Highlights Tours PGA Tour

Matthew Wolff wins the Aon Risk Reward Challenge, and speaks up about mental health: “Knowing that I had to get out of bed and just like not being able to.”

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club
Press Conference

THE MODERATOR:We’re going to go ahead and kick things off. We’re going to do the first five to ten minutes recognizing your award as the Aon Risk Reward Challenge winner, and then we’ll get into the tournament press conference questions.

So we’re excited to make a big announcement for you today. You are the 2021 champion of the Aon Risk Reward Challenge with a $1 million prize for the PGA TOUR. To turn it over and welcome you and thank you and congratulate you, I’d like to introduce Eric Andersen, president of Aon, who’s joining us today.

ERIC ANDERSEN: Thanks, Laura. It’s great to be with you all today.

First off, Matthew, congratulations. We’re so happy to have you as our Aon Risk Reward Challenge champion. It’s been inspiring for all of our colleagues around the world to watch you compete on the challenge holes, especially as the competition got tight and started to really become very competitive as we went down the stretch.

Watching you play, seeing your strategy, using your team, how you put yourself in a position to make the decisions that really — it really speaks to what we’re also trying to do with our clients, and it’s incredible to see that your approach has paid off in the way that it has. So really congratulations. Really excited about it.

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, first off, it’s nice meeting you, Eric. I appreciate you for what you do and for Aon and putting everything on and allowing me to do what I do and making the best decisions and getting rewarded for that. So I appreciate that, first and foremost.

Secondly, yeah, it’s an honor to be the 2020/2021 Aon Risk Reward Challenge champion. It’s a season long race and felt like a really long season this year. It was great. I just think, like you were saying, making the best decisions, and especially coming down on those holes. Those are the holes when usually they’re later in the round, and like the risk reward, it’s just you take on that risk and you can get rewarded, but it can also go the other way. I wouldn’t be sitting here if it went the other way. So I’m glad I got the reward along with the risk.


THE MODERATOR: Matthew, your approach allowed you to birdie over 54 percent of the Aon Risk Reward Challenge holes. Your par-5 at over 45 percent. Go for the green success rate, 16 percent higher compared to the field. So many amazing stats throughout your season. Are there any Aon Risk Reward Challenge holes and specific decisions that stood out to you throughout the season?

MATTHEW WOLFF: I think one of my favorite Aon Risk Reward holes is 15 at Travelers. I just think it’s such a good hole. It’s coming down the stretch. What I love about it is I love those drivable par-4s that are those Aon Risk Reward holes because it’s just — it’s set up so perfectly to where, if you take on that risk, that you will get rewarded because par-4s are not supposed to be driven, but if you have the ability to and you’re willing to take on that risk and try to step up and hit that shot, you can get rewarded.

But I also feel like, if you don’t pull off that shot, it could definitely — you know, like it’s a break your round or maybe even tournament if you’re trying to go for the lead, and I think that’s what is so amazing about this hole — or this challenge is because it makes you really step up and hit the shot and commit and take on that risk.

It just shows that there’s much more to going about golf than just hitting the shot. It’s about preparing and looking at the statistics and seeing everything, where people make birdies from, where people make bogeys from, pulling all that together, and on top of that, just your feel of what you feel like you should be doing and putting all those factors together and making the best decision, it’s not always easy, but at the end of the year, it seems like I made the right ones.

THE MODERATOR: Absolutely you did. Players on the PGA TOUR obviously have very different approaches. Can you talk about how you build your strategy specifically to these challenge holes?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I think I’m a very aggressive player. I feel like there’s a lot of times when I try to take on that risk. You’ll see that in a lot of players, such as Brooks Koepka, who I know was last year’s Aon Risk Reward Challenge winner. I think just being that aggressive mindset, knowing that you can pull of that shot, or feeling that confidence that you can pull off that shot, it really helps me when I get to these holes because, even though the shot may require a little more skill or a little more kind of thought going into it, I feel like at the end of the day I have that confidence and I have that ability to pull off those big shots when they’re not easy.

To me, it was just really knowing that I could — you know, having the confidence in myself and knowing that I could step up on those hard holes and take a risk and know that it was going to be — or I had a good chance of getting rewarded, which was don’t always feel that way, but it was a nice feeling.

THE MODERATOR: I have a last question, and that goes toward both of you. This is the third year of the Aon Risk Reward Challenge across the PGA TOUR and the LPGA TOUR. Eric, you launched this in 2018 and made the decision to support the challenge across both tours and anchored it with the $1 million for each winner.

