Highlights Tours

Ryder Cup: Captain Conference

Media Conference

JOHN DEVER: On behalf of the PGA of America, we want to thank everyone joining us remotely and those of us with us on site at Whistling Straits for the 43rd Ryder Cup in Wisconsin.

We are joined by joined by our two esteemed captains. On my left, Steve Stricker from the United States, and on my right, European Captain Padraig Harrington

Gentlemen, both of you, thanks so much for not only being with us today but all week. We understand it’s a busy, busy time. And we’re grateful for all of your thoughts and insights.

Captain Harrington, we will begin with you. As we gather here on the shores of Lake Michigan, a year later than intended what are your prevailing thoughts and what is your mindset for the team and the journey to get here?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Obviously to get here, it’s been three years, but now that we are here, it seems quick, certainly the end of the journey is quick. We traveled here today. Seems to be a great atmosphere amongst the lads.

Very happy with the work The European Tour has done behind the scenes and our team room is brilliant back at the hotel and here. We moved a lot around in the Champions’ locker room and looks comfortable, looks great. They have done a good job with that. Couldn’t be happier.

We are ready to go. Have got a few videos they have made and the guys will see that this evening and start seeing some of those. Really we’re in a position that we’re ready at this stage. Obviously there will be plenty of unknowns during the week but at this stage, we are prepared for everything and ready to go

JOHN DEVER: Captain Stricker, this is a home Ryder Cup for the first time in five years in the United States but quite literally home for you, being a native of Wisconsin. How excited are you to showcase Wisconsin as a backdrop for the greatest event in golf.

STEVE STRICKER: Thank you, very honored and humbled to be representing Team USA. Padraig, welcome to Wisconsin. We’ve got to get you a cheese head — have you ever seen those?

It’s been a long time coming. Fans love sporting events and golf is a big part of Wisconsin, as well. We are at the home of basically Herb Kohler and his family, and the family that got golf put on the map here in Wisconsin.

So we are showcasing everything right here in our great state. They are looking forward to it, and we can’t wait to get the ball rolling on Friday.

JOHN DEVER: Well, we’re rolling now. Let’s hit the floor for some questions.

Steve Stricker’s journey to becoming the USA team captain

Q. Did you ever imagine in your days at Lake Ripley or Edgerton Towne that you would be sitting here one day in the culmination of so much that you’ve worked for?

STEVE STRICKER: No, not really. It’s been an unbelievable journey. I think back to childhood golf at those two courses you talked about, and just all the years playing on Tour. I personally never thought I would be in this position to captain The Ryder Cup Team.

But again, very honored and happy. It’s a great position. It’s fun to be a part of it. Again, very honored and humbled to be doing it.

But yeah, you know, you just look back at all the things that have taken place throughout my career, and this was not on my radar for sure. So extremely happy to be a part of it and we look forward to it for sure.

An update on Koepka

Q. Can you just give us an update on Brooks Koepka and how the wrist is doing?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, I haven’t — I’ve been talking to him ever since it happened. You know, check in with him every couple of days. He tells me everything is 100 percent and everything is ready and raring to go. I haven’t run into him yet today. I’ve heard that he’s here but I haven’t seen him yet.

From what I understand, he’s fully healed and ready for everything.

Q. How much of an advantage to have a team with a lot of experience in The Ryder Cup and again, is it an advantage to come here without baggage or memories of previous Ryder Cups?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: You can go first.

STEVE STRICKER: We have got some young guys on the team. I saw a stat earlier that we are on average about five years younger than the European Team. One thing is we come with a lot of enthusiasm and energy, young guys willing and ready to learn. No bad experiences for the most part from a lot of these guys.

You know, we haven’t been on the winning side too many things, I think two or three times out of the last 12 times. We’re not coming with bad experiences. I see that as a positive. We are using that as a positive and our guys are super fired up and ready to go.

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Obviously Europe has a strong team when it comes to experience. That’s quite relevant when you’re playing an away match. If you had two players, one experienced and one not of equal ability, certainly in an away match, you would be looking for experience. I’m very comfortable that my team is that experienced. It will be interesting.

As I say, at the end of the week the experience versus the non-experience will be thrashed out many times to determine what the result was. Certainly it’s pretty tried and tested in Europe that we’re going to go with experience when we’re coming across here. We do have a few rookies on the team to provide that enthusiasm but we are strongly relying on that experience.

Q. For both captains, if you can describe how set your game plan is for the week, and what would be the No. 1 factor in making adjustments to it? Padraig, you can go first. You gave it to Steve last time.

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Clearly we have a game plan, a pretty strong game plan, all the way through, well-prepared.

But from being a vice captains, I know from these things, there’s unknowns, things change as you go on through the week. You do everything you can to have a set program ahead and then you also have that — certainly that vice captain’s ready for when something happens, something changes so that you can move quickly, not be acting retrospectively. Even though we don’t know what’s going to happen, you still have an idea of, you know, X, Y or Z comes along, and, well, we can pivot this way. We have plenty of options and that’s the main thing.

As I said if everything went smoothly which it very rarely does, you could probably set out everything now. But as I said, we will expect some unknowns and some things to happen that will need to be dealt with.

STEVE STRICKER: I feel exactly the same way as Padraig. We got an early start on things obviously with the practice round. We’ve got a really good, sound game plan already in place. But again, there’s always little things along the way that can creep up, anything. A guy could be playing poorly or he could get hurt or injured, but you’ve just got to be prepared with multiple options, and we are. We are going to be preparing that way.

I think we’ve both been a part of enough of these teams, you see it throughout the years and you understand that you need to be prepared coming into these.

Q. People love to debate how important a captain is in The Ryder Cup, myself included. Having been in that chair for three years, has your opinion on that changed at all? I would love to hear from both of you, actually.

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Well, it’s pretty clear we’ve seen good captains lose. We’ve seen bad captains win. But ultimately, the captain does have an influence if it’s a tight game, and that’s really it. If it is going to be a tight game, which a lot of these are, the captain and the atmosphere he brings to his team can be the difference.

Yeah, it’s one of those things for us that sometimes, many times, the captain will not be the actual difference but it’s possible that we could be the very difference. We could make that difference at the end of the week. We have to prepare like we are the ones that are going to make a little bit of a difference that just get our team across the line.

STEVE STRICKER: Agree. I’ve seen it, great captains win and lose. I’ve seen poor captains lose. You know, so I’ve seen — or win, I guess.

But they can definitely influence a team. But I keep saying, I think it’s a thankless job, you know what I mean. You’re going to get blamed if you lose, right, and all the credit goes to the players if they win, which is fine. We understand that I think coming into this.

But you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You want to be part of these competitions and you want to be the guy leading this team and being in charge, and you wouldn’t want to have it any other way.

