PGA Tour

Charles Schwab Challenge: Interview with Rory McIlroy after the second round

The world number one Rory McIlroy tees up at the Charles Schwab Challenge for the first time since the corona-related break. In the interview after his second round, he talks to Asap Sports about the feeling of playing in front of empty ranks, his performance and the field at the Charles Schwab Challenge.

Rory McIlroy in an interview with Asap Sports:

After 36 holes, are things starting to feel more normal for you?

Rory McIlroy: Yeah, I mean, I think even yesterday, once we sort of got into the flow of the round, things started to become more normal. When that first birdie putt went in and I didn’t get a clap, I was sort of — like my hand was trying to go up to wave to someone in the gallery, but there’s obviously no one there. But once you get into it, it’s the same. We’re trying to go out there and play the best golf we can. Look, I’d love there to be fans here this week. I think this tournament deserves to be fans considering the field that’s been assembled, but hopefully we can get back to playing in front of some big crowds soon. But it felt as normal as it can, I guess.

When you look at the field and see that a lot of the top players are at the top of the leaderboard, what does that make you think?

Rory McIlroy: I guess I feel like this is always — from watching from afar, this is a golf course that’s always let the best players rise to the top. You have to be in complete control of your game, hit fairways, hit greens, convert some putts, and yeah, the leaderboard is a who’s-who of golf right now. I’m just happy to be in the mix.

When you reflect back on the interruption, you came into the season, into the year playing strong, had that long layoff. Are you surprised, not at all surprised by you coming out and playing so well?

Rory McIlroy: You know, I learned a lot about my game yesterday just through 18 holes, and you can do as much practice as you want and play as much as you want at home, but until you actually get into that competitive environment, you’re never 100 percent sure of how your game is. So I learnt a lot yesterday, and I feel like I made some improvements today on yesterday and learnt a few things. So no, not surprised. I’ve been playing well at home and I’ve been hitting the ball the way I’ve wanted to, just a matter of getting it to translate out on to tournament play, and it’s nice that it has.

Yesterday you mentioned your distance control was off with your wedges. What was the turnaround today?

Rory McIlroy: Actually the rental home we’re staying in this week has a simulator in the basement, and I’ve actually hit a few balls in there last night, and that helped. So obviously I didn’t — it’s hot here; you don’t want to take too much energy out of yourself. But the fact that where we’re staying has a simulator and you can hit some shots into the — I guess get some numbers, I just needed to sort of dial them in a little bit. Did that last night, and seemed to help this morning.

You had six birdies and an eagle; just overall an assessment of your round today?

Rory McIlroy: Yeah, it was really good. I felt like I built my score really well. I took advantage of some of the easier holes. I played conservatively on some of the tougher ones, especially 3, 4 and 5, the horrible horseshoe. I made three of my pars there and moved on and then birdied the next two holes. Just smart, played to my strengths, put it in play and gave myself plenty of chances. I felt pretty comfortable out there, and hopefully I can do the exact same thing over the next two days.

Interview from Asap Sports

PGA Tour

Dustin Johnson talks to the media after the second Round of the Charles Schwab Challenge

THE MODERATOR: We will go ahead and get started. First of all, welcome back. I know it’s good to be at the 2020 Charles Schwab Challenge, but that said, you’re making your first start back there at Colonial since 2014. Obviously some time has gone by. Have you had a chance to get out and see the course? And just your thoughts on being back at Colonial.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, but I got out and played 12 holes, 13 holes yesterday. Yeah, the course is in good shape. It’s exactly how I remember it. But yeah, I mean, obviously I haven’t been back here. It just hasn’t fit in the schedule, but obviously with everything that’s going on, being the first tournament back, it was a perfect time to come back and play here.

THE MODERATOR: We’re asking everybody how you’ve spent the last few months. We’ve seen a lot of you on TV and so forth, but kind of bring us up on speed on how you’ve been keeping your mind and game fresh.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, the first six weeks or so, I didn’t do a whole lot of golfing. I spent a lot of time with family, Paulina, a lot of time on my boat, did a lot of fishing. But obviously the last few weeks been grinding pretty hard trying to get the game ready to come out here and play at Colonial.

