Highlights Tours

The Open Championship 2024 – Rory McIlroy: “I Blanked Tiger Woods”

Before the start of The Open Championship 2024 Rory McIlroy spoke to the media about Tiger Woods, adapting to links golf and – obviously – the US Open.

The Open Championship 2024: Rory McIlroy talks to the media

Q. Rory, how are preparations going this week, and how much are you looking forward to the challenge ahead?

RORY MCILROY: I feel like preparations have been going well. I feel like preparations probably started last week at the Renaissance.

Just getting myself familiar again with links conditions, links turf, green speeds. Obviously we play a majority of our golf in the States and green surfaces that are quite different to here. So just trying to get, I guess, reacclimated to that. Not that — obviously grew up playing a lot of links golf, but when you only come back to play once or twice a year, it just takes you a little time to adapt.

Yeah, it’s been going well. Got my first look at the golf course this morning early. It’s basically a tale of two nines on this course. You feel like you have to make your score on the way out and then sort of hang on coming in.

Looking forward to the week. The course is in great shape. Obviously we’ve got an amazing field, as these major championships produce now. It’s the only time four times a year that we get everyone back together. So looking forward to the week.

Q. We had Tiger in a little while ago, and he was mentioning after the dust settled for you after the U.S. Open, he shot you a text. Just kind of wondered what that meant to you to hear that from him.

RORY MCILROY: Full disclosure, I changed my number two days after the U.S. Open, so I didn’t get it until he told me about it today. I was like, oh, thanks very much. So I blanked Tiger Woods, which is probably not a good thing.

Tiger has been nothing but incredible to me over the course of my career in the good moments and the bad. He sent me an incredible message after St Andrews in 2022.

I met Tiger when I was 15 years old, and I’ve built up a great relationship with him, his whole family. He really enjoys spending time with my mom and dad as well.

So, yeah, it means a lot. It means a lot that he reached out. Actually it means a lot that he waited a few days to reach out, which if he hadn’t have waited that long, I probably would have got it.

But I caught up with him earlier. It’s always nice when your hero and the guy that you had on your bedroom wall is reaching out and offering words of encouragement.

Q. On a quick follow, obviously you had last week under your belt to play, but where is your head space at a month or so removed from Pinehurst to where you sit now?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, it’s good. Game’s in really good shape. Had a nice reset after Pinehurst that was needed and felt like I shook off a little bit of the rust last week and played okay. Felt like I probably could have given myself more of a chance to win the tournament.

I thought it was a solid week. Again, it’s like one eye on preparing for this week, but another eye on trying to get into contention as well.

Overall I’ve been in the UK now for a couple of weeks, and it’s felt nice to get back over here and get back into the swing of things.

Q. Do you have to change your phone number a lot? Is that something you do a lot?

RORY MCILROY: I actually haven’t done it in a while. So I thought it was time, yeah.

Q. That was a totally separate thought. Tiger also was saying that you said you felt uncomfortable on 16 and 18. He said you feel that basically every time you’re trying to win a tournament. Were you surprised at that feeling, and how will you deal with it, I guess differently, moving forward than you did a couple weeks ago?

RORY MCILROY: No, not surprised. I think the last few holes of a major championship with a great chance to win, if you’re not feeling it, then it probably doesn’t mean as much to you as it should.

No, it wasn’t a surprise. It was just more a disappointment that I didn’t handle those uneasy feelings as good as I could have. I alluded to this. I was probably more aware than I should have been of what was happening behind me and sort of got out of my own little head space a little too much. That was a big part of the reason why I didn’t close it out coming down the stretch.

“I don’t like to tinker too much with the putter”

Q. You mentioned a couple things in your introductory comments. Slow greens, is there anything you do mechanically that you change or with your club? Then also, the forecast is for the wind actually to be the complete opposite the first couple days, from the south. Do you have memories of how this golf course, have you played it that way, or have you thought about that yet about Royal Troon?

RORY MCILROY: Definitely was cognizant of that today in the practice round. It was very, very calm starting off, but I would say, once we reached probably like the 7th hole, it started to blow like north-northwest, like straight down on the front side, and then it was really straight back in coming in. Maybe a little tiny bit off the left, if anything.

The forecast looks like it’s going to be basically straight off the right going out and straight off the left coming in, so quite a few more crosswinds, which presents its own challenges in a way.

Yeah, I think we’re all — you know, you would like to play the golf course in the conditions you’re going to play in the tournament, but sometimes Mother Nature just doesn’t let that happen. But it won’t be too dissimilar to what it was in 2016, sort of down off the right usually on the way out and off the left coming in. Maybe just a few more crosswinds than there usually is.

