PGA Tour

Rory McIlroy: “I feel like I play well enough to win tournaments.”

Following his first round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational on the PGA Tour Rory McIlroy was very pleased with his form and the outcome of day one. In a post round interview he discussed his play and his feelings about the course and youngsters like Will Zalatoris. Read the interview here:

Q.  Rory, they talk about golf courses fitting a guy’s eye, Graeme said that about you. Is there something about the mental component when you get to Bay Hill because you’ve done so well here?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, I think you turn up at any golf course where you’ve had success, and automatically you’re going to have some confidence coming in. I’ve shot some really nice scores here. I think the last couple of years I’ve opened up the tournament really well with scores similar to what I shot today.

Yeah, I feel there’s a nice flow to this golf course where you can really build a score. You have par-5s, one every few holes, and you’ve got a couple of scorable par-4s. As long as you don’t do anything stupid and you keep it in play, you feel like you can sort of methodically build a score on this golf course. That’s what I tried to do today.

I played the par-5s particularly well, and that was the bulk of the score. I’ve sort of said this all along. I don’t feel like you need to do anything — like you can play within yourself here and still shoot a good score, I feel, if you’re just disciplined and pick off the birdies where you’re supposed to.

Q.  Can you talk more about your stellar play on the par-5s.

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, I hit a couple of really good long irons into a couple of them. I hit a 4-iron into 12 and a 4-iron into 6. They were probably two of the best long irons I hit in a while. So when I start hitting long irons like that, I know my swing’s in a pretty good place. Seeing shots like that certainly gives me some confidence.

Q.  And do you prepare differently as the course conditions get tougher?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, I was actually pretty surprised at how firm the greens were already. From the Pro-Am yesterday, we played at a similar time to today. The golf course is firmed up already. I think with this weather and the sort of warmer weather that’s coming over the weekend, it’s just going to get more and more firm as the week goes on. Then that places a premium so much more on just getting the ball in play. Fairways and greens and just being really disciplined with your game.

Q.  You talked about 6 yesterday, specifically the tee shot and having choices. When you hit a shot like you did there today, does it embolden you to be maybe more aggressive the rest of the weekend?

RORY MCILROY: That was as far left as it needed to be. I was trying to hit it into that fat part of the green, like that front third. I did — the wind maybe took it a little further left than I wanted to. I hit it well enough I knew it was always going to cover.

No, I mean, you just — that hole, you’re trying to get your tee shot away. Then if you do, you’re just trying to from there just get the ball down in three and make a birdie and move on.

Q.  Rory, Adam was just over here talking about how nice it is to play with you. He likes watching your swing. He thinks it maybe rubs off. Isn’t it sort of the same about him?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, any time I play with Adam, it’s a good pairing. We chat about all sorts of stuff. I feel like we’ve got quite a bit in common. Yeah, anyone could watch Adam Scott swing the club all day long. He’s got a nice rhythm.

Yeah, it’s nice. If he feeds off me, I certainly think I feed off him a little bit too.

Q.  Do you like having no runoffs or fewer runoffs around these greens? Why or why not?

RORY MCILROY: Not. I prefer the runoffs. I think it separates the good chippers from the bad chippers. I feel like, when you miss a green when the rough is like this, you know, it’s half skill, half guesswork, luck. There’s a little bit more that goes in. I think, whenever you miss greens and there’s runoffs and it gives you options, I think that’s where the guys with the better short games separate themselves. So that’s why I like runoffs. I like that style.

So, yeah, I don’t particularly understand why they did that this year, but it presents a different challenge. You just have to adapt to that.

Q.  Do you think most TOUR players like the thick rough, though, because as long as they know the lies, they kind of —

RORY MCILROY: It certainly makes it a little simpler if you don’t feel like you’ve got a great short game. But like even next week, for example, wherever that second cut is, it’s not too long, I think even a cut like that, I feel like the guys can really show their skill around the greens if they have that skill.

And it’s fun to see. I think that’s the other thing with — it’s fun to see different shots and you can play it certain ways. Obviously, a setup like this this week, that takes that out of the equation. You basically miss a green, and you’ve pretty much got just blast it out and try to hole the putt.

Q.  Rory, you’ve won early in the year versus not winning early in the year. Does it mean anything? Does it matter?

RORY MCILROY: It’s nice to win just regardless. I mean, regardless of when it comes in the season, it’s nice to win. Or in the year. This is my fourth start of the calendar year, and I’ve had one really good chance to win and probably one other half chance.