Will Steve have to be a referee between Brooks and Bryson?

Q. Question for Steve. What steps have you taken or will you take to ensure everything goes smoothly between Brooks Koepka and Bryson DeChambeau this week? Have you sat down them for a chat and will you send them out together in practice?

STEVE STRICKER: It’s a non-issue, really, for me and the team. We got together a few weeks ago, the six of us and I’ve had conversations with them both. They have assured me it’s not going to be an issue. I have no worries whatsoever.

Will we pair them together? I don’t think so at this point but things could change. Could always happen. But probably not. But again, I had a dinner; they all showed up. We had great conversation, great talks. So I’m not seeing it as an issue at all and they are completely on board.

Q. How much can we read into the practice pairings from tomorrow? Will there be a bit of smoke and mirrors to try to throw the opposite captain off?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Read into it like you should. That’s your job in the media is to make a story out of it. I’m not going to say what it means or what it doesn’t mean. You know, at the end of the day, I have — I do have ideas about what should be happening in practice, but you know, it’s for you to figure it out, not me to tell you.

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, you’re going to get that same stock answer from me, too.

Yeah, we are still in the process. We have good ideas about our pairings, but we are still in the process of finalizing things, ironing things out, which direction we want to go. Yeah, whatever Padraig said.

Q. This is one of the grandest stages in golf and we see a format inside it that don’t get to see often with foursomes. As players, did you learn to embrace foursomes and how do you get your younger guys to find comfort in it?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: I was brought up playing foursomes. Played it a lot in amateur golf, many in my team have. It’s not really alien to us. It’s certainly somewhere that I don’t think — because it’s not so alien to us, we don’t read that much into it. I think sometimes when people haven’t played, it they can over-complicate it.

But as I said, I was brought up playing it. It’s made at our golf clubs at home, not just in championships. It’s a very common game, and really don’t read into it anymore than there should be. I think sometimes you guys, again, might look at it, and try — it’s just two guys playing a golf ball around the place. It’s not that difficult when you’re brought up playing it.

STEVE STRICKER: I think we always tend to try to look for guys with similar game styles or game styles that would complement the other player. Good putting always is a big key I think in alternate-shot or in foursomes.

You look for the guys who embrace that. That’s the important part is some guys are a little bit — they don’t care for that style of play. Other guys want to play it. It depends on the player and it’s up to us or our job to try to figure out those guys and try to pair the games together that make the most sense.

Q. I think since you played in The Presidents Cup the last time in 2013, you’ve been part of this every year maybe except one as an assistant, obviously the captain in 2017 at the Presidents Cup. What have you learned and taken from all that? What did you see that you think is helping you now?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, I think I’ve learned a lot being an assistant captain more so than being a player. Yeah, it’s just learning what works well with the players, what doesn’t work well.

I’m probably the most experienced captain, really, that’s ever been a captain if you want to — if I want to be truthful with you. I’ve been a part of every team since I’ve quit playing on these teams, and a captain of the 2017 Presidents Cup team.

So I’ve seen a lot of different things. I’ve seen some things that worked. I’ve seen some things that hasn’t worked. I’ve put all those in my memory bank over the years and hopefully lean on those things that I’ve learned and apply them to this week.

Yeah, it’s been fun to get to know the other side of things other than the players side, and I’ve definitely learned a lot.

Q. Things specifically you’ve cut out, just in the lead-up, not the pairings or whatever, things that you normally do that you said no, we don’t like that?

STEVE STRICKER: No, not really. I think the biggest thing that I have brought or want to bring is just communication, and I think the hardest part is when you don’t communicate to your players. If you throw a guy a curveball at the last second, it’s hard for these guys to adjust. They are a product of, you know, when they are playing on a weekly basis, they are doing a routine, day-in and day-out.

You want to make sure that you don’t get in the way of that routine so much. Give them enough lead time, give them some notice when we are going to play so they can prepare and prepare well to go out and play.

Hovering over Hovland

Q. Question to Harrington. You said that everybody wants to play with Viktor Hovland, but it’s just evident at the same time, can you play what your plan is for Hovland this week? Can he play all the five matches?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: He certainly can. The reason players want to play with him is he’s not just a good player. They like the enthusiasm that he brings to the golf course. I think all the guys look at Viktor and we see the youthful exuberance that we once had. I think that’s why he’s such an attractive partner for anybody in the team for foursomes or fourballs.

Viktor brings a lot of options during the week, that’s for sure.

Q. If I may, just going back to Brooks, please. He made some comments last week about The Ryder Cup which gained a lot of traction and suggested he was a bit maybe indifferent towards the week. What did you make of that, and did it concern you at all heading into this event?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, I’ve talked to him about it. I’ve had experiences with Brooks over many, many of these teams, and the conversations that I have had with him and what I have personally seen in the team room does not jive up to what I was reading in those articles.

Again, I am not worried about Brooks. He assures me he’s healthy. He assures me that he is 100 percent all-in on this team and whatever he need to do for this team to become the winner at the end of the week. Again, I’m not worried about Brooks at all and it’s been good talks and he’s ready to get down and start playing.

Q. How do you see the role of a caddie different in The Ryder Cup versus a regular golf tournament, and do you have to coach the caddies how to do their job differently this week than others?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Clearly these are the best caddies in the world. Why would we be telling them what to do? They know their job. It is a difficult job week for the caddies. There is a physical requirement; if they go 36 holes a day, they need to stay mentally sharp.

Yeah, it is a different week for them, that’s for sure. And there’s no doubt that in many ways, it’s nearly a thankless job. They will be forgotten about at times but they do pull their way when it comes to tournament golf and no more so than at The Ryder Cup.

Q. Over the years, if it’s a U.S. Team it’s pretty easy for them to play for their country, all that stuff. Europe obviously is a different situation. What’s been the common rallying point to get Europe —

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: Seve. Pretty straightforward. Seve. Started with Seve in the ’80s. He pushed for this to become continental your open rather than Great Britain and Ireland and it was a way for Seve to legitimize The European Tour. It was a way to give The European Tour a standing. The great players in Europe at the time didn’t get great access to play in all the best events in the world. Seve was always fighting against that, the tide in that. And playing and winning in The Ryder Cup was the way to say that Europe deserved a seat at the table.

You look at the great players we had in the ’80s and a lot came from Seve and those players to drive Europe into a much stronger position in world golf, and you know, without a doubt we rely on Seve for that. We are here to very much play for the European Tour.

When I’m playing in Europe at the moment for the last couple weeks, South African players, Australian players and Asian players play come up to me and wish me luck and are rooting for us because they know it’s a big part of our tour, how we do in The Ryder Cup.

So yes, the technicality of qualifying has been born in Continental Europe but the reality is we are playing for The European Tour.