Then the slower greens, I don’t like to tinker too much with the putter. Fax was out there walking with me this morning, and so was Luke Donald. I asked Luke — I really try to focus on the strike more than anything else here and put a good roll on it because any putt here that’s misstruck just doesn’t get to the hole.

So I sort of picked Luke’s brain a little bit, and he always said he liked to focus on the tempo of his stroke and really, if anything, make it a little shorter and a little brisker on greens like this. So that’s something that — you know, the strike and maybe just think a little bit more about the tempo of the stroke, two good things this week.

Q. Rory, you mentioned earlier that you grew up playing links golf. Was it harder to adjust to the style that’s played more around the world, or is it harder to go back the other way?

RORY MCILROY: For me personally, it’s probably a little harder to go back the other way because my natural game is to hit it in the air and to play more of a game that’s suited to big American sort of parkland golf courses.

But I’ve gotten much better over the years to adapting and hitting the shots that are required on links courses in blustery conditions, and I’ve sort of prided myself on that. My record in the Open Championship over the last few years has been very, very good.

Yeah, it still takes a little while when you play 11 months of your golf every year in very different conditions. That’s why I thought it was so important for me to get back and play the Scottish Open last week, just to refamiliarize myself with the turf, the types of shots needed around the greens, and even the wind. You feel like in warmer conditions in America, like a wind that’s a similar strength doesn’t affect the ball as much as it just feels like a real heavy wind here, especially when you play at seaside links.

So just getting refamiliarized with all that I think is important.

Q.They say there are five stages of grief, and going back to Pinehurst, when did you think — you added another one, the sixth stage, which is changing your phone number.

RORY MCILROY: It wasn’t out of grief, but okay. (Laughter).

Q. When do you think that you finally came to the acceptance stage, and how was that process?

RORY MCILROY: I would say maybe like three or four days after, went from being very disappointed and dejected to trying to focus on the positives to then wanting to learn from the negatives and then getting to the point where you become enthusiastic and motivated to go again.

So it probably took three, four, five days. It’s funny how your mindset can go from I don’t want to see a golf course for a month to like four days later being can’t wait to get another shot at it. When that disappointment turns to motivation, that’s when it’s time to go again. But, yeah, three, four days.

Q. You mentioned earlier that you met Tiger for the first time when you were 15. Do you ever sort of sit home and think like how surreal it is that that 15-year-old lad has now become fairly close mates with Tiger Woods? And like it was said earlier, like a global superstar?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, I get reminded of it or I remind myself of it every day. I always say this, and it sounds cliche, but I don’t take it for granted that I can wake up every day and try to live out my childhood dream. And one of my childhood dreams was to meet Tiger Woods, but not only that, to compete against him and to befriend him and become close to him.

Yeah, not in my wildest dreams did I think that I’d end up in the position that I’m in, but I’m very grateful for it. I still have to remind myself a lot that this is my life.

Q. They said at the Scottish that you went to Manhattan for a few days, and you were talking about walking the high line a little bit with your AirPods in. What’s a day of meditative thinking like, and what does it do for you?

RORY MCILROY: It’s liberating in some way. The thing is just to get out, to not be on a screen, to look around, to — I think trying to find the joy from the small things in life I think is really important.

Going there especially is a good reset, just in terms of seeing everyone living their lives and the hustle and the bustle. Honestly, no one gave a shit if I missed the putt at Pinehurst. It’s a nice perspective to keep.

Yeah, just to go and get lost in a big city like that and just be one of the herd sort of going about your day, it’s — for me anyway, it’s a nice feeling.

Q. You’ve hit this shot off the tee a few times this season, this ultra low drive, like apex is at 30 feet, 35 feet. Just wonder if that’s a skill you’ve always had, if you’ve had to develop it over the years, how you practice it. Where does that shot come from?

RORY MCILROY: It’s definitely something I’ve developed over the years, and honestly it’s only a shot I’ve been able to hit since I’ve become a little stronger.

Really it’s about trying to keep my right side high on the way into the golf ball. I’ve talked about my sort of low tee and high tee. I tee it down low, which helps me keep on top of it and keep that right side high. If I tee it up a little higher, I can get some right side bend going.

When you time it well, it can be awesome. When you don’t time it so well, it can create some issues. It’s a really nice go-to shot for me if I don’t feel 100 percent comfortable on a tee shot or if a tee shot doesn’t fit my eye, to be able to tee it low and hit that shot.