Yeah, I feel like I’m playing well enough to have chances to win golf tournaments, but all you can ask of yourself is to keep putting yourself in those positions on Sundays, and then you see where your game really is. Hopefully, this is another week where I put myself in a position where I can really see where my game is when the pressure’s on.

Q.  In Dubai on that Sunday, that seemed to sting you.

RORY MCILROY: Standing on the — after birdieing 13, standing on the 14th tee with a one or two-shot lead with five holes to go, and I did all the — in Dubai, I did all the hard stuff right. I made par on 14, par on 15, par on 16. And then you’ve got two gettable holes on 17, 18, and those are the holes where I made the mistake.

So I did the hard part, and whenever the opportunity came to sort of shut the door and win the tournament, I didn’t do that. I think that was what was most frustrating about that.

Q.  I think I heard you say that you felt you had a turning point in your putting, one of the earlier interviews. When was that, and what did you find?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, like putting is — like with putting, I feel half the battle is already done before you hit the ball — reading the green, getting your setup right, aiming the putter. I think I just got a little bit lax on that side of things.

I’ve actually really enjoyed not having a green book. I feel like it’s got me more into the putts. I feel like I’m more — I’m not consulting a green book as much. Honestly, I feel like it’s benefited me these last few weeks, and that’s been a nice thing.

It’s just been a little bit setup, just a little bit of setup, and a little bit more green reading and practicing that. Those two things have — those have stayed constant, and I’ve putted well because of that.

Q.  Did you find that on your own, your caddie, or Fax?

RORY MCILROY: A little bit of both. I was putting with Fax before going to the Middle East, and I just felt like I started to creep a little too far away from the ball. Eye line was a little too far inside, and what happens then is my right arm leaves my side. I really like, if I can keep my right arm in my side and the shaft plane and my right arm match up, it sort of becomes almost automatic from there. It’s almost like your right arm acts as a piston, and that’s the feel I like. Just setting up like that and having that constant is important for me.

Q.  Rory, as someone who came up young and was pretty polished on and off the golf course as you were, I’m curious what your impression is of Will Zalatoris. While you’ve gotten to know him. He hasn’t been out here that long. What do you see in his game and how he handles himself?

RORY MCILROY: Great player, obviously. Hell of a ball striker. Drives the crap out of it. Hits his irons good. He’s got a nice flight. He can hit it up in the air. I don’t know him that well. I don’t even know if I’ve played with him on TOUR at this point, but from what I’ve seen with him obviously playing in front of us today and watching him on TV, he seems like a great kid. Kid — I can’t believe I’m saying kid. He seems like a great kid with a lot of potential and a really bright future.

Q.  On the rough, is it around the greens, is it a hit and hope, or do you have a certain distance you take it back if you have to hack it out ten yards?

RORY MCILROY: It depends on the lie. Some are hit and hopes, and others, if you get a decent lie, it’s more technique-based. But there’s a little bit of both in there.

Q.  Off the fairway, does it cost you a shot?

RORY MCILROY: You’d have to look at the stats, but it’s probably close to it.

Q.  When you’re in position to win, do you feel like you’re supposed to?

RORY MCILROY: When I’m in a position to win? Like Dubai, for example?

Q.  Anything.

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, I think with the experience that I have and the tournaments that I have closed out in my career, if you’re two ahead with five to play, I think you should win that, yeah.

Q.  Generally in position on Sunday, I guess your attitude if you don’t, on your reflection time, is it always something that you blame yourself, or is it ever something where you acknowledge doing something different?

RORY MCILROY: Sometimes someone just plays better than you and you’ve done all that you can. You’re always going to nitpick and think there’s things you could have done better. I’d say 25 percent of the time it’s someone’s just played better than you and you’ve given it your all. But I’d say three-quarters of the time there’s self-error in there somewhere.

PGA Tour

Rory McIlroy: ” I’m maybe a little more outspoken than other guys in our game.”

Among the players, Rory McIlroy is considered one of the loudspeakers on the PGA Tour. The Northern Irishman forms an opinion on many topics and tries to classify current events. At the press conference before the Arnold Palmer Invitational, McIlroy explains why he thinks it’s important to express his opinion and what he thinks of the current discussion surrounding PIP and Phil Mickelson. Read the complete interview here:

Q: Rory, you’re going to be making your eighth start here. What is it like to be back, especially as a past champion?