Q.: Dustin, if you could just give us an idea of a couple of moments you’ve experienced since you’ve been here that remind you that this isn’t exactly a normal week, even though we’re back to playing golf.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, the biggest thing is having no fans for me. But besides that, obviously we get our temperature checked when we pull in and asked a few questions about if we’ve been in contact with people with COVID-19. You know, just obviously the safety precautions that the TOUR has taken, those are obviously a lot different than what we’re used to.

But the fans would probably be the biggest thing. But besides that, everything to me seems pretty normal as far as it’s a TOUR event, you see you walking around, pretty normal — actually you’re always around.

Q:. Sorry about that.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: No, it’s okay. I don’t mind. I like seeing those great shirts you come out with every day.

Q.: Did you do the test before you traveled?

Q.: Was that awkward at all?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: No. I mean, you just spit in a tube and the doctor watches you and then you seal it up.

Q.: Would you rather spit or have something stuck up your nose?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I don’t care, whatever works. It’s fine with me. Neither one of them were bad. The spit one took a lot longer than the one going up your nose. Obviously the spit test wasn’t as uncomfortable, but the other one was faster, so I think I’d go with the quicker one.

Q.: I had a question for you expanding on the fan experience. What do you think it’s going to be like — I know these practice rounds are generally quiet anyway, but the prospect of maybe jarring an eagle chip on sinking the winning putt on 18 and hearing nothing but crickets, what do you think that’s going to be like as you kind of look forward to the week?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I’ve thought about it a little bit. I think it’s going to remind me a lot like junior golf except without the TV cameras following behind you. Yeah, it’s just going to have to be something we adjust to. It’s going to be different. There’s not going to be as much energy, especially out there on a Sunday if you’re around the lead coming down the stretch. But you know, it’s still a big tournament. You know, we’re still playing for the exact same thing we were before, and there is a lot of people watching. I still think you’re still going to be nervous, you’re still going to get those juices flowing coming — especially on Sunday coming down the stretch. But yeah, it’ll definitely be weird. There won’t be any noise out there.

Q. Even though it was just an exhibition, the charity thing that you did obviously at Seminole, was that a little bit of a taste of that to some degree since it was obviously pretty sleepy and quiet around there?
DUSTIN JOHNSON : Yeah, definitely, it was something to — it helped to play in a match with how it’s going to be out here. It was definitely a good experience. But yeah, it’s just something we’re going to have to get used to, you know. Just happy to obviously start the season somewhat normal and then hopefully we can get the fans back out here as soon as possible.

Q.: Can you just tell us what you missed most while you were gone and maybe something that you didn’t think you’d miss but that you noticed you did?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Just the competition for me. Just being out here, seeing all the guys, that’s probably the biggest thing really. But it was really nice to actually be at home and spend a lot of time with the family.

Q.: Regarding the no fans thing, can you maybe give us a couple of examples where the fans have actually had an effect on your golf, one example perhaps where they’ve been rooting for you and have pulled you through to the win? Another example where you’ve been up against say Tiger or Phil and you felt the crowd rooting against you?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean, for the most part I feel like the fans have always been really good to me. Even playing with Tiger or Phil, I still feel like I get enough fans out there where it doesn’t feel too lopsided. But you expect if you’re in a group with one of them that probably 90 percent of them are rooting for Tiger or Phil. You know, it’s something that you’re used to.

But yeah, I don’t really have any instances where I feel like I was just totally getting rooted against. But I’m definitely going to — it’s definitely going to be different, like I said, coming down the stretch on a Sunday with the tournament on the line.

Q.: Can you give us an actual specific example of when you’ve actually felt the crowd pull you through and when you felt them rooting for you and that’s brought out your best golf?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean, I think for me, for most of my wins, just feeling the crowd there for you and rooting you on. It definitely helps coming down the stretch. It’s something for me that makes you focus more, and it’s sometimes — especially if you make a bogey or something or do something on a hole coming down the back nine where you might get a little mad, and the crowd is there pulling you on, sometimes they can take your mind off of it.