Q. There’s always the risk that the wrong Tweet could become a big event at an event like this. What have you told your guys about that?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, we are going to pay attention to that, and we are going to talk about it. They have been good, and knock-on-wood that they won’t say anything that they shouldn’t say.

But yeah, again, I don’t think it will be an issue at all. I think we don’t have any like mandates, like, hey, we are not going to do any social media this week or anything like that. But they will be smart about it. I think they all realize, they do this on a daily basis and they know they need to be careful and cautious on what they put out there.

Q. A long established feeling is that European success has been about team spirit as well as being excellent golfers. Is that something you agree with and what have you done to create a better bond among your team?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, I think that’s a misconception amongst our team. When you’re getting beat, it’s hard to look like you’re bonded, right, and they have done a really good job of that, of beating us nine out of the last 12 last week I’ve said.

But I’ve been part of plenty of these team rooms where the chemistry inside is nothing but great. Sure, we’ve had occasional things, occasional hiccups along the way but for the most part it’s always been very good. Guys are anxious to play. They are very proud to play for the USA wearing red, white and blue and to be here in Wisconsin. It’s all fine. It’s all good, yeah.

Q. For both captains, congratulations, guys, you have done a great job leading up. Can both of you or either one of you honestly say that you would accept right now, all-even going into Sunday’s singles matches, first you, Padraig, you’re the visitor.

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: We don’t get to choose that. It’s a good question but why would we bother thinking like that? We don’t get to choose what we are going to be going into Sunday. We have to play as hard as we can Friday, Saturday, and see where we’re at.

If I’m going to start, you know, dreaming and predicting and wanting, sure, there’s plenty of other things we could look for in life. I think I’d go for having a half a dozen shots lead rather than go for even.

What do you think? I think you’d do the same.

STEVE STRICKER: I don’t know if either one of us would like to have even going into Sunday. I think we are both looking a little bit more of having a lead going into Sunday. I’m sure he’s thinking the same way. I know we are as a team, of having the team going into Sunday.

So we are both trying to prepare that way. We are both trying to get to that point so we have a lead going into Sunday for sure.

Q. You joked about the packers when you first came up here and that’s pretty much what everyone associates with Wisconsin. Now that Whistling Straits has had three PGAs and Ryder Cup, in Europe is this course starting to get recognized with some of the more popular North American courses?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: For sure, maybe I’d be a little biased, because Herb Kohler when he was bidding this thing here, he was thinking of Ballybunion so it has some relevance to us Irish and we would have known about it with the Irish connection.

I do think Whistling Straits and Herb Kohler have put this part of Wisconsin on the map with golf throughout Europe. I’m sure the PGAs did that but The Ryder Cup will probably elevate it to a new level.

It’s amazing what one individual, what one family can do for an area and it is very impressive and I think we’re thankful of Herb being here and I’m sure everybody in the area, the economy has gained so much from it, so it is important to have people like that backing their hometown.

Q. Could be the biggest home-course advantage as far as fans go in history. How do you use that to fuel your teams? For Padraig what, if anything, do you teach your guys or tell your guys to drawn out the noise and not listen to the haters so to speak?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, every time you play at home you realize you’re going to have a home-field advantage, basically, when it comes to the fans. So you just go out and embrace it. Let them energize you. Let them pick you up.

Yeah, so I’m going to show off for them, right. It seems like our teams over the years, the teams that have played well, they get to the point of almost like they show off for the home fans, and hopefully that’s what our guys are going to do this week and provide a lot of excitement.

Like I said before, the state of Wisconsin, I said this a week or two ago, I know there’s ticket holders from every states in our country that’s going to be here. It’s not just Wisconsin but the whole country is showing up. It’s been a long time waiting and everybody is excited to get this thing going.

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: From our perspective, our players play for the glory of this event. If there was 40,000 U.S. fans and no Europeans, we’d prefer that than having no fans. That’s just the reality. We want the noise. We want the excitement. We want the buzz of it all. Yes, the players will have to deal with it and yes, they will have to embrace it. But they wouldn’t want the alternative. Having no fans is no fun. They will enjoy it.

We expect a loud crowd. We expect excitement, and the players should be well-prepared for it. It’s not like they haven’t seen it before. After all, it is only golf. It’s pretty save inside the ropes. I don’t think they need to worry about too much.

Q. You brought the team up early because you said you wanted to get to know the course in a way that in other Ryder Cups, the team never really got to. Do you feel like you did that, and what else were you trying to accomplish with that trip, and did you accomplish that going into this week with the team?

STEVE STRICKER: It was a great couple of days.. and I think my message from day one is to try to out-prepare.

The way the schedule of the Tour ended and having some time off between THE TOUR Championship and The Ryder Cup gave us that ability to come up here, to not only see the course but to get here as a team, to get these guys comfortable with one another right out of the chute, to build that camaraderie. I feel like everything came together really well in those couple of days and they left here feeling good and they came here feeling good as well.

So it was a good couple of days we had.

Q. Just a couple of quick ones. Is there any chance at all that Tiger will make any visit here this weekend or is that not going to happen?

STEVE STRICKER: Probably not going to happen. He’s been, you know, obviously in my ear a lot and I call him pretty regularly. He’s part of our Ryder Cup Team. He’s part of what we do. He’s been part of so many of these teams. So to bounce ideas off of him, all of us, players alike, I know some of the players went over to see him.

But I think it’s just not a good time for him to be here physically because of where he’s at in his rehabilitation and tough course to walk, right. Everybody is going to see it, from tee-to-green, it’s difficult. So probably won’t show up. But he’s getting better and his focus and mine is on making a comeback to play again. We don’t want to get in the way of that because we would all love to see him come back and play.

Q. Jon Rahm was a bit crooked last week; is he back to fighting fitness?

PADRAIG HARRINGTON: He was lifting very nicely in the gym today when I arrived. After hearing the reports last week, I arrived in to find him too sweaty to give a hug to lifting some heavy weights. I said, okay, things are looking good.

Ryder Cup vs. The Presidents Cup

Q. Based on all your years of experience as you mentioned as a vice captain, what is the difference between the looseness and the confidence of the U.S. Team in The Presidents Cup and The Ryder Cup? Is it simply the difference of winning one cup all the time and losing one cup most of the time?

STEVE STRICKER: Yeah, that’s a great question and we get asked that a lot, why aren’t we winning more Ryder Cups like we are Presidents Cups? If we had that answer, we’d be winning more Ryder Cups.

I don’t know if we are getting in our own way at some times. I’m also trying to bring an energy, a little bit more relaxed, and I don’t know if we play a little bit more relaxed in The Presidents Cup teams versus The Ryder Cup.

Yeah, we are trying to learn all the time between the two. Different competition, obviously. Europe brings a strong team and they play well and are tough and we always have tough matches that seem to have gone their way more times than our lately. But we look to try to change that this week and move on.