12 at Pinehurst was an example. It’s a wide fairway, but I got up there, and I just didn’t see anything. So to just get the ball on the deck and get it running, especially on fairways like that, conditions like this, it’s something that — it’s a shot that I’ve went to more and more over the last couple of years since I’ve been able to practice it and develop it. It’s been a nice go-to when I’m struggling to see a certain shot. Just tee it low and sort of squeeze one out there, and it still gets out there quite a long way, which is nice.

Highlights Tours

Tiger Woods on the Ryder Cup “I Wouldn’t Be Doing the Captaincy Justice”

Tiger Woods is in high demand. Not only from fans and journalists, who will be following his every move at The Open Championship 2024, but also in official capacities. So much in demand, in fact, that he has now had to issue a clear cancellation on one point: the Ryder Cup.

Tiger Woods: ‘You only have so many hours in the day’

The decision was very difficult for me to make,’ said Woods at his press conference during The Open Championship. The PGA of America had been waiting a long time to see whether the 15-time major winner would lead the American team in New York after all. But the 48-year-old simply doesn’t have the time.

‘My time has been so loaded with the Tour and everything and what we’re trying to accomplish,’ he explained. ‘I’m on so many different subcommittees that it just takes so much time in the day, and I’m always on calls.’

‘I just didn’t feel like I could do the job properly. I couldn’t devote the time. I barely had enough time to do what I’m doing right now, and add in the TGL starts next year, as well as the Ryder Cup. You add all that together and then with our negotiations with the PIF, all that concurrently going on at exactly the same time, there’s only so many hours in the day.’

‘I just didn’t feel like I would be doing the captaincy or the players in Team USA justice if I was the captain with everything that I have to do.’

‘That way I can give back to the game in a different way’

A large part of his time is taken up by work for the tour and negotiations with the PIF. Woods never imagined that he would be so involved in the administrative side of things. ‘It’s enjoyable in the sense that I’m able to help the Tour and I’m able to help the next generation of players. Now the players that are coming up now, they have equity in the Tour, and that’s never been done in any major sport in history. It’s a way of me giving back to the game in a different way other than just playing.’ Even if he sometimes wishes he was out on the golf course rather than sitting in a three-hour sub-committee meeting.

The effort seems to be paying off, because he is also happy with the direction in which the negotiations are developing, says Woods. ‘I can tell you that we are making progress,’ he continues, even if he cannot go into details. ‘It’s evolving each and every day. There’s e-mails and chains and texts and ideas that we bounce back and forth from both sides. There’s a good interchange of ideas and thoughts of how the game could look like going forward. It’s just a matter of putting that all together legally. Obviously we have the DOJ with oversight looking into that as well and making sure that we don’t do anything improperly there, as well, but also making sure that all the players benefit from this as well as everyone who’s involved. They want to make money as well. They want to make that return.’

‘We’re now into not just charitable endeavors, we’re into a for-profit model. So we have to make returns.’

‘I will play as long as I feel I can still win the tournament’

And in addition to PIF, PGA and TGL, there is of course Tiger’s own golf game. Because Woods is not yet ready to end the practical part of his career. Only recently, Colin Montgomery called on him to hang up his golf clubs. ‘He didn’t seem to enjoy a single shot at Pinehurst and you think, ‘What the hell is he doing there?’ He’s coming to Troon and he won’t enjoy it there either,’ predicted the 31-time DP World Tour winner, who has a very special connection to Troon, in an interview with the Times of London. ‘There’s a time for all sportsmen to say goodbye, but it’s very difficult to tell Tiger it’s time to go,’ he said. ‘Obviously he still believes he can win. We are more realistic.’

Woods confirms the assumption: ‘I’ll play as long as I can play and I feel I can still win the tournament,’ but also has a very specific answer to Montgomery: ’Well, as a former champion, I’m exempt until I’m 60. Colin is not. He’s not a former champion, so he’s not exempt. So he doesn’t have the ability to make that decision. I do.’ Woods will end his career on his own terms and won’t let Colin Montgomery, a broken back or a car accident dictate the end.

Highlights Tours

The Open Championship 2024: Tee Times for Tiger Woods and Co.


Before Open Championship: Vandalism at Prestwick St. Nicholas Golf Club

Prestwick St Nicholas is what is commonly known as the “Hidden Gem”. The second course at the birthplace of the Open Championship was also laid out by Old Tom Morris – for the tradesmen and labourers of the Scottish west coast town, who could not find a place at the posh Prestwick Golf Course. Old Tom was also only the keeper of the links at the PGC, but a member of “St Nics”, which is only a ten-minute drive from this year’s Open stage at Royal Troon and whose greens have recently been the victim of vandalism.