Can you first tell us, Eric, about the significance of the program and gender equality in sports, and then, Matt, we’ll talk about what it means to you to have this challenge across both those tours as well.

ERIC ANDERSEN: Sure, Laura. Listen, the Aon Risk Reward Challenge for us, we really wanted to do something that really showed our commitment to what we were trying to do around inclusion and diversity both within our firm but also within our communities.

The winners of this Risk Reward Challenge, how they approach the shots, as Matt was saying before, really has nothing to do with gender. It’s around skill. It’s around preparation. It’s around working with your teams. It’s about using that right risk reward balance that’s so important to winning like you have.

For us, it was an easy decision that we wanted to back up our challenge with a financial commitment that was equal across both the women’s tour and the men’s tour. We’re really excited about it. We’ve gotten great feedback from it, not just from our own colleagues who were excited, but also our broader community. So we’re really excited about Matt for sure and also who’s going to join him in November with the LPGA TOUR winner.

THE MODERATOR: Matt, what does it mean to you to have this program launched across both the LPGA and the PGA TOUR?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I think just kind of echoing what Eric just said, it’s more than just the gender or the skill that you have. It’s about the decision-making and the thought process going into it and also the hard work. No matter what gender you are, no matter what skill level you play at, at the end of the day, taking those extra steps and looking at the statistics and going out there and getting a feel for the hole is — that’s what an athlete does.

And being able to — you know, for Aon and everyone, just forget about gender and make everyone equal because, at the end of the day, I put in all the work that I do in order to make the best decisions and play the hole — not only the Aon Risk Reward holes, but every hole as well as I can, and they do the same thing. They put in just as much work. They put in just as much time. They go through the statistics and try to make that best decision, and they should be rewarded just the same as we are.

I think that it’s really important for other athletes, especially female, to see that and know that, you know, to keep working hard because people will realize that, and Aon is one of the first to do it.

I’m sure there are plenty of others that have the same rewards and stuff like that, but not many that I’ve heard of. So it’s really cool what Aon’s doing, and I’m excited as well to see who’s going to join me in November with that trophy.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Matthew. Thank you, Eric. We’re going to turn it over to our media here at the Northern Trust, but congratulations again on your award this year and all your hard work.

MATTHEW WOLFF: Thank you. Thanks again, Eric. I really appreciate it.

ERIC ANDERSEN: You got it. Well done.

Q. You’ve now played, I think, six times since you came back at the U.S. Open. Just wondering how are you doing mentally and personally? How are you handling life on TOUR differently than you were before?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, it’s still a grind. I’m doing a lot better. I am. I feel like I’m starting to feel like the results based — or the performance doesn’t so much affect the person that I am, and I can still be friendly to fans and talk to people and smile and have fun out there and enjoy all the hard work that I’ve put in to be where I am today.

Sometimes I definitely take that for granted, and it’s hard when you’re out there working really hard and feel like you’re ready for a tournament and then going out and not performing, it takes a toll on you, especially when you’re not playing well in that moment, and it might happen over and over again.

But I just feel like I’ve really got to stick to what I’ve been working on. I trust the people that are on my team, and it’s definitely getting better. You know, I can’t say by huge amounts really quickly, but I know incrementally the scores might not be better, but I’m feeling better. I’m happier. And I’ll look to keep on being happy.

Q. And with what happened with Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles, it does feel like there’s a momentum to addressing these mental health issues in sports. Do you feel like there’s momentum in that way, and did you notice support from other guys on TOUR for stepping away the way you did for a little while?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Absolutely. I feel like stuff is starting to go that way. What you said about Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles and stuff, I want to move that to what Rory said. He was at the Olympics, and they asked him about Naomi and Simone, and I think his quote on that was so powerful and so true. It was mental illness or not being happy, that’s an injury, and people don’t look at it as that. People look at it as, oh, you’re not happy, or you’re a little screwed up in the head or you’re just playing bad. It’s like get over it, keep on working.

But it’s more than that. It’s more than just how you play. It’s about enjoying yourself. There’s so many guys out here that have such good attitudes, and even when they’re not playing good, they’re going out there, having fun, talking, laughing. They’re enjoying themselves out there.

If you don’t feel right, if you don’t feel like you want to be out there and you feel like — some of the feelings that I had were like getting up in the morning knowing I had to get out of bed and just like not being able to, being like I don’t want to get out of bed. I just want to stay in my bed and not be in front of everyone and not screw up in front of everyone, and I think that what he said was really powerful because, if you don’t feel a hundred percent right, no matter if it’s physical or mental, it is an injury, and you should be able to rehab and take your time in order to get to a place where you need to be.