But yeah, we are worried about this one and just trying to win this one.

JOHN DEVER: Gentlemen, you’ve put us off to a good start for this week and again we appreciate your time tonight and all week long. Have a good evening and thanks again.

Interview transcript from Asap Sports


Jin Young Ko: Cambia Champion

THE MODERATOR: Really happy to be here with Jin Young Ko, winner of the 2021 Cambia Portland Classic.

Jin Young, you came here off several weeks off. Did you think your first event back would be a win?

JIN YOUNG KO: No, I didn’t. Yeah. I spent a great time in Korea after the Olympics, maybe over six or seven weeks. I had a lot of practice with my same coach and I had a lot of workouts, three times or four times each week. My body weight is getting higher so, (laughing) but I had a great week this week and I’m so happy for the name on the trophy. Yeah, it’s a great win, I think.

THE MODERATOR: Absolutely. It was a great week for you. I wanted to go to 18, to your final putt. That was a long putt and great to drain in for the win. Did you know you had that putt? Did you think that you had that putt in you.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, I did. But I was thinking, I just make 2-putt easy, but the ball goes in, so, who knows.

Q. How long was the putt?

JIN YOUNG KO: I guess, oh, 7 meters. Yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Overall, what was the course like today considering how much rain we got? Do you think the course conditions were able to help you at all? You played bogey-free today.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah. I really wanted to play yesterday, but we couldn’t play. I tried to make a no bogey-free round today, but I made it. I had a lot of missed shots and I had a lot of missed chipping or something, so I had to make great par saves, but I made it.

And this course was really amazing, perfectly clearing, and fairways and greens are really perfect. So I can’t wait to play for next year.

THE MODERATOR: What did you do yesterday?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, we went to the H Mart with my parents and my manager and I bought Korean food, some Korea food and ice cream. So I ate ice cream and I watched, I was watching Netflix, Korean drama and taking a rest. Yeah, I took a rest.

THE MODERATOR: The nice thing about this golf course. You can work off the ice cream, right?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes. (Laughing).

THE MODERATOR: A good workout on this golf course.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, I think so.

THE MODERATOR: Outside of the win, what were some of the highlights of the week for you?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I went to the Columbia mall. So I bought a lot of things. Like, inside this one were a lot of great jackets or hiking shoes and it was fun, with my parents.

THE MODERATOR: Glad to have your parents here with you?


Her parents got the chance to see a win like this in Texas

THE MODERATOR: Have they seen you win before?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yes, in Texas.

THE MODERATOR: So two this year.

JIN YOUNG KO: It ridiculous, you know? I want to win without my parents, but this year, I had two wins with my parents. But we’ll see what’s going to happen for next three weeks.

THE MODERATOR: Are they going with you the next three weeks?


THE MODERATOR: All right. Well, then you’re going to win four in a row.

JIN YOUNG KO: We’ll see. (Laughing).

Her thoughts on the course

THE MODERATOR: What are your thoughts on this golf course, on the challenge it was, but you played so solid over the three days?

JIN YOUNG KO: It was like fairways really narrow and greens are too, so we had to hit it straight to the fairway or even green as well and greens are really fast so we had to make sure great speed on it. But I did a great job this week.

THE MODERATOR: You mentioned him in your speech, but Tom Maletis, who is retiring, if you wouldn’t mind just saying what it means to the LPGA players to have people like Tom and Cambia and Oregon Golf Club, who support women’s golf and support you.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I want to say thank you for who supports the LPGA Tour, even Tom or a lot of people are behind us. So I want to say thank you to all and Cambia, this year is the 50th anniversary, so I want to say congratulations and thank you.

THE MODERATOR: I know you’re on a plane tonight to go out to the next event, this was the first of four weeks in a row. How do you manage playing four weeks in a row to keep yourself from getting too tired or too stressed.

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, yeah, four weeks in a row is really tiring and tough, but two weeks is like just three days and, you know, not bad. And then after that I go back to Korea and then I will keep reminding myself, Okay, I can go back to Korea after New Jersey. So it will help me a lot.

Q. What can you say about coming to Oregon, the beauty of Oregon, the state, and your experience here, the nature and the other stuff?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I love this place. I like this weather, even — well I like this weather, like rain, but today it wasn’t rain, but I like this, like British weather, I like this. Even a few days ago it was perfect, so I went to the park, anyway, it’s a famous one, and I went there with my caddie and parents and Sue and we hiked, we went hiking, and the weather was really good. Yeah, and I heard there’s a lot of good wine here. I love drinking wine (laughing). Do you have wine right now? (Laughing).

THE MODERATOR: We can get you some.

JIN YOUNG KO: Oh, thank you.

THE MODERATOR: Yes, lots of good wine here. Definitely next year we can get a wine tour next year.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, a winery.

THE MODERATOR: All right. Well, congratulations, we’ll see you down the road and we’ll see you here next year.

JIN YOUNG KO: Okay. Thank you.

Interview Transcript by Asap Sports


Brooke Henderson: “It was tougher than I was expecting”

Q. Brooke, opening round 70, only two back of the lead. After your practice rounds and pro-am, did you expect the course play this difficult today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was tougher than I was expecting. It was very cold this morning, which I think played a huge factor, and also the wind has been pretty high. On a few shots really affected as well.

I feel like all in all it was a good day. Nice to get in under par. I felt like I left one out there on 18, but other than that, hopefully I can just make a lot of birdies tomorrow and climb up.

Q. You hit an inordinate number of shots today, at least during our coverage, that never left the flagstick or your target. Is that the result of finally getting to see your dad who’s also your instructor?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I think so. It’s a really nice feeling to be hitting it a little better and seeing some good results, you know, shooting under par today. I feel like I’ve gained some confidence back over these last few week, which is big thing for me, and I’m excited just to play and see where it goes.

Q. How much practice will you do? It’s a course that is really difficult to walk, kind of taxing on everybody. I know you’re young and very fit, but how much practice will you do and will it be less than normal?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it’s a very hilly here and Brit is definitely getting a big workout in. I’m proud of her how she’s been able to cope the last few days.

Yeah, I’ll do a little practice this afternoon, get ready for tomorrow. But definitely have to pay attention to the rest and proper amount of fluids as well.

Henderson is happy to finish under par on day one

Q. You seemed to have a pretty steady round today, pretty quiet round. What was the story of your day out here?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was is nice to start off first hole with a birdie. That felt nice. Got some confidence there.

Then, yeah, nothing else really happened. Made a few more birdies, one bogey I guess.

But happy to finish under par today. Nice feeling. Felt like I hit some good shots and played the holes pretty well. Hopefully just continue that the next three days.