RORY MCILROY: Yeah, it’s always good to be back at Bay Hill. I didn’t play this event for the first few years of my career and finally came here in 2015, and I don’t think I’ve missed a tournament since.

We all know what Arnold Palmer means to the PGA TOUR and to the game of golf in general. So it’s always nice to be here and try to sort of remember his legacy and remember what he meant to everyone. He was probably the catalyst with maybe a few other guys of why we’re here today and why the game of professional golf is at such a high level.

So nice to be here, nice to pay our respects. Looking forward to another good week.

Q: And as you stated, you haven’t missed a tournament since you started, have five consecutive top tens here. What about this course and this tournament really clicks with your game?

It’s one of these courses that I don’t feel like I have to do anything special to compete. I can play within myself. You take care of the par-5s here. You play conservatively the rest of the way, especially how the golf course here has been set up the past few years. You play for your pars, and then you try to pick off birdies on the par-5s and some of the easier holes. If you just keep doing that day after day, you’re going to find yourself around the top of the leaderboard.

Yeah, it’s been a course that’s fit my eye from the first time I played here, and just one of those courses that I enjoy coming back to and feel like I can contend at.

Q: Rory, congratulations on finishing third, I think, on the PIP.

Thanks (laughter).

Q: Do you understand exactly why you ended up third, and were there any surprises on the list for you when you saw the top ten?

Not really. I mean, you look at the ten guys that are on there, and they’re the ten guys that have been at the top of the game or have been around the top of the game for a long time. Obviously, everyone’s seen the five metrics that go into it and how everyone ranked in those metrics. I feel like it’s a pretty self-explanatory system. That’s how the numbers sort of rolled out.

Yeah, it’s certainly not something that I’m checking up on every week to see where I’m at, but I think it went the way most of us expected it to go.

QAlso, as you ramp up for this big stretch of golf tournaments, what are you kind of waiting to see in your game. What is it you’re kind of looking for as you do the run-up?

Just consistency. I mean, I felt like the three tournaments that I’ve played this year, I’ve played pretty well. I had a pretty solid week at Riviera without doing anything really special. I had a good weekend.

I think just more of the same. I’ve driven the ball pretty well. I’ve seen a bit of improvement in iron play. My short game’s been really good. If anything, just getting the consistency to a point where I feel like I can play like that day in and day out.

But the game feels good, so just sort of trying to keep doing what I’m doing.

Q: Rory, given your stature and success in the game, it gives you a voice. Do you feel though that, even if you weren’t a world renowned golfer, you would still speak out about injustices you see? And why are you that way?

Look, I’ll only voice my opinion on things that I believe I’m educated in and believe that I have a right to talk about. So there’s certainly things that I won’t get into just because I’m not completely educated on that topic and feel like giving an opinion probably isn’t the right thing to do.

But when it comes to golf and PGA TOUR stuff, I feel like I’m pretty educated on that stuff. And I guess with that voice comes responsibility to try to do the right thing. That’s all I try to do. I try to make comments or speak about things to do the right thing, and that’s the reason I’m maybe a little more outspoken than other guys in our game.

Again, it doesn’t go much further than the game of golf because I feel comfortable talking about that, but when you sort of delve into other things, I don’t think it’s my place to get into that.

QSpeaking of education, I thought I read something about you once that you wanted to drop out of school in like the fifth grade?

I did drop out of school in — well, not the fifth grade (laughter). I dropped out of school pretty early, yeah.

QWhat does that say about you, if anything, that you’ve got this appetite for knowledge, for learning, for reading, and hated school?

Learnt my lesson. I didn’t have — I just had no — I had no academic ambitions when I was a youngster. I don’t know, I think I got to a point in golf where I was pretty — all I wanted to do when I was young was play golf. Didn’t care about school. Didn’t want to go. Wanted to just go practice, play golf. And now all I do most every day is go practice and play golf.

So I have other things I want to do and hobbies. I think as you get older, you get interested in more things and maybe just become a little more curious. I’ve sort of become that way. But, again, I’m the first one to say I don’t know — I know a little about a lot, but I’m not as smart on a lot of things as I am maybe on golf and things in and around this world.

Q: One more golf question. Finchem probably back in ’10 had talked about this idea of somewhat of a world tour schedule and also how difficult it would be to put together. They’ve been trying for a long time. Do you get a sense that, given the dynamics of golf right now, that it could be getting closer to that and that it would still be just as difficult to implement?