Q.: I was just wondering if you could talk about getting back to competitive golf. It’s one thing to play a round with your buddies and things like that, even guys as talented as you guys are, but what’s the difference now that you’re out there where everything is going to matter, every stroke, every shot, that you don’t get any do-overs or gimmes or anything.
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it’s definitely going to be different. Obviously we haven’t played competitively for, what, three months now, right around there. It’s definitely going to be a little — that first day is going to feel very important. Obviously you can’t win the tournament on the first day, but you can put yourself in a good position, so just to get off to a nice solid start and play a good solid round is going to be very important. But just to kind of get that competitive — the rust — the competition rust is a lot different when you haven’t played. Yeah, for me just getting out there on the first day and getting a good solid round in is going to be very important. But yeah, you cannot simulate tournament golf at home, no matter how hard you try. Yeah, it’s going to be — it’s definitely going to be different.

Q.: I was wondering if you could talk about the course a little bit more. What do you think the numbers are going to be like this week with such a long layoff, and how do you think the course will play?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I think the golf course, a lot of it depends on the wind. If it’s real windy, the golf course plays very tough. It doesn’t look like it’s supposed to blow too hard this week. But yeah, I mean, the rough is up pretty good, so you’ve got to drive it in the fairways. Any time you play a golf course with Bermuda rough, it’s really important to hit the fairways. For me that’s a big key this week is just driving it in the fairway.

Q.: I just wonder, some people are surprised that so many golfers are so keen to get back playing competitive golf. Obviously coronavirus is still a thing, and health and safety is still such a big subject. Why do you think so many of the guys were so keen to get back playing, and what gave you that element of comfort that everything was going to be fine?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: Well, I think that the PGA TOUR has done a great job with putting a lot of things in place to make sure that we stay as safe as possible, and playing golf, being outside, it’s pretty easy to social distance and stay away from people. A lot of the guys, we’ve kind of all been around each other a little bit, especially the ones that live back in Jupiter. We’ve played a lot of golf together and been around. My brother is my caddie, so I’ve been around him the whole time, so I’m not worried about anything like that.

But like I said, the TOUR has done a great job with putting a lot of safety measures in place, so I feel about as safe as I can being out here.

Q.: You kind of talked about Colonial just a minute ago, but just for your game, it’s not really a course you can overpower. How much of a challenge is it for you? Obviously we all know your length and whatnot, but just to play the course and maybe take what it gives you, so to speak?
DUSTIN JOHNSON: I mean, it’s not — it’s one of those golf courses where — there’s a few holes where you can try to maybe take advantage of, but it kind of all depends on the wind and where the flags are because the greens are kind of small when they tuck them in the corners. You want to have full shots in, so you don’t want to be hitting little short pitches.

Yeah, so I like the golf course. Like I said, I think if I can drive it in the fairway, no matter what club I’m hitting, driver, 3-wood, 3-iron, whatever it is, if I can play out of the fairway, I’m going to have a lot of success around here.

THE MODERATOR: Dustin, we appreciate your time and have a great week. Welcome back.

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PGA Tour

Brooks Koepas thoughts about the PGA Tour Restart

THE MODERATOR: Welcome, Brooks. Thanks for being back here at the Charles Schwab Challenge. Just some thoughts on being back for the return to golf. You’ve played here since, finished runner up in 2018 to Justin Rose, obviously have an affinity for the golf course, shooting a pair of 63s during that period. Just some thoughts on returning.

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, it’s nice to be back. I think everybody is excited to be back, have some competition, some sports, and I think everybody is looking forward to it. I know I am. I’m excited. It feels like forever. It feels like I’ve done this too many times over the last two years with injuries and stuff like that, having a couple months off, but to finally be back playing, it’s exciting, and I can’t wait to tee it up tomorrow.