It was a little chilly out there today, how did it affect Henderson?

Q. You saw a little bit of everything today. It was downright cold first thing this morning; nice and warm now. What’s the challenge of seeing a bunch of weather conditions like that in one round, particularly starting out like that?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was very cold this morning. Wasn’t really expecting that, so definitely had to deal with that. Also the wind, it was pretty high at times. On certain holes it really blew, so just trying to calculate solid numbers and hit good shots under those conditions.

Q. Overall did the golf course play as you expected today? It’s so tough coming into a place you’ve never seen before and having to tee it up.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it’s really hard to judge on a place you never competed on before, so I felt like it played a little bit tougher that I was expecting I think mainly just because of the colder weather this morning.

I’m excited. Tomorrow afternoon should be a little warmer than this morning, so hopefully go out and continue to hit it well and make a lot of birdies.

Q. This was your first event since you had your break. Had time to go home and work with dad, coach. Do you feel what you worked on was of use, that you’re still using it today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, definitely. I think it was a big key for me to go home and see my family and also my coach, my dad, just get some solid work in and build the confidence back up.

Really looking forward to the rest of this week, and, yeah, coming weeks. Got four in a row, so excited to see where it goes.

Q. Anything in specific you’re working on with your dad or just fine tuning?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, just really everything. I hadn’t seen him in so long that we just kind of went over all parts of the game. Was able to give me a couple pointers in every single one, and I feel like it made a big difference.

Q. Last question: How did you and Brit handle the walk today, the beast?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, definitely is very hilly. I was happy when we finally made it to the back nine because it’s a little flatter. Yeah, hopefully we make it the next three days.

Interview Transcript from Asap Sports

Ladies European Tour Ladies Tours LPGA Tour

Halmstad Golf Club confirmed as 2022 Scandinavian Mixed Hosted by Henrik and Annika venue

Date: Friday September 17, 2021

The innovative event, co-sanctioned by the European Tour and Ladies European Tour, features a field of 78 men and 78 women playing for one prize fund and one trophy. Earlier this year, Northern Ireland’s Jonathan Caldwell triumphed in the inaugural edition hosted at Vallda Golf and Country Club near Gothenburg.

The famous North Course at Halmstad, located in Tylösand, previously provided the backdrop for the 2007 Solheim Cup, where tournament host Annika Sörenstam contributed 2.5 points for Team Europe.

Designed by Rafael Sundblom, the father of Swedish golf course architecture, it was given the seal of approval from the Swedish Golf Federation in May of 1938 and was officially opened for play in September of the same year.

First time for Halmstad Golf Club to host an European Tour event, but not a bit unprepared.
It is the first time that Halmstad will host the European Tour, but over the years it has staged events on the European Challenge Tour and Ladies European Tour, most recently welcoming amateur golfers for the ANNIKA Invitational Europe in 2017.

“I’m excited for the next edition of the Scandinavian Mixed and to be playing at Halmstad Golf Club, a course that hosted the Solheim Cup and the ANNIKA Invitational Europe a few years ago. I know it will be a great week for everyone involved,” said Sörenstam.

“Bringing women and men together in a combined professional tournament was a huge success and we learned a lot from the event this year. Henrik and I want to bring our game to the younger generation in Sweden and we can’t wait to have fans back next year to enjoy the special atmosphere.”

Henrik Stenson, an 11-time European Tour winner, added: “It’s great that we are able to take the Scandinavian Mixed to Halmstad next summer. I have played some junior events at the course but never at this level, and I think it will be an excellent host venue for the European Tour and Ladies European Tour, both in terms of golf course and the whole setup within the region.

“It was a lot of fun to host the tournament with Annika earlier this year but the only thing missing for us was the crowds not being able to attend. We are both looking forward to welcoming back the Swedish fans next year for an even bigger and better event.

“We are in it for the long run and our hope is that through the Scandinavian Mixed, Annika and I can help inspire the next generation of golfers in Sweden and around the world. Our game is inclusive in so many ways and this tournament continues to highlight that fact on a global stage.”

Jonas Bergman, Mayor of Halmstad, said: “When the opportunity arose for Halmstad to host the 2022 edition of the Scandinavian Mixed Hosted by Henrik and Annika, we could only see benefits of being involved with this new concept.

“The ongoing pandemic has made a stamp on our society and the way we live, but to our great joy, golf has still been practised and has grown even stronger in Sweden and on an international level.

The mixed format of this event brings different groups together in our society, with various ages and a focus on inclusion and equality, all of which we are proud to be associated with moving forward.”

European Tour Communications

European Tour PGA Tour

Who has better club golfers? Europe or America?

Edinburgh, United Kingdom – 15/9/21 – Shot Scope, the industry-leader in advanced GPS and automatic shot tracking technology, has announced some exclusive statistics comparing the ability of European and American club golfers, ahead of the 2020 Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits.

In true Ryder Cup fashion, Shot Scope compared European and American golfers in a 12 v 12 ‘Sunday singles’ style event. Each match featured a different performance statistic designed to set apart the ability of golfers from either side of the Atlantic. After all 12 matches concluded, the score was tied, with the USA eventually taking the title of the ‘best club golfers’ in a playoff decided by number of total hole outs.

The data for this project was taken from 1,000 European and 1,000 American Shot Scope users. In 2020 these groups of golfers totalled the exact same score to par – this ensured that the playing field was totally level for this match.

The data highlighted that European Shot Scope users play golf more often, with an average of 5.76 rounds per month, versus 4.28 rounds played by US golfers each month. European’s also played a greater variety of courses, playing an average of 2.84 different courses per month compared to 2.36 played by US golfers. However, the data identified that US golfers tend to play on longer courses, with an average length of 6,239 yards, compared to the slightly shorter 6,176-yard average in Europe.

While the results show that Team Europe were clearly on top when it came to average score, Team USA dominated both off the tee and on the greens to clinch the overall victory. Some of the results in this list come with context, for example, Team USA took the point in the ‘Driving distance’ category by a comfortable six yards on average, which could perhaps be down to higher average temperatures. Team USA also picked up the points on the greens, which may be testament to the more consistent putting surfaces they enjoy year-round.

Shot Scope have now tracked in excess of 100 million golf shots around the world. From that data set, they have determined that golfers miss the green short 46% of the time, however both Team Europe and Team USA surpassed that total in this study, with 51% and 49%, respectively.

The percentage of fairways hit was also a tightly contested match, with the USA taking it by just 2.7%. This is a common theme with golfers around the world, as Shot Scope have confirmed that across all ability levels, the smallest difference in performance is on fairway hit accuracy.

Shot Scope’s pioneering performance tracking technology has the ability to help any golfer improve, with the average Shot Scope user improving their handicap by 2.7 shots. The company’s performance tracking V3 watch also boasts ultra-accurate GPS technology as well as ClubSense and PinCollect technologies that automatically detect shots and putts on the course.