So I certainly think there’s been steps taken that have got us closer to that point. Obviously, this strategic alliance between DP World Tour and the PGA TOUR, PGA TOUR buying a stake in European Tour Productions, Jay having a seat on the board in Europe, they’re certainly working much closer together, which is a great thing. I think it needs to be that way.

The game of professional golf, everyone needs to be trying to pull in the same direction instead of pulling against each other. I think we’re getting closer to that spot. I think it would be easy for — it’s not as simple as this, but the guys at the PGA TOUR could just literally walk down the street to the guys in the ATP and just have a chat about what they do.

It’s two very, very different structures and different schedules, but I think there is a path where one day there could be — it might still be two Tours running side by side parallel to each other, but basically for — it would be a global tour, a global schedule.

Q: Would it be important for Europe’s identity?

I think so. I think there’s quite a long history and tradition and heritage there. You go back to — yeah, the formation of the European Tour wasn’t that long after the PGA TOUR. I think European Tour was in the ’70s, and PGA TOUR was in the late ’60s. So there’s history there that you would like to keep.

QAre you surprised that so many golfers and sponsors have separated themselves, distanced themselves from Phil, who’s one of the legends of the game, or do you think his comments were so volatile that that was necessary? And how unfortunate is the whole situation?

It is unfortunate. I think Phil has been a wonderful ambassador for the game of golf, still is a wonderful ambassador for the game of golf. It’s unfortunate that a few comments that he thought he was making in confidence or off the record got out there and were — not used against him, but this whole situation is unfortunate.

Look, Phil will be back. I think the players want to see him back. He’s done such a wonderful job for the game of golf, and he’s represented the game of golf very, very well for the entirety of his career.

Look, we all make mistakes. We all say things we want to take back. No one is different in that regard. But we should be allowed to make mistakes, and we should be allowed to ask for forgiveness and for people to forgive us and move on. Hopefully, he comes back at some stage, and he will, and people will welcome him back and be glad that he is back.

QI know you to be a student of the world and what’s going on and you’ve traveled all over the world. The world is such a tender place right now. What do you do to sort of put that aside so you can focus on your day job?

I try to look at the news once a day and sort of leave it at that. You sort of try to keep up to date with current events and everything that’s happening. I guess I have to understand that sitting in my position right here in Orlando, Florida, there’s not much that I can say or do that’s going to help the situation. So I can just focus on what’s most important to me, which is my family and my golf, and live my life.

THE MODERATOR: That’s all the time we have for questions. Rory, we thank you for taking the time to talk with us, and we wish you the best of luck this week.

PGA Tour

Tiger Woods wins the PGA Tour’s Player Impact Program

The top 10 of the Player Impact Programme for 2021 have been announced – and Tiger Woods walks away with eight million US dollars. The superstar leads the ranking just ahead of Phil Mickelson, who had already claimed the title on Twitter, and Rory McIlroy, the PGA Tour announced on Wednesday. The objective bonus programme is designed to reward players who generate positive interest in the PGA Tour, with the top ten players being paid a total of 40 million US dollars.

Tiger Woods: No tournament on the PGA Tour, still winner

The fact that the winner of this ranking is Tiger Woods comes as a surprise only because the 46-year-old was seriously injured in a car accident a year ago and has not played an official tournament since. But the PNC Championship at the end of last year may have been the deciding factor, when Woods came second with his son Charlie, played amazingly good golf again and thrilled the masses – NBC Sports reported 53 percent more viewers than the year before. It is precisely this attention that is rewarded in the Player Impact Programme, which is made up of a total of five categories: Google searches, Meltwater mention (mentions in the global media), MVP Index (reach in social media), Nielson Score (visibility during TV broadcasts of the PGA Tour on tournament weekends) and the Q-Score, which indicates the general level of awareness.

Player Impact Progamm Preisgeld
1. Tiger Woods 8 Mio. US-Dollar
2. Phil Mickelson 6 Mio. US-Dollar
3. Rory McIlroy 3,5 Mio. US-Dollar
4. Jordan Spieth 3,5 Mio. US-Dollar
5. Bryson DeChambeau 3,5 Mio. US-Dollar
6. Justin Thomas 3,5 Mio. US-Dollar
7. Dustin Johnson 3 Mio. US-Dollar
8. Brooks Koepka 3 Mio. US-Dollar
9. Jon Rahm 3 Mio. US-Dollar
10. Bubba Watson 3 Mio. US-Dollar

Looking at the more detailed breakdown of the individual scores, it is noticeable that the 15-time major winner leads the Google Searches, Meltwater Mention and Q-Score categories (and thus 3 out of 5 categories). This is not surprising, as Woods is the poster boy of golf and has repeatedly been a topic in the media, especially due to his serious accident. The record PGA Tour winner was “only” 43rd in the Nielsen score, which is quite remarkable in view of the fact that he only played one tournament.