Prestwick St Nicholas golf club, 10 mins away from Royal Troon was found like this earlier today.
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Consequences for Open Championship 2024

The security measures for the Open and the precautions against attacks by environmental activists, for example, have been stepped up again following this incident at the neighbouring site.

PGA Tour

The 151st Open Championship in Royal Liverpool brings £187m in economic benefit

Between July 18 and 21, the 152nd Open Championship will take place at Royal Troon. The R&A has now published a study on last year’s tournament in Royal Liverpool, which shows the overall economic benefit for the Wirral and the wider Liverpool City Region of the event.

Royal Liverpool: Second highest attended Open Championship in history

The 151st Open attracted 261,180 fans to Hoylake, surpassing the previous attendance of 202,917 at Royal Liverpool in 2014. This made it the second highest attended Open Championship in history, behind only The 150th Open in St Andrews in 2022. So it is not surprising that the event generated an impressive overall economic benefit for the Wirral and the wider Liverpool City Region. A study conducted by Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) speaks of a total economic impact of £43.19 million. In addition there are £144 million of destination marketing benefit as a result of the worldwide broadcast of The 151st Open as shown by independent research led by YouGov Sport. These numbers are the result of engagement on linear television and digital platforms during the week of The Championship. A little reminder: By the way, Brian Harman is the reigning champion at Royal Troon this year.

Compared to the last staging of The Open in Royal Liverpool in 2014, the economic impact has increased by as much as 35%. One in four spectators at the tournament even came from outside England, which further underlines the popularity of the event. This summer, the 152nd Open in Royal Troon is sure to attract a lot of spectators from all over the world once again.

Apparel Equipment Highlights Tours

Team Galvin Green Four-Ball heads to Hoylake in style

Galvin Green, the premium hi-tech apparel brand, has scripted striking outfits for four of its leading Tour ambassadors taking part in The Open Championship at Royal Liverpool this week, including three players on the cusp of making Europe’s Ryder Cup team in September.
They are led by Englishman Jordan Smith – fresh from a strong showing at the Genesis Scottish Open where he finished in a tie for 12 th. Two-time DP World Tour winner Jordan currently occupies 12 th place in the European Ryder Cup standings, followed by former Ryder Cup star Dane Thorbjørn Olesen in 15 th and Sweden’s Alexander Björk in 20 th spot. They will be joined by England’s Laurie Canter, one of the LIV Golf trailblazers.
Here are the colourful, high-performance garments that the four are set to wear as they take on the challenging Hoylake links, in addition to the market-leading Galvin Green outerwear and mid-layers they might need.

The Open Championship 2023: The looks of Galvin Green

Jordan Smith will step on the first tee on Thursday wearing the bold MADDEN short-sleeve shirt featuring a free-flowing wave print in the Navy/White colourway along with the matching NOAH trousers in Navy. Smith’s full-line up of performance-driven designs include:
The MAXIMUS shirt inspired by a still, calm ocean in Sharkskin and NOAH pants in Black; the tri-tone MO shirt offering a contemporary look in the Cool Grey/White/Navy colourway and navy NOAH trousers; MADDEN shirt in the refreshing Cool Grey/White colourway with matching NOAH trousers in Sharkskin.

(Photo: Galvin Green)

Thorbjørn Olesen, winner of the Thailand Classic earlier this year, will be looking to elevate his season with a strong showing at Royal Liverpool wearing the following outfits:
The distinctive MARKOS shirt in a gleaming water-themed print to deliver a supremely eye-catching look paired with the NOAH trousers in the Ensign Blue/Navy and Navy colourways respectively; MADDEN design in the bright Blue/White option and NOAH in White; the MAXIMUS in Sharkskin and NOAH pants in Black; plus the MO shirt in the vibrant Cool Grey/White/Sunny Lime colour and NOAH in Sharkskin.

(Photo: Galvin Green)

Alexander Björk, who has played in Galvin Green apparel since turning Professional in 2009, will sport a selection of athletic looks that include:
The MARKOS shirt in a mesmerising Navy/Orange colourway paired with the NOAH trousers in Navy for a super stylish appearance; vivid MO shirt in Black/White/Sharkskin and black NOAH trousers; distinctively bright MANOLO shirt in a fun print of small lighthouses and tee pegs, along with the NOAH trousers in Sharkskin; plus the MADDEN style in a super vibrant Orange/White colour complemented by the contrasting NOAH trousers in Navy.

