Ladies Tours

Laura Davies: “feels like going back 30 years when I first got on Tour..”

Brooklawn Country Club

THE MODERATOR: Good afternoon. We are here with 2018 champion Laura Davies. It’s been two years since we’ve had this event, but let’s jump back to 2018. What do you remember about that win?

LAURA DAVIES: Just an unbelievable week. I played probably some of the best golf of my life in any tournament I’ve ever played in, and it just so happened to be in that inaugural U.S. Senior Open and one of the highlights of my career. I never thought I’d be saying that, but it’s true.

THE MODERATOR: Now with this one-year break and we’re back, how does it feel to be back with this group at this championship?

LAURA DAVIES: It’s brilliant. We all missed it last year for sure, but for obvious reasons nothing we can do about it.

But played the course this morning. See a lot of the old faces I haven’t seen, getting on for two years now, and yeah, it’s just nice. It feels comfortable. It feels like going back 30 years when I first got on Tour because it’s the same group of players.

THE MODERATOR: Talk about the course and what it’s going to take to be successful here.

LAURA DAVIES: You’ll have to putt well. You’ll have to keep it — not even short of the pins, pin high, because short you’re coming off the front, long you’ve got no putt, so distance control will be a massive key.

Fairways are generous. Par-5s are reachable, some of them. There’s a couple that are probably lay-ups, but overall just a very fair test, apart from the greens. I don’t know if they’re fair, but they’re there for sure. They’re going to be a huge part this week.

Q. Do you not like the fact that you can’t hit it above the pin? Is that the unfairness of it?

LAURA DAVIES: Oh, no, I’m not saying it’s unfair by any means, but you just know what you’ve got to do. Pin high is your friend. Short and long is definitely not your friend. You can even miss it pin high and still have some easy chips, especially if you miss it to the low side of the green. But that’s what the practice rounds are all about. Very important this week to get to know the course and get to know — not that you’re ever trying to miss a green, but the safe side for some of the tougher pins.

But no, no, don’t get me wrong, the greens are what they are, but we now have to deal with some serious problems around them if you get a bit scrappy with your distance control.

Davies is excited to get back out there

Q. Is there excitement because of the year off and to get back out and be competitive and play the tournaments that you can?

LAURA DAVIES: Yeah, definitely. I’ve played — I don’t know the exact number, but I think this is my 12th tournament in two years because I’ve not been playing the LPGA because I’m fed up with people sticking things up my nose and down my — it’s just all of the COVID testing is just — it puts you off. It really does.

I’ve tended not to play that much. So now having said that, the chance to come and play here — I even withdrew from Evian last week just in case I got COVID or anything and I really wanted to play in this event, so I withdrew from a major, which if you’d have told me that 10 years ago I’d say don’t be ridiculous, but that’s how important this one is to me and all the other players.

THE MODERATOR: One unique part of this event is as women turn 50 we’re seeing new faces. Talk a little bit about that class that’s coming in, Pat, Catriona, Annika and what it means for the future of this championship.

LAURA DAVIES: It’s the lifeblood of this tournament. You have to have the — I was initially keen on the 45-year-olds getting in. I thought that would have been a good mark, but USGA stood firm and that’s fine.

Maybe the first couple of years the field was a little bit weaker from the pro ranks. A lot of the great amateurs still played, but now we’ve got the big guns are coming, Annika — talking the distance control, could be right up her alley this week because that was the mark of her game.

It’s just lovely that the older players, we’ve got the youngsters to go up against now. Poor old JoAnne, she’s 80-odd, so she’s really got some youngsters to go against.

Q. This is a lot of kind of a homecoming for you guys this week. It seems like this is almost a sorority; everybody is friends, everybody is cutting up, having a lot of fun. How exciting is it for you to be back kind of amongst friends and amongst people you care about after such a hard year last year?

LAURA DAVIES: Yeah, it’s absolutely brilliant. Like I said, it’s the girls I used to play with 30 years ago when I was a rookie on the LPGA Tour, so yeah, it’s just really nice. There’s faces I haven’t seen for a very long time. Obviously they’ve probably only just turned 50; might have seen them on a few of the Legends events, but everyone is just having fun because we know we’re lucky, we’re 50 and we’re still playing top tournament golf, and we appreciate that.

Q. How difficult is it to stage a tournament that’s challenging for an Annika, people who are 50, and yet still someone like a JoAnne still has a place in it? How difficult is it to kind of walk that line and stage an event like this?

LAURA DAVIES: I think the distances we’re playing, they’ve done it pretty well. I’ve only played, to be fair, 13 holes because I’m going to play the last six or seven tomorrow as practice.

But the distance is if you hit the fairways — I think if the shorter hitters start missing fairways, they’re going to have some real problems, but if you can hit the fairways, I think distance-wise it’s a very, very fair course. If the longer hitters, the younger players can start hitting the fairways a lot further down, then the scoring might be really good like it was in Chicago.

But you know, you just do your best and hope everyone enjoys their week. Obviously some of the older players, they’re not looking to win it, they’re looking to have a really good week and hopefully make the cut. That’s the way I feel on the LPGA Tour now; if I have a good week I’ve made the cut and have a chance to have a decent finish on Sunday, and that’s maybe the way some of them are feeling this week.

Q. I guess it begs the question will you continue to play when you’re Joanne’s age?

LAURA DAVIES: Oh, absolutely, yeah, I can’t wait. Me and JoAnne, she’ll be 100, I’ll be about 80-odd. It’ll be great, though. I can’t wait for that match.