I feel like I had that time, and I’m looking forward to this off-season to working on it a little bit more.

Q. Hey, Matt, this is where you had your first playoff appearance two years ago. When you look back at two years ago, is there something you’re possibly trying to recapture or kind of those feelings you talk about? Did you have those in 2019? I guess how would you — what are the things that 2019 Matthew Wolff, you want to get back in 2021 Matthew Wolff?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I think just how free I was. Obviously, I made the cut here, but I didn’t have that good of a tournament. I think just the aggressiveness and the go for it attitude and the everything — not everything’s going to be all right, but I’m taking on that risk, and if it doesn’t always happen the way I want it to, not getting frustrated because I know there’s going to be times when I do take on those risks or I play how I used to in 2019.

Just I would say more fearless if anything. It was going up and getting after every round and being like I’m going to go out and shoot 62 today and not being like I hope I shoot under par, and I just think that little mindset is something that I’ve been working on.

Yeah, playing here always helps even if it’s only one time. You see guys out here, they’ve been playing for 15, 20 years, and they show up on Wednesday morning or Tuesday night, and they just play the Pro-Am and they’re ready to go because they’ve seen it before.

It is nice knowing that I’ve seen this course before, and maybe subtle things on the greens or lines on tee shots that I can feel a little more confident with this time as opposed to the first time I played here. But I think at the end of the day, I’m just going to stick to my game plan and try to have a good time out there.

Q. With the fall, do you feel like you’ll use that as a time to step away again and work on the things you talked about? Or is that a time, because you had a break, you could maybe play a little more than you would have attended if you played the fall season? I guess how do you view what you possibly want to try to accomplish in the fall?

MATTHEW WOLFF: Yeah, I think that my fix or what I’m working on isn’t a quick thing to fix. It’s not something that is a choice. It’s not, oh, just be happy because if I’m working really hard and my results aren’t good, it’s hard to stay positive. The most important thing for me is to keep on working on it and make sure that negative results or bad days don’t take away from the overall product of what I’m trying to do.

I think that I’m definitely going to take as much time as I can off in the fall to work on that and work on my game as well as my mental side and just being happy, but I do think that I’m ready to go in the fall. I think I’ll have a couple months off, and that will be a good time to reset and work on what I need to work on. Or my bad, a couple weeks off, and then play the fall, and then I’ll have a couple months off.

It’s a long season. The PGA TOUR, they play a lot of tournaments, and just like any other professional athlete, you play a lot of games in any sport that you play, and any down time that you can get is really important, and I think that’s one thing that I’ve learned since I’ve been out here.

In junior golf and when you’re younger, you feel like your motor always goes. As soon as you get out here and travel week to week and play a bunch of weeks in a row, you feel like your motor kind of wears out quicker than it usually does. Rest is just as important as practice, in my opinion.

Press Release by ASAP Sports

Apparel Equipment Products


Arccos – the pioneer of big data and artificial intelligence for golf – today announced it has teamed up with Samsung to launch the Arccos Caddie app for the new Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 and Galaxy Watch 4 Classic, leveraging the Wear OS Powered by Samsung platform built jointly with Google to benefit golfers around the world.

By working closely with Samsung to participate in the launch of the first Samsung smartwatch to leverage Wear OS Powered by Samsung, Arccos has reaffirmed its position as the global category leader for on-course performance tracking and insights. Its members have recorded more than 7 million rounds and 460 million shots with the system while playing golf courses in 194 countries. This feeds the world’s largest on-course dataset, which now includes 31 billion separate data points that are analysed to help golfers perform their best.

Arccos Caddie App for Wear OS Powered by Samsung on New Samsung Galaxy Watches
Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 users will now be able to use Arccos Caddie to receive precise GPS distances while in-play and review their shots and clubs used post game. Later this year, Arccos will also incorporate Health Services API information into the Arccos Caddie app for Wear OS Powered by Samsung, as well as enable users to see a variety of statistics from previous rounds.

“Samsung has long been a global leader in wearable technology and Wear OS Powered by Samsung comes with some major enhancements for developers,” said Ryan Johnson, Arccos’ Vice President of Software Engineering. “Our team has found the platform very easy to develop on and the result is a seamless integration between our app, the Samsung Galaxy Watch-4 Series and Android smartphones.”