THE MODERATOR: Just some thoughts on the featured pairing that you’re in with Rory and Jon; how will that make you feel playing with those two guys, having been a former No. 1 in the world?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I mean, yeah, it’s nice. You always want to play with the best players in the world. So yeah, it’ll be an exciting group to watch. But at the same time, it doesn’t matter who I play with. I’m focused on myself and what I need to do. But you know those guys are going to play good, simple as. So it’ll kind of elevate the competition, as you do. You get into a Saturday-Sunday late pairing you know the guys are going to play well, so it always gives you a little added push.

THE MODERATOR: Just finally during the break, the forced break, do you feel that that’s maybe been a benefit or a bonus for you, having a break, given you only played five events early in the season, had some issues with injury? Do you think this is going to be beneficial for you?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I got lucky. It was definitely beneficial for me. It’s something — I was able to kind of reassess where I was at, get the knee stronger. The knee is back. It’s a lot better. And then finally be able just to swing the club the right way and kind of get back to the process or the way of thinking that I had before. It’s been a blessing in disguise for me without a doubt, and I’m excited to see what happens here.

Q.: You mentioned that you kind of got a break with having the hiatus come when it did with the state of your health and the game. How does the game feel now compared to the stoppage? I know it’s hard just judging by practice, but how does it feel compared to before?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Yeah, I mean, I felt at THE PLAYERS, it was starting to come around. I felt something positive. But right now it’s a million times better. The swing feels like it’s in a great spot. I’m controlling ball flights, controlling spin, yardages, putting it good, chipping it good. I feel like a new person, honestly. The way I’m able to move right now is a lot better than I was three months ago, four months ago, and I’m excited. It really is going to be fun to tee it up again.

Q.: What did you miss most about competing and playing tournaments during the three months?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Just the competition. That was the thing I missed the most, competing. It’s hard when you’re sitting at home. There’s no competition. Yeah, you can go play some games at home, but it’s not the real thing. It doesn’t — when you’ve got 144 of the best players in the world, it’s a lot different than playing at home.

I really just missed just coming out here, competing for four days, having to string together 72 holes. I think that’s what I miss the most, just the competition.

Q.: It was mentioned that you’ve only had five starts this year. Is it a sense from your perspective that you’ve got to make up a lot of ground in these last 10 weeks, especially in regards to like Player of the Year competition, FedExCup points, those type of things?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Not really, no. If I do what I’m supposed to do, I’ll be just fine. I didn’t do what I was supposed to dot first five events. It is what it is; I can’t change it. It’s in the past. But you never know. I mean, you can rattle off 10 wins, and I think that’s kind of irrelevant.

Q.: Brooks, after such a long layoff here for everybody and getting back to it, what will be the feelings that you’ll have on the first tee tomorrow? Will it be back-to-normal life is good again, or will there be some added nerves or whatever you want to call it as you kind of get back into this rhythm of tournament golf?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Did you get nervous when you arrived today or the other day to go write something?

Q.: Yeah, I wasn’t any good, so it took me a while to get back into it.

BROOKS KOEPKA: There’s no nerves. It’s just — that’s my job. I’m supposed to go out there and go play, so just get back to it and proceed as usual.

Q.: I don’t know if you’ve been asked about what you think about the Ryder Cup, no fans, fans, play, not play; has anyone from the PGA of America asked your opinion, and if not, why not?

BROOKS KOEPKA: No, I haven’t talked to anybody. I didn’t talk to anybody when I was quarantined or over the coronavirus when we were back at the house. I didn’t talk to anybody.

I don’t want to play if there’s no fans. I’ve said that. I said that in some interview, I don’t know where. But I just don’t think it’s — the fans make that event. The fans make that special. If we’re not playing in front of fans, it’s just like us playing a game in Florida. You’ve got myself, Rory, DJ, you’ve got all these guys that are living in Jupiter. It would be just like a normal game that goes on in Jupiter. And there’s no fist pumping there, there’s no excitement. The fans create the excitement for the Ryder Cup.