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Minjee Lee: “I just tried to give myself as many birdie opportunities as I could”


THE MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to present our the 2021 Amundi Evian Championship winner Minjee Lee from Australia.

Minjee, congratulations. It’s less than a half hour old, but you’re now a major champion. What does that sound like to you?

MINJEE LEE: I’m speechless. I been waiting for this for so long. It just feels unreal to have won. Just even in the playoff, and all throughout today, I played really well to get myself in that position, and I just really happy.

Q. You did play well. It was an amazing day. You had quite a comeback. We’ll talk about your card first. Let’s start on the front nine. Birdie on No. 1, string of pars, but then birdies on 7 and 9. Tell us about the way your day started.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I hit a really about shot in 1 and I gave myself a birdie opportunity and made that one.

The next couple holes are a little bit trickier for me anyway how it fits my eye. So I had a string of pars, and then I think I birdied like 7 or 8 or something.

Lee needed those birdies…

Q. 7 and 9.

MINJEE LEE: 7 and 9, so they were both really good birdies. You know, after nine holes I think I was like one back from the lead so I knew I had to play really well to have a chance to win.

So I just tried to give myself as many birdie opportunities as I could on that back nine, because it was warm out it was playing quite short so I had a lot of short clubs in.

So, yeah, I just tried to give myself as many birdie opportunities as I could.

Q. And then you had another string of pars but then you kind of went birdie crazy at the end, 14, 15, 16, and the clutch one on 18. Walk us through that streak there.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, so I think I birdied the par-3 down the hill, so that was actually quite a long haul. I had a dead straight putt and it went straight in the heart, so it was nice to see it go in.

And then after that was the par-5, which the tee was up again so we could hit it onto the green, and I was just short so I chipped in a putt there.

And then the 16th I hit a really good shot in and it was like three feet from the hole. So that was just an easy kick-in, so that was nice.

I got into a little bit of trouble — well, sort of. I hit it right on 17 and I hit a really good shot in, but my putt passed and made the one coming back, which was nice to see.

And really clutch on 18 to make birdie there, too.

So I finished off really strong and I have every day, so I knew there were birdies finishing. Yeah, that’s pretty much what I did.

Q. So you make the birdie on 18 and then it’s the waiting game.


Q. What was the time on the putting green like? Were you keeping track of what was going on? What was going through your mind then?

MINJEE LEE: You know, I knew one of the two, Yealimi Jeongeun Lee6 was probably going to make birdie. The chances were that I was going to go out in a playoff. I just hit a couple putts, and Hyo Joo and In Gee was right there on the putting green with me, so we just chatted and it was pretty chill until they told us to go to the 18th hole.

Q. And then that 18th hole was amazing for you.


Q. Talk you through those two shots into the green; quite beautiful.

MINJEE LEE: You know, off the tee I didn’t hit the best tee shot, but it was good enough because it was on the fairway. But, yeah, the second shot I hit 6-iron in, but initially I was like, I’m going to — I think the yardage was for 5-iron but with adrenaline and everything Gilly was like, Let’s go 6-iron. Hit a good 6-iron and it was like six feet from the hole. Yeah, no, it worked out.

Q. When you came into this week how were you feeling? Did you think a major championship was at the end for you potentially?

MINJEE LEE: You know, I played really well at Dow. The final day I made two eagles and I think I had like 7- or maybe 8-under that day. I knew I was playing pretty well. You know, I didn’t really come in with too many expectations. Just wanted to kind of play well in this major.

That’s what I did. I didn’t have any other really thoughts in my mind coming into the week really.

Lee talks about the reaction from her family

Q. You’ve already been able to chat with family back home in Australia. What was their reaction?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, they were all cheering for me, but apparently my dad was like, She’s going to get into a playoff and win, so he kind of called it.

But, no, they were really happy and a little bit teary. But, you know, they’re as happy as I am, so, yeah.

Q. Who were you chatting with? Mom and dad?

MINJEE LEE: And my Nan was there, too.

Q. Heard from Min Woo yet?

MINJEE LEE: I’m sure he has, but he’s in America right now. Yeah.

Q. You’re not old, but it seems like you’ve been out here for a long time; so many wins. Was it starting to become any sort of pressure to get a major championship under your belt?

MINJEE LEE: Maybe not — I mean, yes and no. Like I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform, and I hear so many people say, We really want to you win a major and major is just around the corner.

It’s easier said than done, and everybody is so good out here. Yeah, it’s just really nice to have a major title under my belt. No, it’s just — you know, I always have high expectations for myself, so maybe in that sense, yes.

Q. And you joined quite a list of players from Australia. Karrie, Stephenson, and Hannah, who you grew up playing with. What does it mean to you to have your name forever linked with those three?

MINJEE LEE: You know, they’re just all amazing people and amazing golfers, too. You know, it just has a really nice ring to it. Yeah.

Q. While you were waiting out on the putting green you said you were trying to stay chill. What did you do to stay chill and what were you eating?

MINJEE LEE: I kept nibbling on my nectarine, so it must have looked so bad on camera. But I just finished that and then I didn’t really want any of the baguettes. The girls were eating the baguette. Yeah, and I had some water.

Q. How did you stay chill? I wasn’t there to see. Just chatting? Were you putting? Were you listening to music? Were you telling yourself things? How were you keeping yourself in a good state of mind?