Golf’s first Artificial Intelligence platform, Arccos Caddie automatically tracks shots while delivering in-round insights and post-round Strokes Gained Analytics. The system includes the world’s first A.I. powered rangefinder, smart club distance averages for each club and caddie advice for any hole on earth. These innovative features combine to help golfers of all skill levels make smarter decisions, improve faster and shoot lower scores. In 2020, the average new Arccos member improved their handicap by 5.02 strokes.

About Arccos Golf LLC
Arccos Golf LLC develops game-changing connected golf products. The company is revolutionising the golfing experience by integrating automatic shot tracking with Artificial Intelligence to deliver unparalleled insights that help players maximize their potential. Listed among the “World’s Most Innovative Companies” by Fast Company, ranking #3 in the Sports category globally, Arccos boasts the golf industry’s richest data set. Its official partners include PING (smart clubs), Cobra Golf (smart clubs) and TaylorMade (smart clubs). For more information, please visit:

Press release by Sports Impact

Ladies European Tour

SOPHIA POPOV: “It’s the Highlight of the Summer”

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland, UK

OLIVIA McMILLAN: Welcome back to the AIG Women’s Open, you are of course our defending champion, Sophia Popov, and it’s a pleasure to have you back in Scotland.

How are you feeling this week coming into it?

SOPHIA POPOV: It’s kind of cool to see, first of all, from the parking spot to all the life videos going on in the clubhouse and all the pictures just brings back a lot of memories of last year. Obviously a special week in my golf career. It’s a little bit emotional coming out here and it’s obviously a really cool venue.

OLIVIA McMILLAN: You said it’s been a little bit emotional. Can you tell us what those feelings were when you saw your car parking spot entering the championship and YOUR face is everywhere.

SOPHIA POPOV: Literally everywhere. Yeah, I just think it’s — it takes awhile. Like you only realise it once you get on-site and you do see your face everywhere and you realise, oh, my God, it’s been a year now and this is the event that changed so much for me. And I think up until last week, it was just a regular season and just keep playing, keep playing.

And then once I kind of set foot out here, it was like, okay, I’m coming here to truly enjoy this week, you know, regardless of what happens. This is my sixth or seventh week on the road now so obviously it’s kind of the highlight of the summer for or less for myself.

But again we are all probably a little tired at this point, but I think this is kind of energising me a lot just to be here and just the excitement surrounding the event.

Q. I know it was played at a different time of the year, slightly earlier in the year last year. Can you take us back to the Tuesday exactly your emotions, what your thoughts were about what you could achieve that week?

SOPHIA POPOV: You know, obviously last year was a completely different time, also just in my career where I was at at that moment.

It’s actually funny just playing my practise round today, it’s a lot of the same emotions I kind of go through that I had last year where it’s just I’m kind of excited to be back to play some links golf, and just enjoy the venue because it’s so special. It’s the site of my first AIG Women’s Open in 2011.

So it just brings back a lot of memories from having played here in 2011 and 2012, and so I think I’m just enjoying myself being out here and I think that’s very similar to last year. Just last year I didn’t know what was going to happen on Sunday, and I don’t know this year either.

Popov compares the course to the first time she set foot on it

Q. Having played the course before, does it feel different, the setup this week compared to the first time you were here?

SOPHIA POPOV: Yeah, maybe a little bit. I think that the one thing that stands out for me is we are playing 17 as a par 4 this year. We played it as a par 5 back in 2011. I think that made that final stretch a little bit more manageable. Now we’re looking at four pretty strong finishing holes with 15, 16, 17 and 18. So I think that you’re just going to have to be fully on. It wasn’t very much different at Troon either. I think the final stretch was not that easy but you did have 16 to relieve some of the pressure.

I think that’s going to be a little bit different. I think I didn’t really realise that quite as much in 2011 how tough that final stretch really is, so that’s kind of something that’s definitely noticeable this year. But other than that I think it’s playing very similar. But it all depends on the wind. We’re playing in a different wind than we’re going to have starting on Thursday. It all depends on that.

Q. Having backed up the win last year, you have a Solheim Cup on the horizon, how exciting is that?

SOPHIA POPOV: Yeah, it’s very exciting. I think a lot of times, I think I might even mentally get ahead of myself a little bit, just really looking forward to that week and the excitement of it always reminds me of all the great things that happened last year and this year.

The fact that the British Open, of course last year I played well and I won the tournament but I had to back it up with some other finishes to make that Solheim Cup team. I did that pretty well throughout end of last season and beginning of this season. Now I fully grasp the idea that I really belong on that team, and now I think I can really enjoy it and look forward to it.