Yeah, we’re excited to play, but you see the emotion. If there’s no fans out there you’re not going to see guys fist pumping and that passion behind it. Yes, I love to play for my country, I love to do all these things, but it’s important to have the fans there. We feed off it. The fans get louder or they’ll boo you depending on what you’re doing, but that’s the beauty of it. It makes it — the Ryder Cup is a true sporting event. It’s different than any other golf tournament we play. It’s a true sporting event, and I think if we can have fans, that’s perfect, and if we can’t, it just seems kind of like an exhibition, which it kind of already is. I just don’t want to play it without fans.

Q.: Can you see any scenario where if they decided to proceed with no fans that a player would protest by not playing?


Q.: Would you?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Possibly. I think there’s a lot more that goes into that, why they would be playing, personally. As players I think we all know why they’re playing or why we would play.

Q. Do you think it’s money?

BROOKS KOEPKA: (Rubbing index fingers and thumbs together.) That’s the only reason. Give it to Johnny Football.

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PGA Tour

Rory McIlroy: “Back to work. I’m excited.”

THE MODERATOR: We’ll get started with Rory McIlroy at the Charles Schwab Challenge. With the TOUR being off for three months after the cancellation of THE PLAYERS Championship, could you fill us in on what you’ve been up to and your excitement level to get started back up this week?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, back to work. I’m excited. I’m excited to be back on the road and doing what I’m supposed to do, play golf and compete. I think that’s the one thing I’m looking forward to the most and the one thing I’ve missed the most over the past few months is just the competition.

I think I sort of realized over the few weeks or like three months, I like golf and golf has given me a lot of great things, but the thing that I missed the most was the competition. Not that I could take or leave golf because I think once — I was very happy to put the clubs away for a few weeks, but once you sort of saw the light at the end of the tunnel and you knew what you were practicing for and getting up for and preparing for, that’s when you sort of start to get those feelings back again.

But yeah, what did I do? I tried to be as responsible as possible, like everyone else during the whole lockdown. Yeah, rode the bike a lot, did a lot of Peloton, did a lot of jigsaw puzzles, laid by the pool. It’s probably the most tanned my pasty Irish skin has ever been, so that’s been about it. I tried to sort of take a little bit of time off but then over the past few weeks sort of gear back up.

We played the charity match at Seminole a few weeks ago, and that sort of started my preparations back to where we’re at today.

THE MODERATOR: And as far as this week and the competition itself, you’ve won in tournament debuts before, most recently last year at the RBC Canadian Open. What are your impressions of the course as you begin to make your first start here?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, look, Colonial is a course that I’ve always wanted to come and play. I’ve watched it on TV over the years, and it’s just the schedule has never worked out. It always clashed with the BMW Wentworth tournament back on the European Tour, and I just never got a chance.

And then last year playing Canada for the first time, Memorial, Canada, U.S. Open, if I added here it would be four in a row. So the schedule never worked out that I could actually get here, and now that I can, I was excited to see the golf course and play it and try to learn it.

Obviously it’s not the longest course on TOUR, but you really need to position your ball around the golf course very well. It reminds me of a few different places. I can sort of see a little bit of TPC Southwind in Memphis out there, a little bit of Valderrama in Spain, just really having to hit it in certain parts of the fairways and not taking on too much.

Yeah, I mean, it’s a very historic venue, and a lot has happened here, and obviously Ben Hogan had a huge influence, so it’s been cool to come and see all that.

Q. I know you’ve played in the TaylorMade Relief match, but have there been any other matches that have tried to get you back up to speed? Is there anything specific you’ve done to try to get ready after three months off?

RORY McILROY: Not particularly. I think I’ve tried to play with a lot of the guys down in Jupiter. I played with DJ a bit, played with Rickie, played with J.T., played with Shane Lowry a bunch, as well, so I tried to play with really high-caliber players all the time and see where everything measures up against them and tried to get sharp by playing a few money games and things like that. No, that’s really been it. I sort of played a lot more than I practiced over the last few weeks, which has been nice because I sort of wanted to hit the ground running once I got here to Colonial, and I feel like my game is pretty sharp. It’s never going to be — nothing can compare to getting out there and playing under tournament conditions, but as far as I’m concerned, I’m as sharp as I can be coming in here, I guess.