MINJEE LEE: I wasn’t like super nervous. I was just pretty calm after. But I think I was more nervous playing the 18th hole, like the first time round.

But I don’t know. I just felt good. I just hit — rolled a couple putts and I was just kind of calm. Yeah.

Q. Minjee, you ended up 6-under on the 18th this week, including the playoff. What about that hole seems to suit you, do you like so much?

MINJEE LEE: Well, it was a par-4 before and then it became a par-5. You know, I think I only had like 6- or at the most 5-iron in, so it’s like a pretty short hole if you drive it on the fairway.

Even on the right side I went for it one time and chipped in for eagle on the second day, I think. So I just think it’s a good finishing hole because everybody has a chance to make birdie and hit it on the green for two. It’s just good for everyone.

Q. Definitely saw a lot of movement there today and I think is certainly what made that last group so exciting watching; you knew anything can happen.


Q. Talk about coming up in golf, how you learned the game. I know you learned from your mom, but the role she has played for you and for Min Woo and coming up and getting where you are in life.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, so when we were really little we used to go down to the driving range with mom when she was teaching. We would just practice. Yeah, so that’s been a really long time since we’ve done that.

And then I got a coach once I got into the, what do you call it, the state program. I’ve been with Richie since then. It’s like I’ve only had two coaches in my whole life, for a long time anyway.

But it’s been great. Mom knows a lot about golf and our whole family played golf, so it’s just like we’ve always been around it. And Min Woo was always really interested more than I was, so it was just kind of — I just followed in everybody’s footsteps I guess playing.

Q. Did you play any other sports?

MINJEE LEE: I swam before, yeah.

Q. Have you heard from Karrie yet?

MINJEE LEE: Actually she did message me straightaway.

Q. You were so poised on the back nine in tough conditions. It was beautiful out, but it’s hot. So much pressure. How did you keep your composure on that back nine, particularly you started off with another string of birdies to keep yourself behind — excuse me, pars.

MINJEE LEE: When I was having those string of pars I think I missed a short one on 10 and then 11 it wasn’t super short.

Then 12 I missed a putt there as well. Going down the 12th fairway, Gilly, my caddie was like, You know, you have a chance to win your first major championship, so why don’t you just like give it a go.

I was like, Yeah, I’m trying. But, yeah, no, we just kind of had that chat and then I was like — the next hole I birdied, so…

Yeah, I don’t know. It was just like just little things. Just little kids smiling or people clapping for you. It’s just nice. I think that’s what really kind of kept me going.

Q. You mentioned Gilly a lot, your caddie, Jason. How much do you rely on him and how long have you been working together and what’s that relationship like?

MINJEE LEE: Already four years now, so maybe just over four. So, yeah, I mean, it’s time that we sort of like know each other really well. Four years have gone by. He knows me really well on the golf course and I know him really well as well.

So I know when — if we’re off, then we know each other so well so we can pick it up straightaway. We were just really happy and happy to be out walking and we were like, Oh, we got so lucky with the weather this weekend.

So we were just really grateful for that, to be honest.

Q. Because this morning was gross.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah? Was it raining a lot?

Q. There was rain, the lightning delay, and then it turned into the most beautiful day of the week.

MINJEE LEE: I know. It was just so nice. I was like, We are so lucky.

Q. Congratulations, first of all.

MINJEE LEE: Thank you.

Q. Secondly, I would like to come back to Karrie. I know a couple years ago I had lots of conversations with her when I was doing an article for the celebration here. I know how much Evian means to her. So can you share with me, did she give you any tips? How did she tell you to play Evian, whatever, et cetera?

MINJEE LEE: I don’t think I really asked her about like how to play the golf course or anything like that, but over the years she’s been so supportive of my golf and just me as a person, so it’s just been really nice to have her in my corner.

She messages me quite a bit, so just here and there I just think it’s just really nice of her.

Q. To me that’s also very much Karrie, too.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, definitely.

Q. One other question: You’re in Perth, right?


Q. Whereabouts in Perth do you play and who were some of the people you trained with and grew up with, because you’ve got a lot of people from Brett Rumford and all sorts of other people coming out of the Perth area.

MINJEE LEE: I play at Royal Fremantle Golf Club, so there was actually not too many girls when I was growing up that were members there. So, you know, I really just practiced by myself.

But there was a lot of like boys coming up, I guess, here and there. But I sort of didn’t really mix with them, to be honest.

What’s next for the champion?

Q. What’s next? British Open, I take it.

MINJEE LEE: I am, but the Olympics is in a couple — in a week and a bit, so I’m going there first. Yeah.

Q. And then you will come back for the British Open?

MINJEE LEE: Scottish and British, yes.

Q. First of all, good luck to start with at the Olympics; and secondly, it’ll be great to see you back in Europe, too.

MINJEE LEE: Thank you.

Q. Thanks. It was really a spectacular win. I think everybody was excited.

MINJEE LEE: Thank you so much.

Q. The last two questions. The first: The playoff on 18 and the eagle kind of similar to the playoff with Lydia at MEDIHEAL?

MINJEE LEE: Oh, yeah. Actually I was like — before I went out to the playoff I was like, I need to change my outcome because the one I played was with Lyds and she made eagle and beat me.

So it was just a quick thought that went through my mind. I just really wanted to have a good hole. Yeah.

Q. And you did. You had a very good hole. Finally, the Olympics, is there a better way to go into Tokyo than with a major championship under your belt now?