Q. So much of your life has changed over the past year. What have you worked hard to keep the same?

SOPHIA POPOV: I think that just the enjoyment I guess of playing, and just trying to have a good time and a good mindset. I’ve caught myself the last six, seven weeks have been a little bit of a roller coater on the golf course just because it’s been very tiring I think with all the travel that we’ve been going through. I think I tried really hard to just stay in the moment, go hole-by-hole, shot-by-shot and not really think ahead too much because I think it’s just very easy, too, when you’re playing so much and you’re playing so many really big events to kind of get ahead of yourself a little bit and expecting a lot.

I think to this day, I just get to the golf course and I expect myself to play well all the time. Sometimes the body just doesn’t want to go the way you do, and mentally you’re fine but your body is just kind of tired or the other way around; your body is fine and you’re mentally little bit exhausted from the last few weeks.

I think just really enjoying being out there, especially this week, just to take it all in because I don’t know what’s going to happen this week and going forward.

So just being able to tee it up as at defending champion is something that’s very, very special and something I shouldn’t take too lightly either.

Popov has been through the process of trying to replace her caddie

Q. You had a very special caddie on the bag at Troon. What’s the process like trying to replace him?

SOPHIA POPOV: He’s irreplaceable. No, I talked to him yesterday and obviously Max is not just someone that’s really — I guess really good on the bag, but he’s obviously a great life partner. So I think in every department, he always says the right things at the right times and I think it’s very hard in that sense to replace him.

I think I’ve got a great caddie in Carlos on the bag this week, starting last week. He’s very calm. Reminds me a lot of Max, actually, in a lot of ways.

It’s tough because I know he’s not going to be there to — I don’t think he’s caddying any time soon. So I have to figure out a way to play golf without him, which I’ve done pretty well this year already. It’s nice to know that he’s only a phone call away and is supporting me from wherever he is.

Q. Current form, where is your game at now, would you say?

SOPHIA POPOV: I think that it’s actually in a better spot than I think it is. I think that I had some — I think about five, six weeks ago, I think just playing so much kind of made me a little bit tired and I think a couple mistakes were creeping in starting at the U.S. Open, especially after that week in Vegas that was just really long and grueling. I’ve been trying to keep it very, very simple and, I have over-complicated things a little bit for myself these last few weeks trying to be that perfect ball-striker that I think I can be, but it’s just not necessary around here.

You just have to pick good target and miss the ball in the right spots, and I think that’s what I’m getting back at. I think these practise rounds have been very good and I think it’s a lot more, I think mental effort for me than it is physical effort right now. So just kind of keeping my head in the game and making sure I stay very focussed and especially on some of the tougher shots.

Q. To be back at Carnoustie, it’s a special place and there are going to be thousands and thousands of Scottish golf fans there cheering you on. How special is that going to be?

SOPHIA POPOV: Yeah, it’s going to be amazing. It’s going to be awesome to kind of see the flipside of last year. Last year was very quiet in general just because we didn’t have any fans out there. I could see a lot of the people coming off the beach and they really wanted to watch some golf.

And I think it’s going to be great thing about this year everyone is looking forward to this so bad. I know Scottish fans are always awesome. I feel like they are very well known to cheer for everyone which is great. They know the game so well, so they know they can decipher golf shots from bad shots and I think that’s the greatest part of it, for them to also be really able to enjoy it because they weren’t able to enjoy it last year. I’m just as excited for the fans as I am for myself.

Q. About the Solheim Cup, how much has Catriona Matthew talked to you about what’s going to happen in a few weeks’ time or has she been leaving you alone to focus on this week?

SOPHIA POPOV: It’s been nice. She’s been texting me after every time I’ve been playing well and just to see how I’m doing and how I’m feeling. I got to play with her yesterday, which was very nice. We had a couple quick chats.

But also just about everything in general. I don’t think she’s just someone to talk to only for Solheim Cup purposes but for a lot of other stuff she’s been a great help. I think that now it’s a lot closer, we were able to have some conversations about it that obviously I won’t let anyone into. But it’s also a little bit early for her to talk about too much because she still has some picks to make.

I think that we, I guess, would try to help her as much as we can but it’s up to her at the end of the week. For the most part we just chatting about this week and really just looking forward. I think we are just very excited.

Q. Would you tell giving away anything that she’s told you, have those conversations made you more nervous, excited, petrified? How would you describe it?