Koepka and DeChambeau cash in

In this category, ” broadcast time”, Bryson DeChambeau is the leader, the 28-year-old also lands in third place in Meltwater mentions. So the “Brooks-Bryson-feud” seems to have paid off for the “Mad Scientist” and Brooks Koepka, as both stars land in the top 1o of the ranking and get a few extra bucks.

Surprisingly, Bubba Watson also made it into the top ten of the PIP. The 43-year-old wins the MVP Index category, i.e. has the greatest reach in social media, and does really well in Q-Score as third, compensating for the weaker categories. (The top 9 in each of the categories Google Searches and Meltwater Mention also occupy the first nine ranks in the PIP.) Collin Morikawa has already won quite a lot at the age of 24, but narrowly misses the top 10 in this ranking in eleventh place.

Player Impact Program: Payout tied to conditions

However, the stars of the PGA Tour only receive the money under two conditions: First, they have to participate in a “sponsor’s function”, such as an interview, Q&A session, dinner or similar, and second, they have to play an agreed tournament on the PGA Tour in order to collect the money. According to these regulations, the winner of the Player Impact Programme, Tiger Woods, only gets the money if he competes in a PGA Tour tournament that he has not played in the last four years. It is not known whether there is an exception for the superstar because of his special circumstances. For the coming year, the prize money pool has been increased by another ten million, so there will be a total of 50 million US dollars for the idols of golf.


Portrait: Sepp Straka – first Austrian-born winner on PGA Tour

Sepp Straka is one of the few Austrian professional golfers currently playing on the world’s major tours. At the Honda Classic he achieved something that no Austrian had ever done before: he left the rest of the field behind him at a PGA Tour tournament and climbed to the top of the leaderboard. In the world rankings, he thus moved into the top 100. What is behind the sympathetic Austrian and his path to becoming a professional golfer?

Sepp Straka crossed the Atlantic at an early age

Sepp Straka was practically born to play golf. His American mother and his Austrian father met while buying golf gloves in Salzburg, Austria. On 1 May 1993, Josef “Sepp” Straka was born – two minutes after his older twin brother Sam. The two boys initially spent their childhood in Austria mainly on the football pitch, with Sepp beeing the goalkeeper. When the two took part in a one-week golf camp at the age of eleven, no one imagined that this would be the start of an impressive career. Big brother Sam decided for himself and Sepp that they would play a bit of golf from then on. But it soon turned out that the Straka boys had talent. At the Fontana Golf Club in Oberwaltersdorf, they evolved into hard-working golfers who played their way into the junior national team of Austria.

When the sons were 14, the family decided to move to America. Here the basis for Straka’s career on the PGA Tour was laid. Besides finishing school and studying business administration in the US state of Georgia, Sepp and Sam continued to swing their golf clubs eagerly. Sepp initially remained in his brother’s shadow for years. While Sam Straka was then unable to gain a professional career, Sepp applied to the Q-School of the Korn Ferry Tour and European Challenge Tour, which offered him a suitable platform for the switch to the PGA Tour.

On PGA Tour since 2019

In 2019, Straka became the first Austrian to qualify for the PGA Tour. Since then, he has been trying to compete against the best golfers in the world. His biggest successes here so far have included a third-place finish at the 2019 Barbasol Championship and several other top-10 finishes. In 2021, Sepp Straka represented the country of his birth, Austria, at the Olympic Games. His brother Sam supported him as a caddie at his side. With a record round on day 1, Straka initially took the lead in Tokyo, but then finished the tournament in tenth place.

February 2022: Straka makes history on PGA Tour

For Sepp Straka, a long-cherished dream came true at the Honda Classic in February 2022: It is not only the first victory on the PGA Tour for him personally, but also the first victory ever by an Austrian on the PGA Tour. In Florida, he not only received fame and honour, but also 1.44 million US dollars in prize money, a place in the top 100 of the world rankings for the first time and an invitation to The Masters 2022. In the winner’s interview, Straka described his appearance at the Major tournament in Augusta as a “lifelong dream”.