V3 users have unlimited access to Tour-quality performance statistics with the touch of a button. More than 100 different analytics can be reviewed via the Shot Scope V3 mobile app or Shot Scope’s online dashboard on different clubs, tee shots, approaches, short game and putting.

European Tour

McDowell excited for Dutch Open return

Tournament Preview

Major Champion Graeme McDowell will tee it up at the Dutch Open for the first time in 17 years when Bernardus Golf in Cromvoirt plays host to the 101st edition of the prestigious tournament.

The Northern Irishman took two months off to recuperate from a forearm injury over the summer, returning to action last week at the BMW PGA Championship to finish tied 49th, and while the 11-time European Tour winner admits he has one eye on his vice captaincy role for Team Europe at the Ryder Cup in Whistling Straits next week, the key focus remains on his own game this week.

Joost Luiten is thrilled to be back at his national open after the event was cancelled last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Fans will be out in force to cheer on the 35-year-old as he attempts to claim a third victory on home soil having previously won the event in 2013 and 2016.

The six-time European Tour winner regularly practices at Bernardus Golf alongside another former winner of the Dutch Open in Thomas Pieters, who routinely makes the journey from Belgium to make use of the world class facilities on offer to the players.

The Belgian recorded his second top ten of the year last week and is currently 69th in the Race to Dubai Rankings in Partnership with Rolex, and will be hoping for a strong finish to his season to make sure he will tee it up at the DP World Tour Championship in Dubai.

Player Quotes

Graeme McDowell: 
“I had to pull up the European Tour website to find out the last time I was here for the Dutch Open and it was 2004, so here we are 17 years later, so delighted to be here first and foremost but when I saw the facilities here at Bernardus, it’s probably one of the best practice facilities that we ever see. The chipping areas, the putting greens, and the range is all five star.

“The golf course here is designed by Kyle Phillips, who did Kingsbarns, he has done a spectacular job here. Like I say, delighted to get here and be rewarded with the commitment to come with an amazing golf course, and I am here to compete this week so looking forward to being part of this tournament.

“I was happy the way I felt on the golf course. I felt healthy and I felt very motivated and excited to be back on the course. The BMW PGA was a great week, the golf course was in magnificent shape, the weather behaved itself and it was great to see people back out there supporting us. For me, it was off the back of a couple months off where I was rehabbing a forearm injury that I had and it is always tough to sit out the middle of the summer when there is so much going on but I felt like it was a commitment for the next five to ten years of my career, where I need to stay healthy. It is more about the mental side of things now for me going into my 40s, I need to be there in the right frame of mind to compete and those couple of months helped me.

“I had my watch on yesterday when I was playing my practice rounds and it kept blowing up, buzzing, text messages coming in. Now that we have the 12 players set it’s exciting to start working on the chemistry, working on the pairings, and our strategies for what we want to do Friday, Saturday, into the weekend, so it’s exciting.

“You know I wish I was playing, but the next best thing is to be part of that captaincy backroom staff and I’m excited to jump on the plane Monday morning with the guys. You get that European logo on your chest, it’s just a special thing and something I have great memories off, so I am really excited for Whistling Straits. It would be nice to play well here this weekend and then take my competitive golfer hat off and put my vice captains hat on, to go do the best job I can for Team Europe.”

Joost Luiten: “It was a shame to miss it, but we all know what the situation was in the world. I think last year was probably a good decision not to have it because if we couldn’t have any spectators, why would we have the tournament. At the end of the day, those people make the event, and it is good to see them back in some decent numbers this week.

“I have been playing some solid golf, it’s not been special but sometimes you can just feel like it is coming and at the end of the day it is all about giving yourself chances and that is what I have been doing, and now I need to start taking some of those chances. I know what I can do in this event, I love playing in front of my home crowd and I love the golf course, so it will be a good week and hopefully we can do what we have done in the past and be there on Sunday.

“I think for me because I have won it, there is no pressure for me to show that I can do it. I have done it twice, so it takes off the pressure if you have won it in the past.

“I practice here a lot, it is one of the best practice facilities we have in Holland, so a lot of the top players – even the Belgian players Thomas Detry and Thomas Pieters – and I think that will tell you how good this golf course is. It is a great design, it is in great shape and hopefully we have a great week.”

Thomas Pieters: “Bernardus does feel like a home away from home. They have welcomed me ever since I first started coming here two years ago and have been happy for me to practice here and use the facilities which is nice. The course is amazing, so I am really excited to see what they do with everything this week.

“All the Dutch pros play here and you can see why. The facilities are amazing, the condition of the course is always good and I don’t really have anything like it in Belgium, so I make the trip over all the time.

“I do feel like I am getting very close with my game and just having the mentality of wanting to play good golf, so I am excited to tee it up this week with my friends and family here to watch.”

Press Release from the European Tour Communications

European Tour


European Captain Pádraig Harrington has announced that Henrik Stenson will be the fifth and final Vice Captain for Team Europe in the 2020 Ryder Cup, which gets underway at Whistling Straits next Friday.
The 2016 Open Champion will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to Harrington’s backroom team in Wisconsin having played in five of the biennial contests against the United States (2006, 2008, 2014, 2016 and 2018); being on the winning side on three of those five occasions.
During that time, the two-time European Tour Number One amassed 11 points for Europe from 19 matches, including a 100% record of three wins out of three during his last outing at Le Golf National in 2018 where he rounded out his perfect week with a 5&4 singles victory over Bubba Watson. He also secured the winning point for Europe on his debut at The K Club, in Ireland, in 2006 where he beat Vaughn Taylor 4&3.
It will be Stenson’s first stint as Vice Captain and the 45 year old Swede will join his compatriot Robert Karlsson, Englishman Luke Donald, Germany’s Martin Kaymer and Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland in the role. Between them the quintet boasts the experience of 19 Ryder Cups for Europe and 40 points scored.

Stenson comments on his new position

Stenson said: “It’s a great honour to get the call and to be involved with Team Europe. I’ve been part of five Ryder Cup teams in the past and to be given the opportunity as a Vice Captain to help Europe’s quest to retain the Ryder Cup is exciting.
“Pádraig called me on Monday morning and it was not a long conversation. I accepted straight away and I assured him that myself, along with the other Vice Captains, are there to help and assist him and the team in any way we can.
“We have a very strong team. It’s a mix of huge experience along with three guys who will take on their first Ryder Cup – and that’s a great combination. We have strength in depth so I’m looking forward to getting out there and seeing the boys perform.
“It’s no secret that winning on away soil is always a little bit harder, but the boys are ready for that challenge. It’s all going to come down to how well we play during the week but I have every faith in our team.”
Pádraig Harrington, European Ryder Cup Captain, said: “I am delighted to add Henrik Stenson to our backroom team as a Vice Captain. Following on from Sunday when the 12 players were confirmed, we now have Team Europe complete and I could not be happier.
“Henrik will bring so much to the week in all aspects both on and off the course. His playing record speaks for itself and he has the full respect and confidence of all the players. He knows what it takes to win a Ryder Cup and that experience and knowledge will be crucial for us.
“Everyone is aware that the Ryder Cup can be a tense week at times too so Henrik’s renowned wit and sense of fun will benefit our team room immensely. It will also be helpful to have the cool head of the ‘Ice Man’ around should any stressful situation emerge.”