MINJEE LEE: You know, it’s so cool. I still can’t believe it. Yeah, the Olympics have been on the back of my mind since Rio, so I’m really excited to play and go out there and rep my country. Yeah.

Q. Will you be going back to the states first?


THE MODERATOR: Awesome. Well, congratulations. We’re so happy for you. See you in Tokyo, and more importantly, see you back here next year as the reining Evian champion. Congratulations, Minjee.

MINJEE LEE: Thank you so much.

EVIAN-LES-BAINS, FRANCE – JULY 25: Tournament winner Minjee Lee of Australia waves to the crowd during day four of the The Amundi Evian Championship at Evian Resort Golf Club on July 25, 2021 in Evian-les-Bains, France. (Photo by Stuart Franklin/Getty Images)

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Brooke Henderson: “it was nice to get started on the day with a birdie”


Q. Let’s start with the birdie on 11, nice long 15-footer?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it was a little longer than that. It was nice to get started on the day with a birdie, even though I gave it back on the next hole. It was still nice to get under par early.

Q. You finished with two straight birdies to end the round, some good momentum, kind of found what you were hoping to start the tournament with?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, for sure. I wanted to get off to a faster start, have a good day today, and I felt like I accomplished that, which I’m really happy about, and I’m excited for the next three days.

I putted really well today, which gives me a lot of confidence moving forward, and hopefully I can just hit a few more greens tomorrow and give myself some good looks, hopefully roll in a few more birdies.

Q. Having not seen this course in two years, what did it play like from what you remembered about it in the past?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Well, one thing coming back here is it’s not as stressful object the practice round days because you know what to expect, so it was really nice. I feel like we’re really familiar with this golf course, and we kind of know where to hit it and where to miss it, which is really important, especially here with all the hills and slopes that the greens have. But I felt like we just need to do a little bit better job of adapting to the release on the course, and I think if it rains this weekend then it won’t be releasing as much, but maybe tomorrow in the afternoon might have to account for a little bit more.

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Ladies Tours

Yealimi Noh: “Yeah, I had to fight for it, but it was good”


Q. Eagle is a really nice way to start a tournament.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I think it’s the first time I’ve ever done that. I was just like, what? Like okay. It was really cool. Actually my playing partners, they both stuck it, so I was like, oh, I hope I stick it, too, I don’t want to be left out, and it went in, so it was nice.

Q. How far out were you?

YEALIMI NOH: I think I was 126 or something.

Q. What club did you use?

YEALIMI NOH: I hit a soft 9 because it was still morning, and I was going to the right of the pin, so yeah, just a really smooth 9 and hit the slope — I thought it went over, but I couldn’t really see, but it came back and it went in.

Q. And then a bunch of birdies after that, including a birdie here on 18. You’ve got to be really proud about this round.

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, for sure. I honestly just wanted to finish good because starting off with an eagle is always like — you want to play well and take advantage of that early start.

Yeah, it was a little slow at the turn, but then I got some putts in and hit a lot of greens today.

Q. I know you played so well last week, too, playing with A Lim. Is that a little bit of overrun from last week?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, for sure, for sure. It was good momentum, and I played well last week and just kind of getting it into this week. I learned a lot from A Lim and I took a lot of positives from her just like her attitude on the course and just how she carries herself, so it was really nice to see that.

Q. You played really well here two years ago, as well, when you made your debut. You were Top 40 —

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, was I pro then?

Q. Seems like you’ve been with us forever.


Q. You did play well; is there something about this course that seems to perhaps fit you?

YEALIMI NOH: More I think just being here. Like it’s so beautiful, and when I came back it’s been two years, and it was like — I just forgot how amazing it was, and just being here — when I’m frustrated during the round you look to the left or to the right and you see the lake and it just calms you down. So happy to be here. It’s amazing.

Q. How was the course today? It got like 300 milliliters, a lot of rain in June and four more just over the last week. It looks like it’s playing pretty well out there.

YEALIMI NOH: Oh, you wouldn’t even know. The first day I got here was a little soft and the greens were still actually really soft, and everyone was like, oh, it’s slow, and it did rain a lot, but right now it’s rolling really nice and just pure right now.

Q. What was really clicking for you today?

YEALIMI NOH: I hit a lot of greens. I made a few good putts and just played really consistent today. No big errors, just fairway, green, putting. It’s always easier said, but it was good, yeah.

Q. It was one of those days where it kind of worked?

YEALIMI NOH: Yeah, I had to fight for it, but it was good.

Q. What were you fighting?

YEALIMI NOH: Well, I wasn’t making a few putts after the turn, and I think after I got the eagle my next — after pars, it was bogey, and I was like, oh, what the heck, you had an eagle. Actually the hole before I had a birdie chance, but it always sucks there. But I had to really fight it mentally, just keep positive, and your chances will come during the round. I think I just stayed really patient today.

Q. What’s the takeaway from today that you hope to bring to tomorrow?

YEALIMI NOH: Just starting with an eagle would be great. Very hard. But just again, hit a lot of greens. There’s a lot of slopey — a lot of undulation here, fairways and greens, and I think just staying on the green and trying to putt as much as you can is really good, so just hit a lot of greens, hopefully.

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World No 1 Nelly Korda: “I would never miss a major.”

July 21, 2021

Nelly Korda

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome back to the media center here. Nelly Korda, making her 13th start of the LPGA season, a Tour-leading three victories, including the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship, where she moved to World No. 1.