(Photo: Galvin Green)

Laurie Canter, who successfully booked his place at the 151 st Open through winning the Final Qualifying event at Royal Porthcawl in challenging conditions, will wear the following outfits:
The MARKOS shirt in Blue/Navy and matching NOAH pants in Navy; MALCOLM shirt in a stylish Black/Sharkskin/Red colour combination that is inspired by the natural beauty of coastal golfing venues and NIXON trousers in Black; trendy MICO shirt designed to project a bird’s eye view of the ocean from above and NIXON pants in Sharkskin; as well as the MADDEN in Navy/White and matching NOAH trousers in Navy.

(Photo: Galvin Green)

“We’ve assembled these top-quality outfits to ensure our Tour Ambassadors look the part and perform at their best on the biggest stage,” said Conor Petters, Marketing Manager UK & Ireland. “Wearing our hi-tech clothes will hopefully give our players the edge to play at their peak and help secure a Ryder Cup spot further down the line in some cases,” he added.
All VENTIL8 PLUS shirts and trousers provide excellent moisture transportation properties and breathability to keep the body dry, while offering UV 20+ protection in warmer temperatures. Easy to maintain, the garments also dry quickly and without the need to iron. To explore the Galvin Green looks that will be worn at Hoylake, visit


The 150th Open at St Andrews generates over £300 million in economic benefit

The historic Championship provided a total economic impact of £106 million to Scotland – new money entering the economy – according to the study conducted by Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC).

Independent research led by YouGov Sport also shows that £201 million of destination marketing benefit was delivered for Scotland, the Home of Golf, as a result of The 150th Open being broadcast worldwide through linear television and digital platforms.

The total economic benefit delivered last year is the highest in the history of the Championship.

Martin Slumbers is proud of the “world-class event”

Martin Slumbers, CEO of The R&A, said, “The 150th Open was a historic occasion for golf which has generated a substantial economic benefit for Scotland thanks to a record-breaking attendance at St Andrews and tens of millions of fans worldwide who watched the Championship broadcast.

“We enjoyed a hugely memorable week in which we welcomed tens of thousands of visitors to the home of golf for perhaps the most eagerly anticipated Open of all time that certainly lived up to its billing. We would like to thank all of our partners for their support and commitment to staging a world-class event.”

Culture Minister Christina McKelvie said, “Scotland is the Home of Golf and this independent report confirms the significant benefit The 150th Open brought to our economy.

“The Scottish Government has a long-standing track record of supporting golf events, including direct support for the annual men’s and women’s Scottish Open. Last year was an unprecedented success for golf events in Scotland, headlined by The 150th Open at St Andrews.”

Spectator influx from all over the world

The 150th Open attracted a Championship record 290,000 fans to St Andrews, surpassing the previous high mark of 239,000 set at the same venue in 2000. The study concluded that Fife alone had received a £61 million injection of new money as tens of thousands of visitors travelled to the region to attend the Championship.

Over half of the spectators who attended The Open (62.3%) travelled from outside of Scotland, including visitors from elsewhere in the UK (31%), the United States of America (19.2%), Canada (2.6%) and Republic of Ireland (2.3%). Around 48% of spectators stated that this was their first visit to The Open and 76% of visitors from overseas were making their inaugural trip to the Championship.

More than half (52%) of all spectators expressed an intention to attend at least one of the next three editions of The Open being played at Royal Liverpool (2023), Royal Troon (2024) and Royal Portrush (2025).

Economic benefit for the entire region

Paul Bush OBE, Director of Events at VisitScotland, said, “2022 marked a momentous year for golf in Scotland with a number of the world’s biggest and most prestigious golf championships returning home to be played over an action packed five weeks. Hosting the historic 150th Open last year in St Andrews, a venue synonymous with the greatest names and most memorable moments in golf, once again underlines the quality, scale and capability which Scotland has when it comes to showcasing major events to both domestic and global audiences.

“Today’s impact figures emphasise the importance of the Championships to both Fife and Scotland, and to the wider post-pandemic recovery with the scale of benefits strengthening another significant chapter in Scotland’s rich golfing history.”