Q. How frustrating has it been for you that this break came when it did, unlike in 2015, something completely out of your control, and can you just — how confident are you you can turn the tap back on again and pick up where you left off? Do you say to yourself, look, three months ago you were in the best player in the world, there’s no reason why you’re not still?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, there’s no reason why I’m not still. I’m not frustrated. I wasn’t frustrated at all. It’s not as if — I don’t feel I’ve been hard done by or anything. It actually gave me an opportunity to work on a few things. I spent 90 days in a row at home for the first time in my adult life. Didn’t get on a plane for three months. I did a lot of things that I didn’t imagine that — I never thought I would do for years.

I wouldn’t say I’m frustrated. I’m eager to get back and I’m eager to play and get back into competition mode, but I’m sort of — expectation-wise, we’ll see how it goes. As I said, I feel like I’m as sharp as I can be coming in here. I’ve played a lot of golf over the last few weeks and I’ve practiced a bit. My game seems to be there. It seems to be there at home anyway, so if it’s there at home, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be there when I get out here.

Yeah, as I said, I’m feeling as good as I can, but in terms of expectations and how I’m playing, I think the first couple of days here will be the real test, and I’ll learn a lot about myself and my game over those first couple days.

Q. How important do you think this week is just for the game of golf being able to step into the spotlight when other sports aren’t happening and to kind of demonstrate a sporting world with social distancing and so forth?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, that’s a very good point. I think this week is very important because golf will be the center of the sports world, which it usually a few weeks a year is, but for people to have something to watch on TV where they actually don’t know the outcome I think is going to be nice for them. So I think that’ll be a good thing.

And yeah, I think it’s an important week because golf can show that we can play in a socially distant manner. We can conduct a tournament and adhere to all the safety protocols that have been put in place.

Yeah, as long as everyone does their bit — I said in a previous interview, it is going to be very easy to fall back into old habits because it’s just what we’ve done. I’d say for the viewing public just to give the players and the caddies a little bit of leeway in terms of if they see something on TV that isn’t quite right. We’re having to figure it out as we go along, as well.

But I think golf can show that it can be played, especially at the highest level, and adhere to the guidelines that everyone else has to adhere to.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports


LPGA Tour: Women’s Major cancelled – Evian Championship will be back in 2021

Due to ongoing travel/border restrictions and government quarantine requirements as part of the COVID-19 pandemic, the LPGA Tour and The Evian Championship announced today that the tournament, scheduled for August 6-9, will not take place in 2020. The major championship will return to the LPGA Tour schedule in 2021 at Evian Resort Golf Club in Evian-les-Bains, France.

LPGA: Mike Whan looks forward into the next year

“I have been incredibly impressed by the entire team at The Evian Championship. They worked so hard to host this global event despite the obvious challenges,” said LPGA Commissioner Mike Whan. “They know that high-pursed, career-changing events like The Evian are more important than ever, especially in an LPGA year that has been drastically reduced due to COVID-19. I know this was a tough decision for everyone involved, but it’s one that we had to take given the restrictions we faced.

“It is disappointing to miss a major championship but Evian’s strong history of showcasing the best female golfers will continue once again when we return in 2021. We look forward to being back on the mountain in Evian next year and for a long time to come.”

European Tour PGA Tour

Before the “Re-Start”: A look at the world golf ranking and FedExCup

What is the current situation in the World Golf Ranking and the FedExCup? After a break of almost three months, the PGA Tour is back to a tournament. At the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas, the professionals will meet to finally play again. With the re-start, players can also collect points for the world rankings and the FedExCup.

McIlroy at the top, chasers behind

The Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) was frozen for the time being after the tournament cancellations in March, but is now active again with the start of the Charles Schwab Challenge. This caused displeasure, especially in the camp of the European Tour, as it will not resume the tournament events until a few weeks later. Players see themselves at a disadvantage in order to collect important points for larger events and tournaments.