Making your fourth appearance here at Evian, best finish in 2019 of T25. Welcome back to Evian. We missed this place last year. Inbee said she didn’t realize how much she missed it until she got here. What’s it like to be back here at Lake Geneva?

NELLY KORDA: It’s so nice, especially this time of year. The atmosphere is amazing and the views are amazing and the weather. Nothing can beat this.

THE MODERATOR: What have the last couple days been like, getting in, getting transitioned over from the States where you played last week? It’s never easy to cross borders, even more difficult now, but how are you feeling as you get ready for this next major?

NELLY KORDA: I feel honestly pretty good. I feel like the first day when you’re overseas with the time change is very important, so I made sure to stay up past 9:00, which was really hard, but I did, and I slept through the night. I feel like once you get that first night in, it’s a lot easier.

Q. I know you’ve been here since Monday, so had a couple days to see the golf course yesterday, the pro-am today. I know it’s kind of wet but it’s drying out pretty well. How does the golf course look right now?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I know they got a lot of rain last week. It is a lot softer than typically, what it usually plays like, but the rough is thick, so I think that’s going to play a huge part, hitting fairways, and then the greens are always difficult.

I think it’s still very difficult, but it’s definitely a lot more wet than it has been.

Q. This is your first time coming to a major as world No. 1. Having a major already under your belt, how does that feel? Is it any added pressure? Does that change your game at all?

NELLY KORDA: I don’t think it changes my game. It’s definitely cool. It’s a cool feeling. I’m very proud of it. But again, Jess kind of said it last week in an interview we did, she was like, yeah, everyone is now coming after her, so in a sense, I’m like, that’s right. But it’s a new week, and every week I go into a tournament with a new mindset. It doesn’t matter the ranking.

Q. At Dow you and your caddie Jason got the caddie bib presentation. He gets the green bib again this week. Is that a fun thing to do now?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think it’s fun for him, too, and it’s just a couple goals you get to check off, so it’s nice.

Q. You two seem to have a great relationship. Tell us, how long has he been on your bag? I know he’s been on your bag for a while, and how much does he help you with your game?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, we were actually talking about it today with our pro-am group, this is our fourth year working together. He’s like everything. He’s obviously caddie, he’s like a big brother, psychologist sometimes, but also my biggest supporter, and he’s always in my corner, and super grateful for him.

Q. Do you really rely on his vision out on the golf course? Are you someone who relies on a caddie for their help and expertise?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, we do a good bit of teamwork. On the greens not so much, but everything else he gets involved.

Q. I saw him out walking the course yesterday. I got a little tour out there to see what it was like and I know he was doing a lot of scouting. How does that help you and how do you feel like you’ve gotten to know the course better over the years that you’ve played here?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, definitely. I feel like the more you play out here, the more you kind of learn about the bounces and where to hit it and whatnot, what part of the hole to be on on the greens. So I feel like we’re constantly both learning.

Two years ago was my best finish, but I definitely — a big goal is to contend in these tournaments, so just kind of trying to figure it out a little bit more each year helps.

Q. What is the toughest part of this course for you that you really have to focus on?

NELLY KORDA: You know, you can hit good shots and you get a really bad bounce and you’re just in an impossible position. You can hit a bad shot and it trickles up there and you sink it for birdie. So it’s more of just like a mental aspect and also just knowing where to miss.

Q. Going on to the Olympics and now you’re here playing as No. 1, what difference does this make in overall attitude, preparation? Are you doing things differently? And are you going to prepare differently for the Olympics?

NELLY KORDA: With the ranking?

Q. Yeah.

NELLY KORDA: No, not at all. At the end of the day you have the same game plan going into every week, and a ranking in a sense is a ranking and it’s a huge accomplishment, but when it comes to game plans, I stick to the same thing every week despite my ranking. I could be 30th in the world or I could be whatever, I’m still going to go into every week with the same game plan.

Q. Is there a difference between the Olympics and the majors for you?

NELLY KORDA: I mean, they’re all very big events. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small event or if it’s a major. I’m going to go into every week with the same mindset and the same preparation because at the end of the day you go into any type of event wanting to win.

Q. Is there anything that you did during the COVID downtime that got you away from golf that was like a new hobby, a new activity, just because you weren’t out on the golf course and you had extra time that you enjoyed?

NELLY KORDA: I actually — honestly Florida was kind of functioning normally, so I actually played a lot of golf. I didn’t really kind of step away from the game. I worked out. I just kind of stuck to a routine so I wouldn’t go completely crazy.

Q. We had Inbee in here before, and we’ve heard from a lot of medal winners, especially Shanshan, how much winning a medal impacted the growth of the game in their country. What do you think an American winning a medal in Tokyo would do for the game of golf and maybe for you personally as Nelly Korda, the person, the personality?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it would be a huge accomplishment and be really special. I think we’re at the point that even winning a major is growing the game. Playing just a regular tournament is growing a game, but there’s nothing like the Olympics. It’s every four years. It’s a huge honor even to just be an Olympian, so I feel like anytime you’re on that kind of stage and have a chance to grow the game of golf is really special.

Q. I know we’ve seen a lot of requests coming in for interviews with you and your sister. I saw you guys were featured on ESPN’s Instagram and on, all sorts of things. How cool is that to see you popping up in all these not-golf places?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it’s super special. Honestly the week of KPMG, I think I was more nervous for (indiscernible) than anything else, so I was really happy to see that she played well. We’re both going to the Olympics together.