PGA Tour

PGA Tour: Phil Mickelson no longer hosts the American Express

After his controversial and insulting statements about the PGA Tour and a possible Saudi Golf League, Phil Mickelson is facing severe consequences. Although the 51-year-old had apologised and announced a break from professional golf, several long-time partners of the six-time major winner ended their partnership. Now the PGA Tour has also announced that it will end its cooperation as host of the American Express.

PGA Tour: Phil Mickelson no longer host

As the “Desert Sun” reports, the PGA Tour has confirmed that Phil Mickelson will no longer return to La Quinta, California, as host in 2023. In addition, the Mickelson Foundation, which was established in 2019 specifically for the American Express, will no longer be part of the tournament. This is the PGA Tour’s way of responding to “Lefty’s” statements, with which he had taken a tough stand against the American professional tour. Mickelson and his foundation had been the official host of the American Express since 2020 and were originally supposed to hold that role until (at least) 2024. Who will take over this role from next year has not yet been decided.

Sponsors cut ties

Previously, personal sponsors had also cut the ties and ended or paused their cooperation with Mickelson. Callaway, the equipment manufacturer of the 45-time PGA Tour winner declared to pause the partnership. “Callaway does not condone Phil Mickelson’s comments and we were very disappointed in his choice of words — they in no way reflect our values or what we stand for as a company,” it said in a statement to “Phil has apologized and we know he regrets how he handled recent events. We recognize his desire to take time away from the game and respect that decision. We recognise his desire to take time out from the game and respect that decision.” After this unspecified time off, the partnership will be re-evaluated, the statement added.

However, other sponsors of the superstar came up with even harder consequences. KMPG, Workday and Amstel Light (Heineken) have all ended their cooperation with the World Golf Hall of Famer. “At this time, Workday and Phil Mickelson have mutually and amicably agreed to not renew our brand sponsorship that ends this March,” a Workday spokesperson told Golf Digest on Friday. KPMG had also “mutually agreed” to part ways with Mickelson, he added. Similarly, Heineken, the parent company of Amstel Light, announced that it was going “separate ways”.

European Tour

Ten U.S. Open spots available via European Qualifying Series

The USGA has confirmed the spots in the field at The Country Club, Brookline, will be allocated to the top ten aggregate points earners, not otherwise exempt, at the conclusion of the mini-series consisting of: the Betfred British Masters Hosted by Danny Willett (May 5-8), the Soudal Open (May 12-15), Dutch Open (May 26-29) and the Porsche European Open (June 2-5).

It is the third consecutive year the European Qualifying Series has taken place in this format having previously been a 36-hole European Final Qualifying event. Local Qualifying will also take place at 109 sites in the United States and Canada from April 25-May 23, followed by Final Qualifying on Monday May 23 and Monday June 6.

The third edition of the European Qualifying Series

Keith Waters, the DP World Tour’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “The European Qualifying Series has been a big success since it was introduced in 2020, so we are pleased to continue our collaboration with the USGA again this year.

“The series adds further excitement and focus on our events, which take place in four different European countries in England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. We therefore look forward to offering our players the chance to secure one of the coveted ten spots in the field at The Country Club, Brookline, in June.”

Last year, Marcus Armitage, Richard Bland, Dave Coupland, Thomas Detry, Adrian Meronk, Guido Migliozzi, Edoardo Molinari, Jordan Smith and Matthew Southgate earned their places in the field at Torrey Pines via the European Qualifying Series.

Italian Migliozzi went on to finish in a share of fourth position in just his second Major Championship appearance, four shots behind winner Jon Rahm of Spain.

Live Panorama PGA Tour

Phil Mickelson: “The PGA Tour is a dictatorship disguised as a democracy”.

Phil Mickelson has been in the headlines repeatedly for weeks and months. The reason for this is not his sporting achievements but his comments on the Saudi Golf League. In November, he spoke with Alan Shipnuck about his motives for his Saudi lobbying. In the conversation with Shipnuck, the American compares his (actual) home tour to a dictatorship and at the same time justifies his looking the other way when it comes to the origin of Saudi money.

Phil Mickelson: “They’re scary motherf_s to get involved with”

Phil Mickelson is well aware of who is behind the Saudi Golf League: “We know they murdered [Washington Post reporter and U.S. resident Jamal] Khashoggi and have a terrible human rights record. They execute people there because they are gay. Why would I even consider that, knowing all that?” For Mickelson, the answer is clearly summed up in one point: “Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reshape the way the PGA Tour operates.