Councillor Altany Craik, Fife Council, said, “We were delighted to welcome record-breaking numbers of visitors to Fife in 2022 for The Open. The past three years have been a very difficult time for tourism, and this provided a very welcome boost to our accommodation providers, restaurants and other tourism-related businesses. The Open is an ideal way to showcase Fife to an international audience, many of whom are visiting for the first time, and I hope that the positive experiences they had mean that many will come back again either for golf or for a holiday. The economic benefit to the area is clear to see, and we congratulate The R&A and partners on hosting such a successful event.”

(Text: The R&A)

Top Tours

The Open – the very first staging in Prestwick

The history of the British Open dates back to 1860, at a time when America is on the verge of a drastic civil war and makes Abraham Lincoln its president in November, things are much more leisurely in Great Britain. In Scotland, a society of golfers comes together to play the first Open Championship on a twelve-hole round on the grounds of Prestwick Golf Club on October 17, 1860.

The Open Tournament Page | News, Leaderboard & Tee Times

First venue of the British Open: Built by a genius
The course at Prestwick Golf Club had been designed by golf’s all-round genius Old Tom Morris, the host club’s greenkeeper at the time, whose son managed the first hole-in-one at the tournament just seven years later. Both dominated the tournament for several years in the beginning.

Later, the competition was held on three different courses, always in alternation, after Young Tom Morris had won the tournament on his father’s course three times in a row. Because the early contests were played on a twelve-hole course, the round was played three times in just one day to reach a total of 36 holes.

Golf on the move
When the first British Open took place, golf was in the midst of a flurry of change. Outside of Great Britain, golf was still barely established at the time – the first German golf club (the Royal Homburger Golf Club and the Wiesbadener Golf-Club are in dispute over the designation of the first German golf club) did not open its doors until the end of the century.

The first ladies’ golf club was founded seven years after the Open premiere, although half a century had passed since the first ladies’ golf tournament at the time of the first Open Championship. Played at Musselburgh – a course that would also host the British Open on a few occasions – it was the first documented ladies’ tournament in the history of golf.

Dynamic period of golf technology
But the sport also underwent some technological changes in the period before and after the first British Open. While hickory shafts were still common at the first Open, by the end of the century experiments would be made with the steel shaft that would later revolutionize the game. Similarly, in 1898, the Haskell ball with a wrapped hard rubber core replaced the gutta-percha ball established in 1848, which had been common at the first and subsequent tournaments.

In 1894, the USGA was founded, which meant that for the first time there was also a regulating institution in golf in the United States. Four years later, the Stableford method of counting was invented and the wooden tee was patented the following year. At the first British Open, moreover, professional golfers were still rare, but participation by amateurs was nevertheless prohibited – so it came about that the first field of participants consisted of only eight golfers.

Top Tours

The Open Rota, the venues of the British Open

The British Open is traditionally played on links courses, alternating between Scotland, England and Northern Ireland. The venues are selected according to a fixed Open Rota principle, in which nine fixed courses (all links courses) alternate.

The Open Rota includes the following courses:

  • The Old Course at St Andrews
  • Carnoustie
  • Royal St George’s
  • Royal Lytham & St Annes
  • Royal Birkdale
  • Turnberry
  • Royal Liverpool
  • Royal Portrush
  • Royal Troon

The only constant in this constant change is: The Old Course. The golf course is part of the British Open every five years. It’s easy to remember: All years ending in 0 and 5 like 2000, 2005, 2010 lead the participants to the course in St Andrews.

Open Rota without clear order or rhythm
The organizer, Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (R&A), selects the Open Rota to fit together as harmoniously as possible – without any clear order or rhythm. In doing so, they coordinate their selections with the clubs’ schedules and construction or renovation plans, for example, or pay attention to the course’s requirements for players.

For example, Royal Birkdale was the venue in 1983, then eight years later in 1991, again seven years later in 1998, and then not again for another ten years in 2008. Royal Liverpool, on the other hand, was the venue for the British Open in 1967 and then not again until almost 40 years later in 2006. With the next venue in 2014, the break was not even close to that long. In 2017, it’s Royal Birkdale’s turn for the tenth time.

Back to The Open Golf – Everything you need to know

Highlights Tours

The Open – Everything you need to know

Every year in July, the world’s golfing elite gather in Great Britain for the The Open. The Open Championship is the oldest of the four major tournaments and the only one held in Europe. The Open was first played in 1860, and today the Claret Jug is one of the most coveted trophies in golf. All the special features, the long history and all the facts about the tournament can be found in this overview.

From the history of the British Open

The special features of the tournament

  • British Open – Cut rule
  • British Open – Qualifying criteria
  • British Open – “Claret Jug” victory award
  • Historic British Open – The most important events