Honestly it’s a huge honor, and we’re just super excited and grateful for everything.

Q. I know it’s not going to be maybe our normal week in Tokyo, but what are you most looking forward to during that week there? I know you’re going to try to go over and see some of the men’s competition perhaps.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think I’ll get to see their final day, so I think that’ll be really exciting because I don’t remember the last time I’ve been to, in a sense, a men’s event, but just the experience repping red, white and blue is going to be a lot of fun, and to call each other Olympians, only the females in the Korda household will be Olympians, so that’ll be really cool.

Q. Has your family been able to spend a lot of time together since Sebby’s run at Wimbledon? I know you’ve talked about your Drive On video that came out this week, but how dang athletic is your family? It’s unfair.

NELLY KORDA: We’re very sport oriented. I actually spent the week before Dow with my brother. I didn’t see him for a couple months, so it was really nice to spend some time with him and my dad. Jess unfortunately, she was at Marathon competing, so she wasn’t — she was like, I have really bad FOMO right now. That’s all we were getting in her text messages.

But it was really nice to see him, and he’s playing well. He’s putting in a lot of work, and it’s just super exciting to see it pay off and to see him do what he loves.

Q. What’s the key to the success in the family? I know you’ve learned a lot from your dad and certainly from your mom, but is it kind of a family way of working towards common athletic goals?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, honestly, I don’t even know. I can’t even answer the question in a sense because we had like a lot of structure obviously growing up, but like it didn’t even like hit us that we’re like doing something like this. It’s like more of like this is our everyday kind of thing, like we’re just going about our business, pushing each other, talking about sports, seeing how maybe we can do something better, be better people, be better athletes. We just like go about our business and kind of keep our heads down and just tread along, in a sense.

Q. Since the major win, since you’ve been No. 1 now, and Christina mentioned some of the magazines and things like that, what have been the demands like, and have you been having to use the word “no” quite a few times?

NELLY KORDA: I don’t know, ask my agent that.

Q. So it’s filtered?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, usually my dad and my agent handle that. But yeah, it’s been exciting. It’s been cool. It’s just been really special, and sometimes I’m just — I’m like, pinch me; is this even real?

Q. But is that something that maybe within the family dynamic can help because time can be demanding for you and you’re in a bit of a busy spell right now?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, are you saying like is it nice to just be around family?

Q. Well, not necessarily that, but it would be easy for you if you said yes to all your demands for your time to be sort of diverting away from what you need to be doing.

NELLY KORDA: I feel like we’re constantly busy, like we’re constantly on the go, and obviously last year with COVID it was really tough because we have such a busy schedule always, so it was nice to have structure.

But yeah, I mean, in a sense I’m kind of used to the busy schedule. When I’m home for a little, I’m like, okay, I’m ready to go on the road again.

Q. What are your thoughts on some of the French players here?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I know Celine. I played with her a couple weeks ago. She’s a very solid player. She putts really well, which is going to be very important out here this week, and I think she got actually longer off the tee, which I noticed when I played with her last. Because it’s soft, it’s probably an advantage to the longer players because it won’t roll out, but in all she’s a really solid player, and I don’t know what her past finishes have been out here, but I feel like she could do well out here.

Q. What would you say about the greens?

NELLY KORDA: I would say kind of funky, very difficult, a lot of ridges. I think that’s the golf course’s defense, in a sense, is like the greens, especially if they get firm and fast. They’re very tricky.

Q. We had Inbee in here right before you, certainly the defending gold medal winner. What do you remember about the first time you watched Inbee up close playing golf? Do you remember when that was and just your thoughts on as a kid watching Inbee?

NELLY KORDA: I think the first memory that pops into my head is playing British Open with her. I played the first two rounds with her at Kingsbarns, and I was like, oh, my God, she looks at something and makes it. Like I want to be her. She’s just a very solid player.

She’s very nice. Not many people — she doesn’t really speak too much, but when she does, she’s very welcoming and very nice, so that’s kind of like the first thing I thought about.

Q. You’ve got a major win under your belt. What are your goals for the rest of the year?

NELLY KORDA: Well, I think my biggest goal was just to stay healthy this year, so if I can pull that off, that would be great.

As in the whole year, I don’t know, probably just to contend in a couple more events, and I have a couple big events coming up. We have this week, then we have Olympics, another major and Solheim. As I said, to stay healthy and just to stay consistent.

Q. How are you planning to manage your time over this next month because this is a crazy stretch coming up, to keep yourself well mentally and physically?

NELLY KORDA: Well, I bought a gaming laptop, so I am gaming a little, just to try and keep my mind off of things. You kind of need a way to kind of escape a little sometimes, so I was like, hmm, may as well try it out. Other than that, just rest and take it easy. A lot of people put a lot of pressure on these weeks and they tire themselves out so much, especially mentally, and I think if you’re tired mentally then — which I’ve learned in the past, you’re just dead, drained.

Q. What games are you playing?

NELLY KORDA: Right now Call of Duty, Modern Warfare. But when I was a kid I really liked the card games, so I may download one of those. Complete nerd coming out of me right now.

Q. We’ve got a great field. You’re headlining a great field, but we have some names who skipped this to play the Olympics. What are your thoughts on that and why are you here to play this week?

NELLY KORDA: Each to their own when it comes to a schedule. I know a couple of top girls are missing this week just because it was a lot of travel, a lot of big events coming up. At the end of the day I think they’re just thinking about how their bodies are going to be and not tiring themselves out. But I would never miss a major.