Rory McIlroy is still at the top of the world rankings. The Northern Irishman has a point average of 9,4474, which is calculated from the number of tournaments played and the points collected. At the end of last season, “Rors” made his goal clear with an announcement to Brooks Koepka, then number one. “I want to be number one in the world, I don’t care who holds it. This is on my radar and it’s definitely a goal of mine for next year.” Now the 31-year-old is going to do everything he can to defend that top spot.

Behind him are Jon Rahm, Brooks Koepka, Justin Thomas and Dustin Johnson in places 2-5. Th best Austrian, Bernd Wiesberger, has been in the top 30 since October 2019. Martin Kaymer, who like Wiesberger is not participating in the Charles Schwab Challenge, is 115th as the best German professional.

Youngster leads FedExCup

The FedExCup, the season ranking of the PGA Tour, will also be reactivated with the tournament on 11th June. Sungjae Im is currently leading the tournament with 1,458 points. The South Korean is just 22 years young and took his first victory on the American professional tour at the Honda Classic in March. Only one week later at the Arnold Palmer Invitational he snatched 3rd place.

Behind him there is Justin Thomas. The 27-year-old is at the front year after year due to his consistently good performance. In 2017 he already won the overall standings. He has also won two tournaments in the current season. In third place is the number one in the world: Rory McIlroy.

PGA Tour

PGA of America: Official Statement Released Regarding 2020 PGA Championship

The PGA of America released an official statement on Tuesday evening announcing that the 2020 PGA Championship at TPC Harding Park will be rescheduled for a later date yet to be determined due to growing concerns of the Coronavirus outbreak.

PGA of America: PGA championship to be postponed to a later date amid Coronavirus concerns:

“Throughout our evaluation process, we have been committed to following the guidance of public health authorities and given the coronavirus shelter-in-place order in effect in San Francisco, postponement is the best decision for all involved,” said PGA of America CEO Seth Waugh.

“This is a reflection of a thoughtful process,” Waugh added. “We are and have been working in concert with Commissioner Jay Monahan and our partners and friends at the PGA TOUR to find an alternative date that works for all. We are all very hopeful for a great outcome.

“We are also in dialogue with Mayor Breed and her team at the City of San Francisco and look forward to hopefully bringing the 2020 PGA Championship to TPC Harding Park at a date this summer when it is once again safe and responsible to do so.”

PGA of America Communications

March 17, 2020

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

European Tour

European Tour: Official Statement Released Regarding Postponement of 2020 Andalucia Masters

European TOUR officials released a statement Tuesday evening regarding the postponement of the 2020 Andalucia Masters hosted by Sergio Garcia and originally set to take place April 30-May 3. The tournament is just one of many that has been postponed or cancelled amid the current Coronavirus crisis.

European Tour: Official statement released on postponement of the 2020 Andalucia Masters Tournament:

The decision was made in consultation with tournament stakeholders, the Junta de Andalucía, Real Club Valderrama, the Sergio Garcia Foundation and title sponsor Estrella Damm, in light of travel restrictions in Spain.

Discussions are ongoing with all parties looking into the possibility of rescheduling the tournament at a later date.

Javier Reviriego, the CEO of Real Club Valderrama, said: “We are deeply concerned by the current developments related to Coronavirus and we believe postponing the event is the best decision. We will work jointly with the European Tour and our sponsors to find a new date in the calendar to host this fantastic golf tournament. All of us at Valderrama look forward to hosting players and fans when we put this exceptional situation behind us.”

Keith Pelley, European Tour Chief Executive, said: “We are all taking a day-by-day approach at the moment and we continue to assess the impact of Coronavirus on all our events, but following discussions with all parties involved, it was clear that postponing the Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucia Masters hosted by the Sergio Garcia Foundation at this point is the correct course of action. Public health and well-being remains the absolute priority for all of us.”