SOPHIA POPOV: I think it calmed me down a lot. Someone with her experience and talking about things — everything she says sounds really calm. I think that’s the quite nice thing. I feel like there’s not so much pressure tied to things she says, too. She’s pretty laid back, and you take things as they come and at the same time, you know, she’s probably deep down excited and very nervous about what’s going to happen and how the team is going to shape up like this coming week. But I think that in general, our conversations have been very mellow.

And also I think a lot of the nerves I might have for this week. I’ve talked to so many players that have really given me great advice on it. So I’m starting to feel calmer and calmer, until I get to that first tee.

Sophia is ready to start!

Q. So you’re to the volunteering to hit the first tee shot on Saturday morning, will you?

SOPHIA POPOV: I’m definitely not hitting off the odds.

Q. Can you talk about the overall buzz that you’re hearing in the locker room of players being at Carnoustie? For many in the field, it’s their first or first time in a long time?

SOPHIA POPOV: It’s been pretty fun, actually. I think that there’s been this video that’s been like on a 20-second cycle going on in the clubhouse and everyone is just kind of like — I think everyone is fed up of seeing me to be honest. But it’s really funny because everyone just comes by. It’s like they call you defending champ and you’re like, okay.

Normally I’m way too humble of a person to even identify with something like that, but I know this week I can, so I’m just taking it all in. I’m like, yep, I’m defending. So I’m getting better at just accepting that and being all cool about it. But it’s pretty cool. It’s awesome and I think just for me and myself, you walk in the locker room and I have one of the first lockers obviously for all the previous winners and that’s just something that’s very cool and I honestly didn’t even know about until I got here.

OLIVIA McMILLAN: Thank you so much for being very generous with your time today. We really appreciate it and wish you the best of luck in your title defense at the AIG Women’s Open.

Interview transcript by


Aroeira Golf Resort: An Elevating Experience


ORIZONTE – Lisbon Golf has taken its investment to new heights by unveiling an array of new facilities at Aroeira Golf Resort – a two-time host of the Portuguese Open.

Fresh from the rebranding this spring of its two 18-hole championship courses – Aroeira Pines Classic and Aroeira Challenge – Portugal’s leading golf management company has continued its spending by upgrading the golf leisure facilities at the resort.

Among the renovations made, the clubhouse for Aroeira Pines Classic, host venue of the 1996 and 1997 Portuguese Open, has been given a fresh new look with a modern contemporary décor inside and outside the restaurant, new kitchen facilities and refurbished changing rooms.

In addition, the resort’s swimming pool area has been refurbished with a new bar and décor while the Kids’ Club has also received a makeover, making it the ideal place for parents to leave their children while they’re playing golf or enjoying a relaxing meal in the clubhouse restaurant.

Nestled amid tranquil natural pine forest, Aroeira Golf Resort – 25km south of Lisbon – is rated among Europe’s top 50 golf resorts and has been dubbed the ‘Wentworth of Lisbon’ by many observers.

Among the many attractions on the stunning Aroeira estate is the Aroeira Lisbon Hotel. Providing the ultimate in chic modern design, the hotel includes 68 bedrooms and suites, an outdoor pool, a spa and a choice of five bars and restaurants, and offers easy access to the many golden sandy beaches in the Costa Azul region.

Alternatively, golfers can enjoy a staycation break in one of Aroeira’s choice of villas and apartments with stay-and-play packages, while a short drive from Aroeira, Ribagolfe boasts two of the finest layouts in the Lisbon region – Ribagolfe I and II.

As part of ORIZONTE’s golf maintenance programme, both courses were the subject of an upgrade at the start of the golf season while a new hotel partner for 2021, the Four Points by Sheraton Sesimbra, offers the ideal base to play the club known as the ‘Valderrama of Portugal’.

ORIZONTE provides golfers with the opportunity to play four of the leading courses in close proximity to Lisbon in the stunning Costa Azul, together with exceptional value for money on a wide range of accommodation options.

 For more details about ORIZONTE – Lisbon Golf and to book any of its golf packages, please email [email protected] or visit

PGA Tour

Ian Poulter is literally on his way to the Play Offs

Last weekend at the 2021 Wyndham Championship was stressful at the least for some remarkable players such as Rickie Fowler or Justin Rose, among others. However, the Britishman Ian Poulter was ranked 79th in the FedExCup ranking, within the Top 125 of the Northen Trust, making the cut for the Play Offs by a 189pts difference with Justin Rose, who goes first on the list of players that have missed the cut.