They were able to deal with manipulative, coercive, strong-arm tactics because we, the players, had no way to fight back. As nice as [PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan] comes across, if you don’t have leverage, he’s not going to do the right thing. And the Saudi money has finally given us that leverage.” So it’s all about Mickelson taking a swipe at the PGA Tour and making big bucks in the process. But he doesn’t seem entirely convinced about the new league, as he let slip to Shipnuck. “I’m not sure I even want the SGL to succeed, but just the idea of it allows us to work things out with the PGA Tour.”

“The PGA Tour is sitting on billions of dollars”.

In the further course of the interview, Phil Mickelson explains his dissatisfaction and criticism of the PGA Tour’s media handling. He is concerned with the possible assets behind the media rights and image materials of the players and tournaments. According to Mickelson, these are worth billions of dollars in NFTs. But these digital value tokens of individual images are not due to the PGA Tour, according to Mickelson, but to the players who are featured on the media. “I don’t want to say it’s annoying, but it’s definitely beyond frustrating,” Mickelson said of the image and media rights situation.

“The Tour is sitting on billions of dollars worth of NFTs,” Mickelson said in the interview. “All of that has to belong to the players. We made these shots, we created these moments, we should be the ones benefiting from it.” Mickelson’s biggest point of criticism is the PGA Tour’s handling of its revenue. “How the hell is it legal for them to have that kind of money at their disposal?” he asks Shipnuck, noting that the Tour is actually a nonprofit organization. Mickelson promptly provides the answer himself, “Not at all. But they want more and more. They have to control everything. Their egos don’t allow them to make the concessions they need.”

“The PGA Tour is a dictatorship”

Mickelson has harsh words for the PGA Tour and the way it operates: “The Tour acts like it’s a democracy, but it’s really a dictatorship. Instead of catering to the broad mass of players, the PGA Tour only supports the top players, he says. Mickelson would like to see a turnaround and a better perception of the large mass of “middle-class players. He wants to achieve this with the Saudi money and the pressure on the American tour behind it.

Live Panorama

Tiger Woods confirms that he will be back

Just over a year ago, Tiger Woods was involved in a devastating accident and nearly lost his life. The coming months were an up and down ride on his way back to a normal life. This week the Genesis Invitational is taking place at Riviera Country Club, Tiger Woods is also part of the tournament. He is unfortunately not yet fit enough to play himself, but will be at the tournament this week as Tournament Host. In a press conference on Wednesday of the tournament week, the 46-year-old commented on his health, how things will continue for him in professional sports and what he thinks about Mickelson’s accusations against the tour.

When will Tiger Woods make his comeback?

“Will I be back? Yes. Am I coming back and play a full tournament schedule? No,” he asked, answering. “That’s never going to happen again. I can play a few events here and there, but at a full-time level, no, that’s never going to happen again.” Tiger Woods’ press conference before the start of this year’s Genesis Invitational on the PGA Tour is sobering for his fans.

Many of the day’s questions revolved around his rehabilitation back to the Tour and how his fitness and golf game are faring. For him, and certainly for his supporters, the process is slow, perhaps too slow to have high hopes for a comeback anytime soon. When asked how his health and his game on the tour are doing, and if he is making much progress, he admitted: “Short game, yes, I can do that. As for the long game, no, that’s not going so well yet, because that means more strain, more rotation of the leg,” he said. “I still have a long way to go. My leg wasn’t in a good position about a year ago, and I had to go through a lot of different surgeries and scenarios.”

“Will I have sore muscles? Yes, but I can handle it.”

The possible comeback to professional golf seems a very long way off. A reporter asked him if he could imagine, or if it would even be physically possible, to play in the par-3 contest before the Masters and if a comeback was possible via that route. Woods clarified: “I’m talking about playing golf. By that I mean practice rounds plus a pro-am day, or if it’s a major, it’s even more,” he explained. “It’s the competitive nature of it that takes a toll on you mentally, physically and emotionally. I didn’t prepare for any of that. Going for a walk and playing a par-3 contest, I can handle that. Will I have sore muscles? Yes, but I can handle it.”

While this statement does not rule out possible participation, the answers Tiger has at the ready show one thing very clearly: golf like it used to be is still a very long way off for him, perhaps even completely impossible. His focus 12 months after the accident is still on the basics: “I’m still working on running. My foot was a little banged up about a year ago, so running is something I’m still working on, strength and development in that area. That takes time.”