It is almost Ryder Cup time

The 43rd Ryder Cup will be played at Whistling Straits in Wisconsin from September 24-26 where Europe will aim to retain the trophy they won 17 ½ – 10 ½ at Le Golf National in France in 2018.

Press Release from the European Tour Communications

Europe Travel

The World’s First International Olympic Academy Course with José María Olazábal

A Ryder Cup legend and captain of the victorious European team that won in such memorable fashion at Medinah in 2012, José María Olazábal has written his name into Ryder Cup folklore with his achievements over the last four decades.

Now a successful golf-course designer, the two-time Masters champion will unveil the first of two new 18-hole courses that he has created at Navarino Hills in Costa Navarino, Greece, this November with the launch of the world’s first International Olympic Academy Course.


Here we have an exclusive interview with Olazábal discussing the Navarino Hills project and where his inspiration came from.

Q: When and how did your involvement in the Navarino Hills project come about?
José: I first came to Costa Navarino around six years ago when they were looking for a designer for the two new courses planned at Navarino Hills. My team and I all absolutely love the region here and we put in our very best effort to win the design job. Obviously, we were very happy when Achilles Constantakopoulos (chairman of Temes, the developers of Costa Navarino) chose us and we are working hard to repay his trust. 

Q: What were your impressions when you first saw the site?
José: Simply WOW. The property is spectacular, the views are breathtaking and the characteristics of the site are wonderful for golf. It surely ranks among the most beautiful properties we ever got the chance to work on. 

Q: What makes the landscape at Navarino Hills and Costa Navarino’s approach to developing golf courses so special?
José: The views are absolutely stunning, not just across the historic Bay of Navarino but also towards the mountains in the background. This sets the tone for the whole site and gives it a very strong character amidst the garrigue vegetation which is typical for the Mediterranean. Costa Navarino has found an absolute jewel with this property and they are trying to develop it sensibly with great focus on protecting the environment. I am delighted with their approach and we are trying to use all the latest modern techniques to contribute our share to the sustainability goals.

Q: Where did your inspiration for each course come from and have you tried to include any elements of your favourite courses in the world?
José: Well, I am privileged and have got to play many of the great golf courses around the world. Courses like Augusta, the Old Course, Valderrama, Loch Lomond and many others certainly leave an impression on you and influence you. I am a fan of the classics and am probably more of a traditionalist but, for the new designs we have undertaken, it is the land itself that gives you the inspiration. What is important is how the property sits in its surroundings, what features stands out and how we can model the golf course harmoniously into the terrain so that it feels like a natural fit.


Q: What are the key characteristics of each course and what are the different challenges that golfers will face?
José: The International Olympic Academy Course has stunning views over Navarino Bay and is the longer and tougher of the two courses. It’s more compact and, in style, a bit posher than the Navarino Hills course. Navarino Hills has a more rural feel and takes you into the outback where you can enjoy a stroll in beautiful nature.

Q: Can you pick out a couple of holes on each course that you especially like and tell us a bit about them?
José: I think they all have their own little personality but, of course, a few will be talked about more than others. On the International Olympic Academy Course, the 12 th and 16 th holes are two beautiful but challenging par threes with great views over the bay where I am sure most golfers will stop to take a photo. Holes 10 and 15 will also get some attention. On the Navarino Hills course, I would say the sixth hole, a downhill par-five, stands out as well as the stretch from the 14th to the 17th.

Q: When the Navarino Hills project is completed, what will it do to elevate Costa Navarino’s status on the world stage as a golf destination?
José: Costa Navarino is already well known around the world but what the two new courses will do is to lift Costa Navarino from the status of a golf resort to being a full golf destination. With four golf courses, Costa Navarino will appeal to the global golf-travel market and I’m
sure will be successful in attracting many new guests.

Q: Why do you think Costa Navarino stands out as a golf destination?
José: We are spoiled as golfers because there are so many great places to go, but I have said it before and will be happy to repeat it: Costa Navarino is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. It is more than just the golf offering there, it is the whole experience that is exceptional – from the nature, the culture and the people with their amazing hospitality to the food, the beach and so many activities to choose from. Don’t be surprised if you see me at Costa Navarino from time to time in the future.

Q: How important is the issue of sustainability to you when building a golf course?
José: It is a must. There is no alternative and, luckily, the topic has arrived in society as one of the most pressing issues of our time and for generations to come. Golf is only a small piece of this, but we must contribute our share and do everything to be as conscious about
environmental, social and economic sustainability as we can. Costa Navarino is certainly a leader in this and I am proud to be a part of it.

Q: In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good golf course and the characteristics that make you want to play it again and again?
José: It does not matter whether the course is extra tough or easy or long or short, what is important is that golfers have a great time. For that to happen, I think the course has to be fair and also has to fit seamlessly into the surroundings so that it creates this special

Interview transcript provided by The Azalea Group

European Tour

Shane Lowry is waiting for a special call

Q. You have given everything to try and qualify for this Ryder Cup Team automatically and it’s just got away from you. Just give us your reflections on the day?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, look, obviously I’m disappointed with my day today to be honest. You know, it was very gettable out there. There was no wind all day and the golf course was playing very gettable.

Bit of a struggle in the middle of the back nine. You know, I felt like I gave myself a few chances around the turn again and I didn’t really do it around the turn all week. That’s where I fell back. I played the 15th hole at 15 over for the week which is obviously not good enough. I only birdied the 12th hole once.

So just a couple, I was quite close this week. Disappointing to not be in the team automatically but I’m obviously hoping that they will pick me. I don’t normally talk myself up but I think I’ve played the golf good enough and I think I deserve to be on that Cup but that’s up to them.

Q. You’ve shown good form this year, you have a proven track record, you’ve proved you can handle the ultimate pressure. How strong a case do you think you’ve put forward for a pick?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I think I’ve put forward as strong a case as you can put forward to be honest. Like I said, it’s up to the lads. Obviously spoke to G-Mac there at four o’clock to sit and talk with for the afternoon. Just have to go out and see and hope for a nice phone call whenever it is.