Ian Poulter has made three Top 10 during the 2021 season. He finished T3 at the Charles Schwab Challenge, T9 at the World Golf Championships-Dell Technologies Match Play, and T10 at the World Golf Championships-FedEx St. Jude Invitational, which played an important role to classify for the Play Offs.
Poulter initiated his professional golf career back in 1995, and him and his always colorful looks in the golf course do not think of hanging their spikes any time soon. The golfer Ian Poulter wants to continue achieving great things, and he shares such intentions with his fans in a funny way, always keeping his unbroken sense of humor.
Ian Poulter makes it to the FedexCup Play Offs and he decided to get going already. Poulter is so exciting that just got in the car and he is now on his way to give it all. Stay Tuned!

Senior Tours

Star names announced for Farmfoods European Senior Masters 2021

The Farmfoods European Senior Masters 2021 has announced the first part of its star studded lineup with crowds set to return.

Running from 30th September to the 3rd October 2021, the esteemed golfing event will once again take centre stage at the Forest of Arden, Meriden, with none of other than Peter Baker, three-time European tour winner, as host. 

“I’m delighted to welcome back players and spectators to the European Senior Masters,” said Baker, who has hosted the contest every year to date.

“During the days of the pandemic, golf was one of the main sporting highlights for fans to enjoy from the comfort of their own sofas, but nothing beats being there in person.

“It’s therefore with great pleasure to say that not only do we have some of the best seniors in the game in action, but also, that fans will be able to experience it all first-hand, live and in person.”

Located at the stunning Forest of Arden Marriott Hotel & Country Club, the four-day ESM event will certainly be a spectacle for golfing enthusiasts. 

Ian Woosnam OBE, Paul Lawrie OBE and Jarmo Sandelin are just some of the players who will be aiming for the prize this year, with a €150,000 total prize fund and an impressive €50,000 for the winner.

Last time out, Thomas Levet took the 2019 title, one shot clear of Markus Brier in second, with Lawrie, Sandelin, and Woosnam sharing third place.

Luckily, spectators will finally be allowed to come and watch the action unfold, with tickets costing just £20 for all four days, or £10 per day. 

The event format is as follows: 

Day one (Thursday): Pro-Am team event. One pro player will join three amateurs to play one round of the course, and whichever team tops the leader board wins the day.  

Day two/three (Friday/Saturday): The Alliance. This is where the action steps up a notch. Over the course of two days, one pro is paired with one amateur, and both players will traverse the course together, playing one round on both days. The pro’s scores count on the main leader board and the amateurs play for an amateur prize. After the play has finished on Saturday, the winning amateur will receive their prizes before stepping aside for the last day. 

Day four (Sunday): Final day’s play. Only professionals will play on this day, which will consist of one more round of the course. Whoever tops the leader board at the end of the day wins the title and prize money.  

With just over a month to go, event organisers Champions UK plc spoke of the preparation in delivering the high-profile event:

“We’re all busy preparing the final touches for the tournament,” said John Hayes, CEO of leading brand agency Champions UK plc.

“It’s exciting to see so many of our sponsors return to the iconic Forest of Arden course. It’s certainly shaping up to be an event to remember.”

Sponsors of the event include Lord’s Taverners, a leading disability sports charity and Farmfoods.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact [email protected]

To join us at this year’s tournament, please head to the tickets page:  

European Challenge Tour Live Satellite Tours

Tinning set for second Challenge of the Danish Swing

Nicolai Tinning is looking to take inspiration from his sporting family as he prepares to tee it up in the Sydbank Esbjerg Challenge this week.

The Dane competed in his first European Challenge Tour event of the 2021 Road to Mallorca International Schedule last week at the Made in Esbjerg Challenge – Presented by FREJA & TotalEnergies, finishing in a respectable tie for tenth place at Esbjerg Golfklubb, which also provides the setting for this week’s event.

Tinning is looking to rekindle the winning tradition that is prominent in his family after his father

His father, Steen Tinning, has two wins apiece on both the European Tour and the Legends Tour, while Tinning Snr’s cousin, Iben Tinning, also had a successful career recording six Ladies European Tour titles.

“It’s amazing,” he said. “I’ve been coming here since I was 12, I have quite a big golf family. My dad is the guy to speak to about everything, we have talked a lot about Tour life and how to get around, how to behave and how to play Pro-Ams. Some of it I have learnt from my dad and I’ve talked a lot with my Dad’s cousin Iben who also played a high level of golf and of course my coach Ben.

“I enjoyed last week a lot, there was a lot of people here the first week, it was amazing. I didn’t play that well on Saturday but I played really well on Friday so it was amazing to play here and there can’t be a better place for me to play a tournament.”