European Tour Communications

March 17, 2020

Surrey, England

Top Tours

PGA Tour: Official Statement Released Regarding Cancelation of Additional Events

PGA Tour: TOUR officials released a statement Tuesday evening announcing the cancelation of additional tournaments in the wake of the recent Coronavirus outbreak. The TOUR has announced cancelations across all of it’s tours through May 10, 2020. The official statement provided by PGA Tour communications is as follows:

PGA Tour: Additional events canceled among Coronavirus outbreak

“The health and safety of everyone associated with the PGA TOUR and the global community is and will continue to be our No. 1 priority as we navigate the ongoing health crisis related to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

On March 12, the PGA TOUR made the announcement to cancel or postpone four weeks of events on all six Tours through the week of the Valero Texas Open (March 30-April 5). Augusta National Golf Club also announced the postponement of the Masters Tournament (April 6-12).

With the most recent recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and the Office of the President of the United States, the PGA TOUR will now cancel four additional events: RBC Heritage (April 13-19); Zurich Classic of New Orleans (April 20-26); Wells Fargo Championship (April 27-May 3); and AT&T Byron Nelson (May 4-10).

Furthermore, the PGA of America has postponed the PGA Championship (May 14-17) for a date later this year, to be announced. Also announced today, the USGA is currently holding the dates for the 2020 U.S. Open at Winged Foot Golf Club as scheduled (June 18-21) but will, as all of us are, continue to monitor the developing situation and follow recommendations by government authorities.

As we receive more clarity in the coming weeks, the TOUR will be working with our tournament organizations and title sponsors, in collaboration with golf’s governing bodies, to build a PGA TOUR schedule for 2020 that ensures the health and safety for all associated with our sport and a meaningful conclusion to the season. We will provide further updates when those plans come into focus.

Today’s cancellation of PGA TOUR events through May 10 applies to all six Tours, although PGA TOUR Champions has rescheduled The Regions Tradition. Originally slated for May 7-10, the event will now be played September 24-27. PGA TOUR Champions previously announced on March 16 that the Mastercard Japan Championship (June 12-14) will not be contested due to the current travel advisories in place from the CDC, the WHO and the U.S. Department of State.

We will continue to work with the tournaments and partners affected by the schedule changes to make a positive impact in their respective communities and allow those events to come back at full strength in 2021. To give our fans respite from this ongoing situation, the PGA TOUR is working with its partners to make available archives of past PGA TOUR competitions and additional programming for fans. More details will be made available soon.”

March 17, 2020

PGA Tour Communications

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

PGA Tour

BREAKING NEWS: 2020 Masters Tournament Postponed

According to Augusta National Golf Club officials, the 2020 Masters Tournament has been postponed indefinitely as fears of the Coronavirus intensify

PGA Tour: 2020 Masters Tournament suspended indefinitely over Coronavirus fears, official statement below:

On Wednesday, March 4, we issued a memo stating that our plans to host the Masters Tournament, the Augusta National Women’s Amateur and the Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals had not changed. Unfortunately, the ever-increasing risks associated with the widespread Coronavirus COVID-19 have led us to a decision that undoubtedly will be disappointing to many, although I am confident is appropriate under these unique circumstances.

Considering the latest information and expert analysis, we have decided at this time to postpone the Masters Tournament, the Augusta National Women’s Amateur and the Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals.

Ultimately, the health and well-being of everyone associated with these events and the citizens of the Augusta community led us to this decision. We hope this postponement puts us in the best position to safely host the Masters Tournament and our amateur events at some later date.

We will continue to work with the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of the Governor, the Georgia Department of Public Health, the City of Augusta and all other local authorities. We are grateful to all of these entities for their exceptional efforts and guidance.

We recognize this decision will affect many people, including our loyal patrons. Your patience as we make every effort to communicate effectively and efficiently is appreciated, and we will share any additional information as soon as it becomes available. Updates also will be posted to our website,

As COVID-19 continues to impact the lives of people everywhere, we seek your understanding of this decision and know you share our concern given these trying times. Thank you for your faithful support.

Fred Ridley, Chairman of Augusta National Golf Club

March, 13, 2020

Augusta, Georgia