Q. 1-under for the day. How do you reflect on that out there today, given all that was at stake?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it wasn’t really good enough today. Was golf course is pretty easy today. I just had a bad two holes on the back nine and that kind you.

To be honest I felt like I was more in the tournament than I was. The scoreboards were broken out there. I think I didn’t get to see a scoreboard until 14 and I’m a scoreboard watcher, and I didn’t even know how I stood. That was disappointing. I’m not sure it would have changed anything or how I played because I’m quite an aggressive player anyway.

Yeah, then bad 3-putt on 14 and bad tee shot on 15. Small margins in this game. I played nicely again today and I played nicely every day, so yeah, it is what it is.

Q. You’ve played some really good golf this week. A little back drop of The Ryder Cup, at the moment it’s not an automatic pick as things stand. What do you feel in your heart of heart as you look at The Ryder Cup and the big decisions P�draig has to make tonight?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, Rosey has shown a good round today. But look, I feel like I’ve done enough but it’s up to him. It’s up to them. You know, I feel like my golf has been as consistent as anybody on the European Team over the last number of months, so I feel like I can bring a lot to The Ryder Cup and I feel like I bring a lot to the European Team, and there will definitely be good craic in the team room and hopefully I can go and play good golf if I get picked. Obviously have to wait for a nice phone call this evening and — hopefully it’s a nice phone call.

Interview Transcript from Asap Sports

European Tour

Justin Rose: “From my point of view, you can only blame yourself if you don’t get picked”

Q. Came in this week wanting to make noise, 65 to close, what do you make of that?

JUSTIN ROSE: It was a fun Sunday. Really had the opportunity to go low today. I forced myself to go low today. I played match play against the golf course, good to get into the spirit of match play. I set a target and actually achieved my target today. Look back at, it left a few out there.

Not as good as it could have been and obviously trying to win a tournament, I needed everything to kind of go my way today from mid-range. A few slipped buy, missed one on 14, check.

Q. P�draig wanted to find guys with the form and you don’t have anymore form than 18. Talk us through?

JUSTIN ROSE: Thomas just gave me a great look and I had a lot of club in my hand. Forced myself to kind of go ahead and hit a positive, smooth draw. A smooth draw is not an easy shot, you want a hard draw sometimes, and it just came out perfectly. I heard how close Thomas’s was. I’ve never had an albatross either. Amazing couple shots there and great to make the most of the crowd at 18.

Q. Do you feel like you’ve done enough for a pick?

JUSTIN ROSE: I would say I’ve given it a shot. If it doesn’t go my way, I’ll say good luck to the boys and cheer them on anyway. I actually don’t know the permutation, I really don’t. I don’t know who I’m up against. Difficult to make a call. But I have a very good record and I have achieved some things in the game that stand me in good stead. I think from that point of view, I’ve given myself a great chance.

Q. 65 to close, you came in need to go make some noise for P�draig Harrington, and appears to have happened. How pleased are you with what you have done?

JUSTIN ROSE: Great to make some literal noise at 18 in the amphitheater. Fun way to finish. I’ve enjoyed the crowds this week. Made a little noise today. Set myself a pretty positive target. I played match play against the course today in case I might need it in a couple of weeks and I managed to achieve the goal I wanted to but if I look back at the round there were some opportunities that slid past. Putter was average I think at best but fortunately I didn’t need it too much today. Obviously the iron play was pretty good and got a lot out of the round from that point of view.

Q. One of the reasons he set up the double points this week is he wants to find guys with form. What have you found this week that’s encouraging you with how you’re playing right now?

JUSTIN ROSE: If I look back at Greensboro, I had a great chance to win there, as well. That’s kind of what you want, or that’s what I want, anyway. I want that consistency coming back and I feel like I’m beginning to play what feels like my natural game in a sense. I’ve gone back to what’s easy for me and been working hard on my short putt. I saw that today. I made some great up-and-downs on the back nine there. So some of the work I’ve been putting in has been coming to fruition and sometimes you have to be patient with that. For me it’s nice to get back on the leaderboard. It’s nice to feel that little bit of flutter in the heart on Sunday and yeah, it’s obviously, listen, whatever happens in the next hour now, I’ve given it a decent run for sure.

Q. We know what you’ve done as an individual and for Team Europe. Do you feel you’ve done enough to warrant a pick?

JUSTIN ROSE: I think it will be hard for him not to pick me but I had that opportunity with Monty, as well, and went a different way. Obviously Paul Casey was seventh in the world. Who knows what the bigger plan is, and if he has a bigger plan, 100 percent good luck to the boys and I’ll be cheering as the rest of you will.

Justin discusses his round

Q. You must be pleased with the round?

JUSTIN ROSE: Yeah, it’s been obviously a great week. It’s been a week where I’ve had to work hard and there’s been a lot riding on the week as well, trying to play well in this tournament and win the tournament. Ryder Cup is coming down and it’s all coming to a head. Yesterday’s round, a little disappointing. Still felt like I had an opportunity to win. I set myself a very positive target of trying to play match play against the course, started six down and I tried to beat the golf course today. With that hot finish, I managed to win 1-up in my head.

I didn’t know what the leaders were going to do today but I felt that might give me an outside chance and I played well enough to be two or three better than that today. The putter just let me down on occasion but very happy with how I played and more importantly how I went about it today.

Q. What was the motivation? Obviously you want to win the tournament and get that feeling of being in the winner’s circle again but with the additional side of The Ryder Cup, what gave you motivation?

JUSTIN ROSE: I wanted to test myself under pressure and wanted to stand up with the toughest shots and have that mindset of trying to play the right golf shot, be 100 percent focused out there and not distracted by the outcomes and what ifs. I was pleased how I played the last two holes because they were birdie opportunities. I was probably, for me, how I stepped up and committed to those last couple of tee shots is what I’m most proud of in the day. There’s enough riding on it where I had the butterflies and I could feel it. You know, when you haven’t been playing that well, you don’t get many opportunities to test yourself under a little bit of pressure, so it was good today.

Q. I believe P�draig has been unusually quiet this week when it comes to discussing what he might do this evening. In your heart of hearts, given what you’ve done this week and today and if it’s not an automatic selection, what do you feel your Ryder Cup looks like?

JUSTIN ROSE: Two or three weeks ago it looked fairly straightforward and Bernd played great and forced his way on the team and there’s a scenario with Shane and Westy and that probably changes that dynamic, too. He’s probably at the 11th hour, a lot to think about.

From my point of view, you can only blame yourself if you don’t get in and don’t get picked, because obviously I’ve never had a pick for The Ryder Cup. I’ve always played my way on to the team which is what the goal always is to do. If you leave it into someone else’s hands, you know, we’ll see, but if I don’t get picked, good luck to the lads.

Interview Transcript from Asap Sports