The 28-year-old competed in 19 European Challenge Tour events in 2019 with his best result coming at the Swiss Challenge Presented by Swiss Golf in which the Dane recorded a tie for 13th place but has admitted that it is excellent to be back playing after being very busy off the course.

“I’m just trying to enjoy it,” he said. “I played 19 events on the Challenge Tour and then Covid came. There have been a lot of things going on in my personal life, I’m going to be a dad in January, and I got married last year, so it’s just trying to enjoy it and play this amazing course. I just love being here.”

Tinning is joined in the field for the Sydbank Esbjerg Challenge by last week’s Made in Esbjerg – Presented by FREJA & TotalEnergies champion and five-time Challenge Tour winner Ricardo Gouveia, as well as three-time Challenge Tour winner Daan Huizing.

The action in the second event of the Danish Swing gets under way at 7:30am local time on Tuesday August 17, with Tinning teeing it up alongside fellow Dane Nicolai Kristensen and Robin Dawson of Ireland at 9:10am.

Press Release by the European Communication

Ladies European Tour Ladies Tours

LPGA Tour. Class recognizes class

Charley Hull (25), from England had just arrived from playing the 2021 LPGA Women’s Scottish Open at Dumbarnie Links, in Fife, Scotland. Hull could not have been more consistent as she played four rounds of -3 (69) in a row, to finish T5 with a total of -12, and $46,478 more to her career earnings. Charley began playing with her father at Kettering Golf Club. She left school aged 13 to be home schooled, and started playing in amateur tournaments. She had her rookie year in 2015, when she only missed one cut, and she plans on continuing to compete with the best in the world. She is currently T34 in the Rolex Ranking, after she moved up 4 positions last weekend.

During the Women’s Scottish Open, Hull was tied for the leader with a total of -9 after the third round. However, Ryann O’Toole, from USA, signed a crazy final round of -8 (64) to win the tournament. O’Toole is currently ranked T71 in the Rolex Ranking, after she improved in 40 positions in Scotland. Golf is unpredictable and every shot makes a difference. Today, Charley Hull shared the victory of her mate O’Toole, recognizing the great work of hers and looking forward to come back to the course next weekend, or “the office” as she likes to call it, to compete at the 2021 AIG Women’s Open Championship, in Carnoustie Golf Links, Scotland, from August 19-22.


Official World Golf Ranking: Jon Rahm holds on to top spot

Keep up with our concise analysis, getting straight to the point on the developments in the last week and changes in the official world golf rankings.

Top 5 OWGR Leaderboard

# Name Nationality Points Total Points Gained Events
1 Jon Rahm ESP 462.76 248.11 47
2 Dustin Johnson USA 380.51 123.75 42
3 Collin Morikawa USA 449.5 312.25 52
4 Xander Schauffele USA 347.22 204.35 47
5 Justin Thomas USA 357.23 162.31 52
Jon Rahm leads in the official world golf ranking this week. The Spaniard’s points average is 9.846 at the time of publication. Rahm’s rank has not changed since last week. ​ Behind him on the official world golf ranking is Dustin Johnson, 37 years old, at rank 2. The American has, in comparison to last week, not gone up or down in the rankings. Third in the rankings this week is Collin Morikawa, 37, with a points average of 8.6442. Yoseop Seo has climbed the most places in the official world golf rankings this week. He has managed to jump 632 places in the world ranking list, and is now sitting at 490 rank. The South Korean jumped from position 1122, with a current point average of 0.273. The highest ranked Englishman in the official world golf rankings is currently Tyrrell Hatton, in place 13 and has remained unchanged since last week.
PGA Tour

Justin Rose is “gutted” over his PGA season being over

Despite his successful year, Rose failed to qualify for the FedEx Cup for the first time in his PGA career.

His current season highlights include finishing T8 at the PGA Championship, his second consecutive top-10 at the event and fifth in his career. Led the field in Strokes Gained: Putting (2.932 per round). During the Masters, he shot a first-round 65 and took a four-stroke 18-hole lead before finishing solo-seventh.

The FedExCup is a season-long points competition which culminates with the FedExCup Playoffs, a series of three events to determine the FedExCup Champion. The top 125 players in the FedExCup standings are eligible for the FedExCup Playoffs with the three events featuring a progressive cut with fields of 125, 70 and 30. Justin Rose currently ranks at 126 which leaves him out of the running for this season’s championship. Despite missing out this year, Rose seems to be holding his head high for his fans.


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