THE MODERATOR: We’re glad to have you here. Thanks so much. We’ll see you later this week.

<em>Press Release by ASAP Sports</em>


Inbee Park: “Definitely wanting to win another Evian Championship.”

July 21, 2021

Inbee Park

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club
Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We’re going to get started with Inbee Park. Welcome back to the media center for the Amundi Evian Championship. Here with Inbee Park, appearing in her 13th event of the LPGA season, a win at the Kia Classic and six other top-10 finishes. Here she’s making her 11th appearance at the Evian Resort Golf Club with a victory at the 2012 Evian Masters. Welcome back, Inbee. We all missed being here last year. How good of a feeling was it to see Lake Geneva and to see all the beautiful sights here in Evian.

INBEE PARK: Yeah, it was really great to be back here and I didn’t know until I came here how much I missed this place. It is so beautiful. Obviously the weather was just amazing the last three days, and the golf course is in really, really good shape. Hopefully the weather just holds on until Sunday so we play this beautiful golf course for all four days.

Yeah, like I said, really great to be back here in a beautiful place. Didn’t think that I missed it this much, but as soon as I arrived here at the hotel, at the golf course, and just the view of the venue here is just amazing.

THE MODERATOR: You mentioned the course; our lead rules official is saying this is the best he’s ever seen it and that’s amazing considering how much rain it’s received over the past two months. You’ve had a couple days to see the golf course, reacquaint yourself. How does it look out there for this championship week?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, it is probably the best I’ve seen. I think after they did the renovation this is definitely the best condition I have seen this golf course. The first day when I did the practice round it was a little bit soft, but today I played the pro-am in the morning and it was firming up nicely.

In the next couple days without the rain, I think the course is going to play firm and fast, which is how we want to play this golf course.

The greens are very tricky still, whether they’re slow or fast. You’re always going to struggle on these greens trying to read the putts. There’s a lot of slopes on these greens, so you’ve got to be careful of that, and the rough is thick, so you have to be in the fairways and you have to be putting well.

THE MODERATOR: Beyond the winning moment from 2012, what are the biggest moments you remember from that week here in 2012 when you won?

INBEE PARK: Well, I remember because that was the second win of my LPGA Tour career and the first win traveling with my husband. It was a very special moment.

Out of all the like 20 wins I’ve done with my husband, this is definitely the first one and the best one because it was the first one.

It has a really special place in my heart, and just the moment — I felt like that week I putted so well on these greens. I felt like I struggled a lot on these greens over a few years before heading into 2012 Evian, but somehow 2012 the putting was just working really well. I was trying to work out why, but still couldn’t figure out why the putting in 2012. Hopefully another year of putting like that in 2012.

THE MODERATOR: What is it with you and your putting? Has that always been a strength of your game.

INBEE PARK: I think so. I think my putting has been — always been above average. I have been having these years that I was putting really, really good, and then I had the years that I’m putting above average but not as good as other years, but I think my putting always has been really good, I think, overall.

I definitely have those weeks where I don’t putt well at all, but that’s normal with putting. I don’t try to be too greedy with the putter. When I try to be too greedy with the putter, you’re not making many putts. Just trying to be very calm and very nice to my putter so it works. Sometimes I put a good stroke on it and it doesn’t go in. Sometimes I put a bad stroke on it and it goes in.

You just don’t know. It’s golf. Especially putting is just something that I still can’t figure out.

THE MODERATOR: You can’t figure it out but you have it and you can’t explain it. It’s a strange thing.

Q. You did win the Evian Masters in 2012 but what would it mean to get a win here and add another major title? Do you feel any pressure to add that to your resume?

INBEE PARK: That is definitely one thing I’ve always wanted to do. I definitely won in 2012 but it wasn’t a major. It became a major, they redid the golf course, and we’re playing a little bit different of a golf course. Obviously becoming a major, definitely wanting to win another Evian Championship. Yeah, this year I think would be a really good year to do it, as well, coming into the Tokyo Olympics and obviously the course is in really, really good shape.

I really want to play well on this type of a golf course. Yeah, it’s really going to come down to putting because I played the pro-am the last couple days and a practice round, still can’t exactly figure out every putt. Sometimes it breaks a lot more than I think and sometimes it just breaks the other way.

Just trying to learn the greens. I did homework for the last three days and hopefully that pays off for the weekend.

Q. You mentioned the Olympics; what is the anticipation level for these Olympics as you hope to defend your gold medal? You said this is what has kept you playing is the opportunity to play in Tokyo. What are you feeling as you get ready for this week?

INBEE PARK: Well, I think it has been definitely a big motivation of mine going to 2021 Olympics. I was able to achieve my goal and qualify for the spot.

Yeah, really excited to be going to the second Olympics of my career, and I feel like I’m in a little better shape than I was in 2016, so I feel a little better.

Yeah, just really, really excited. I know it’s going to be a little bit different, obviously, with the COVID, but I still think Olympics is Olympics, and yeah, we’re just going to have a lot of fun.

Q. You talked about 2016 and your injury, and I think that story and that comeback is one of golf’s great stories. What was it like that year of 2016 wanting to play, not knowing if you could, taking the time off and then, oh, hello, I’m going to come win gold?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, that was probably the most mysterious thing that I’ve probably ever done in my whole entire career. Still can’t figure out how. I worked really hard to play in 2016 Rio Olympics.

