, but overall I’m proud of how I fought this week.

Question: As you walked off 18, kind of signed your card and whatnot, what is your, can you describe how you’re feeling, is there a sense of relief or is there a sense of what might have been this week. I know you took a long look at the scoreboard on 18.

Scottie Scheffler: At the moment, you know, I put my head down on the scorer’s table and I think I about fell asleep, so I’m just kind of just wondering what time bedtime is. I’m trying to figure out how quickly I can get home from here and, yeah, that’s pretty much it. I think I’m just fairly tired and ready to get home.

Question: As a quick follow, you’re on a list to play next week. Do you know what your plan is and do you have to come back for that Tuesday thing or is that something your lawyer can handle?

Scottie Scheffler: I think it’s all up in the air. I’m not really sure what the next days have in store. I think I’m able to get home tonight, but we’ll see when I leave here. I haven’t really had much chance to assess the situation off the course. I signed my card and then came straight over here. So we’ll see, but hopefully we’ll be able to get home tonight.

Question: Having Ted back on the bag today, how much did that help?

Scottie Scheffler: I think having Teddy out is always helpful. I’ve talked a lot about how great is he for me out there on course and keeping me in a good head space. Obviously yesterday was a bit of a different day, but it’s up to me to come out here and hit the shots and execute, and yesterday I wasn’t able to do that, and today I got off to the slow start, but we did a good job of staying patient and coming out and having a really, really nice back nine to have a decent finish to the week.

Question: If I could just clarify, are you unsure if you are required to be here Tuesday or is it a choice, and also, either way, are you planning to play next week?

Scottie Scheffler: I mean, as of now I’m planning to play next week. As far as the off-the-course stuff goes, I’m not really sure.

Highlights Tours

PGA Championship 2024: Scottie Scheffler Fought Moving Day Battles without trusted Caddie Ted Scott

What a week for Scottie Scheffler: Arriving just after the birth of his son at the PGA Championship 2024, opening the tournament with an eagle hole out and in contention, being arrested on Friday morning and still shooting 66 to stay among the top players. And then came Saturday, Moving Day and all the turmoil seemed to suddenly catch up with him.

Double bogey, bogey, bogey caused Scheffler to crash down the leaderboard and he didn’t seem like the player we saw win over and over again over the last few month or even the player he was the day before, unflappable even after facing core shaking circumstances. Scheffler brought himself with a birdie out of that downward spiral, but even from there things stayed wobbly. In the end a two over par 73 meant the loss of his impressive streak of 42 consecutive round of par or better.

Scottie Scheffler with backup caddie on Moving Day of PGA Championship 2024

But another aspect was different for Scheffler on Saturday: After everything that happened during his week so far, Scheffler had to go through moving day without his usual caddie, Ted Scott. Ted Scott flew, as it was planned months in advance, to his daughters high school graduation on Friday.

As a backup for Scott, PGA Tour chaplain Brad Payne took over Scheffler’s bag in Saturday. “It’s one of my older friends who travels week to week out here,” Scheffler said before the tournament. “I trust him to rake a bunker more than my buddies.”

LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY – MAY 18: Scottie Scheffler of the United States and caddie Brad Payne prepare to play a shot from the second tee during the third round of the 2024 PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club on May 18, 2024 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Photo by Michael Reaves/Getty Images)

“All-time win for caddies”

But in the end the heavenly support didn’t seem enough to keep Scottie Schefflers head in the game, leading people to ask what role Ted Scott is really playing in Scottie Schefflers success. Golf Digest’s Joel Beall writes on X (formerly Twitter): “Scheffler going south without Ted Scott is an all-time win for caddies.”

Or maybe the events that transpired the day before just took a while to really catch up with the number 1 player in the world. Golf Channel reporter Todd Lewis quotes Scheffler saying: “I don’t think it hit me until this morning what actually transpired yesterday.”

For Sunday, Ted Scott is expected to be back, but from eight shots behind the leaders it would take a miracle for the pair to catch up and hoist the Wanamaker Trophy together.

Highlights Tours

PGA Championship 2024: Scottie Scheffler’s Tee Times

The PGA Championship 2024 starts on Thursday and the tour stars are competing for the famous Wanamaker Trophy.