Tiger Woods optimistic about players’ media rights

Tiger Woods, despite these adverse circumstances in his life, is grateful for what he still has after that fatal day. However, you can clearly see the frustration and strain on him. “The fact that I still have my right leg is great,” said Woods, who turned 46 in December. “I still have a lot of problems with it, but it’s mine and I’m very grateful for that. What’s frustrating is that it’s not on my schedule. I want to be at a certain point, but I’m not. To keep working, and getting better, yes, but not at the speed and pace I would like. You also have to consider the age factor. The healing process is not as fast anymore, which is frustrating.”

On the sidelines of his health issue, the conversation also briefly turned to Phil Mickelson’s statements and how Tiger Woods felt about them. The former world No. 1 was cautious in his comments on the subject. He is of the opinion that the media rights are a topic for Jay Monahan – Tour Commissioner of the PGA Tour. However, he said he was convinced that good talks were being held between the players and the tour and hoped that an agreement would be reached soon between the individual parties.

PGA Tour

240 million dollar offer and tour break: Bryson DeChambeau clears up rumours

In the past few weeks, various rumours have been circulating about the American Bryson DeChambeau. The offer for a move to the Saudi Golf League is said to have been significantly increased and DeChambeau has announced that he no longer wants to play on the PGA Tour. Last Monday, the Major winner posted a statement in which he tried to clarify his current situation.

Bryson DeChambeau: “This is just another erroneous report”

At the recent Waste Management Phoenix Open, Charley Hoffman caused a stir by getting upset with the PGA Tour via Instagram after the second day. Hofmann collected two penalty strokes for what he considered a correct drop on the water and accused the PGA Tour of a “lack of responsibility” and “lack of protection for players”. Among other pros, Bryson DeChambeau also reacted to Hoffman’s strong criticism and commented that he wholeheartedly agreed. In addition, rumours surfaced that DeChambeau’s offer for a move to the Saudi Golf League had been increased to over $200 million. “That’s just another erroneous report,” the 28-year-old countered the rumour mill surrounding his person.

DeChambeau justifies tour break with injury

Furthermore, it was reported on the golf podcast “No Laying Up” that DeChambeau had apparently said at the Saudi International that he would not play on the PGA Tour again. “The information that I know from very reputable sources is the current state of affairs,” No Laying Up confirmed. DeChambeau’s cancellation for this week’s Genesis Invitational further fuelled the rumour of his move to the Saudi League. But Bryson DeChambeau also addressed his current break in his latest statement, stressing that he is in the process of healing his hand and hip injuries. The two injuries also forced the Major winner to pull out of the Saudi International. “Any news about my health or my game plan will come directly from me and my team,” the 28-year-old added, concluding by mentioning that he was looking forward to being back soon and seeing everyone again.

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PGA Tour

Hole-in-one at 16! – Sam Ryder makes the crowd go crazy

You couldn’t pick a better place for the first hole-in-one of your career. At the Waste Management Phoenix Open, Sam Ryder hits the perfect shot on what is probably the biggest party hole on the PGA Tour and makes the crowd go crazy.

The 32-year-old played the ball with a 54-degree wedge onto the green at the 124 yard par-3, the ball bounced briefly and rolled into the hole! After that, the cheers knew no bounds. Sam Ryder himself jumped into his caddie’s arms, high-fived his group partners and could hardly believe his luck. “Still kind of coming down off the adrenaline,” Ryder said, “it was pretty crazy.”

But it was not only a special moment for the golfer: the numerous fans at the legendary hole, which is completely surrounded by grandstands, knew no bounds. No one in the spectator stands was left dry, drinks were ecstatically spread into the air and cups were hurled onto the course. The 16th hole was a party mile and the title sponsor of the tournament was able to pursue his main occupation. The clean-up lasted about fifteen minutes before Brian Harman and his group could continue their round. For the spectators, too, the hole-in-one was unique: “The craziest thing I have ever seen” and “the greatest experience of my life”.

First Ace on 16 since 2015

The ace on the 16th at TPC Scottsdale was the first since Francesco Molinari teed off at the same spot in 2015. It also brings back memories of other legendary hole-in-ones like Tiger Woods’ 25 years ago. For Sam Ryder, however, it’s quickly getting down to daily business. The American brought an even-par round into the clubhouse and will start Sunday’s final round in tied 29th place. “I’ll try and get ready for tomorrow and hopefully have a good day and finish the tournament strong,” Ryder said. He will, however, make sure that the staff around the event are well compensated: “All the drinks on me!”