After several delays the final round can start as originally scheduled at 1:45 PM. Players will now all start from tee 1 and play in flights of 2. A staked leaderboard awaits with Xander Schauffele and Colin Morikawa tied for the lead, followed by Saith Theegala on 3 and Shane Lowry, Bryson DeChambeau and Viktor Hovland tied for 4th place.

Scottie Scheffler will start with Mark Hubbard at 12:15 PM.

PGA Championship 2024: Scottie Scheffler’s tee time

Tee Times PGA Championship 2024 Round 4

Tee Time Hole Player 1 Player 2
7:45 1
Jeremy Wells
Jeremy Wells
Alejandro Tosti
Alejandro Tosti
7:55 1
Sebastian Söderberg
Sebastian Söderberg
Brendon Todd
Brendon Todd
8:05 1
Rasmus Højgaard
Rasmus Højgaard
Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith
8:15 1
S.H.  Kim
S.H. Kim
Dustin Johnson
Dustin Johnson
8:25 1
Andrew Putnam
Andrew Putnam
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox
8:35 1
Talor Gooch
Talor Gooch
Stephan Jaeger
Stephan Jaeger
8:45 1
Adam Hadwin
Adam Hadwin
Erik van Rooyen
Erik van Rooyen
8:55 1
Gary Woodland
Gary Woodland
Grayson Murray
Grayson Murray
9:05 1
Patrick Cantlay
Patrick Cantlay
Luke Donald
Luke Donald
9:15 1
Tommy Fleetwood
Tommy Fleetwood
Jesper Svensson
Jesper Svensson
9:25 1
Joaquin Niemann
Joaquin Niemann
Rickie Fowler
Rickie Fowler
9:35 1
Patrick Reed
Patrick Reed
Cameron Young
Cameron Young
9:45 1
Braden Shattuck
Braden Shattuck
Byeong Hun An
Byeong Hun An
10:05 1
Brooks Koepka
Brooks Koepka
Nicolai Højgaard
Nicolai Højgaard
10:15 1
Adam Svensson
Adam Svensson
Thorbjørn Olesen
Thorbjørn Olesen
10:25 1
Alexander Björk
Alexander Björk
Lucas Glover
Lucas Glover
10:35 1
Tyrrell Hatton
Tyrrell Hatton
Corey Conners
Corey Conners
10:45 1
Brian Harman
Brian Harman
Martin Kaymer
Martin Kaymer
10:55 1
Brice Garnett
Brice Garnett
Min Woo Lee
Min Woo Lee
11:05 1
Kurt Kitayama
Kurt Kitayama
Will Zalatoris
Will Zalatoris
11:15 1
Ben Kohles
Ben Kohles
Cameron Smith
Cameron Smith
11:25 1
Doug Ghim
Doug Ghim
Alex Noren
Alex Noren
11:35 1
Jason Day
Jason Day
Zac Blair
Zac Blair
11:45 1
Maverick McNealy
Maverick McNealy
Billy Horschel
Billy Horschel
12:05 1
Max Homa
Max Homa
Tom Hoge
Tom Hoge
12:15 1
Scottie Scheffler
Scottie Scheffler
Mark Hubbard
Mark Hubbard
12:25 1
Aaron Rai
Aaron Rai
Matt Wallace
Matt Wallace
12:35 1
Hideki Matsuyama
Hideki Matsuyama
Ryo Hisatsune
Ryo Hisatsune
12:45 1
Rory McIlroy
Rory McIlroy
Tom Kim
Tom Kim
12:55 1
Jordan Spieth
Jordan Spieth
Russell Henley
Russell Henley
13:05 1
Keegan Bradley
Keegan Bradley
Taylor Moore
Taylor Moore
13:15 1
Thomas Detry
Thomas Detry
Lucas Herbert
Lucas Herbert
13:25 1
Harris English
Harris English
Austin Eckroat
Austin Eckroat
13:35 1
Justin Thomas
Justin Thomas
Tony Finau
Tony Finau
13:55 1
Dean Burmester
Dean Burmester
Lee Hodges
Lee Hodges
14:05 1
Justin Rose
Justin Rose
Robert MacIntyre
Robert MacIntyre
14:15 1
Bryson DeChambeau
Bryson DeChambeau
Viktor Hovland
Viktor Hovland
14:25 1
Sahith Theegala
Sahith Theegala
Shane Lowry
Shane Lowry
14:35 1
Xander Schauffele
Xander Schauffele
Collin Morikawa
Collin Morikawa