A little different preparation to 2020 Tokyo because 2016 I probably took two, three months off before heading into the Olympics and just worked on my game, no competition at all.

But this year I feel good, no injuries, so I am just playing the tournaments before so I can get the good feel of competition.

It’s going to be hard to beat the last one for sure, but hopefully this way works, as well.

Q. What are your plans over the next week? When do you head to Tokyo and what your plans from there?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, I go back to Korea after this week and then leave to Tokyo on Saturday.

Q. Continuing on the Olympics question, in all of the victories that you’ve had in your career, how do you rank the Olympics with the majors? Which would be more important to you?

INBEE PARK: I think for the rareness of it, the Olympics is definitely number one. I have seven majors and one Olympic gold. For the rareness, I’d say the best accomplishment I ever had is the gold medal.

Q. Is there one in all these accomplishments that really stands out outside of the Olympics?

INBEE PARK: 2013 was a very special year for me, winning the three majors in the same year. I can’t really tell you one of that, but I think just that year, just that whole entire year was just a very special year for me with the three majors.

Q. Any special preparation other than playing a lot this time that you’re doing, and have you played in Japan before?

INBEE PARK: I have played in Japan about two to three years in Japanese Tour in and out a little bit. Not full time, but I have played about 10 events every year for about three years, so I am familiar with the Japanese golf courses, and I have played on many of their golf courses.

Q. Have you played the Olympic course?


Q. This time a year ago was so strange; I know you said you didn’t realize how much you missed it until you got back, but can you put into context kind of where we were a year ago right now and certainly where we need to still be having our masks but feel like we’re somehow getting back to normal?

INBEE PARK: You know, I thought it was coming back to normal, especially the last couple of months or so when everything was just calming down. Then this delta virus came in, and in Korea we’re having the most cases ever in the last couple years.

We thought we were going the right direction, and then now it feels like it’s going backwards. I know it’s going to be a very tough battle for everybody, and hopefully we all get together and get through this.

Q. Following from the Olympics, of course three years’ time the Olympics will be in France, in Paris. Can you see yourself playing in that?

INBEE PARK: Well, I can tell you that I didn’t see myself playing in 2020 Tokyo, but I am here, so I don’t know. Maybe 2024 in Paris. It is definitely a beautiful place and a place I always wanted to go.

Yeah, I mean, it would be nice, but I don’t know if I’ll be there. I’m not sure.

Q. You play quite a lot of golf, obviously, in the buildup to this, I take it you’re going to play the Women’s Open, as well, at Carnoustie. What’s your schedule like after that? Are you going to put your feet up a bit or carry on playing as often as this?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, I think I’m going to play this one and the Olympics and the British Open, and then I’ll take probably three, four weeks off after that.

Q. Going to the Olympics and talking about the gender equality between the men’s side of the game and the women’s side, do you feel that the Olympics puts the two sides on equal footing, and if so or if not, why? What are your thoughts on that?

INBEE PARK: You mean the competition level?

Q. For the competition, for the golf, for the overall experience.

INBEE PARK: Well, I think for my perspective, I think the Olympics is definitely the venue and definitely the place that I really want to experience. I think most of the girls probably think like that. But I don’t know, like the men’s, I’ve seen the news that a few of them pulled out of the Olympics, and I know definitely they have a lot more schedule than we do, and sometimes everyone’s choice could be different.

Yeah, I think the level, the field that we’re getting, I think the women’s field definitely gets — I guess if you — let’s say 60 girls have qualified, then probably 58, probably like more than 90 percent is going to stay or want to compete. Out of the men’s maybe just a little less percentage than that.

Yeah, I think the level of getting involved is probably a little less.

Q. But when you’re on-site, is it pretty much — it seems to be the same, the men’s week and the women’s week as far as the atmosphere and experience?

INBEE PARK: I think it is actually probably the most equal golf tournament that we’ll ever see, definitely. The PGA TOUR events and LPGA events, there’s definitely some gap of difference, but Olympics is definitely — I felt like it was the same week.

Q. What did you do during the COVID period? Were you practicing or training or did you create another hobby, another interest to occupy yourself and get away from the COVID stress?

INBEE PARK: I think in the first month or so I kind of took some time off from golf. After that I started practicing and training because I didn’t know when we were going to come back and play.

Nothing like new hobby or anything, I just lived a normal life, just training and practicing.

Q. And resting up?

INBEE PARK: And resting. In Korea. I spent most of the COVID time in Korea.

Q. Do you have a good luck charm or a fetish that helps you win all these majors and that is really key to you when you’re going to play in the Olympics and everywhere else?

INBEE PARK: My dog, Rio. He’s a golden retriever, and I got him after I won the gold in Rio Olympics. Since then Rio has been my most precious thing and most lucky — the best lucky charm I’ll ever have.

Q. What are your thoughts about the media coverage for the Olympics; is it equal?

INBEE PARK: I think it is very similar and very fair. As a woman’s perspective I think it is definitely the best week.

THE MODERATOR: You mentioned your husband earlier; you always have your small group that you’re with, you have Gi, you have Brad, you have So Yeon, your best friend. Has that been important to you throughout your career to have that group with you and maybe your home space when you’re on the road?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, we have a new person in our group, Danielle Kang, as well, and she would be feeling sad if we left her out. But yeah, it is always great to have good company like that. This is — the LPGA Tour traveling and just eating meals by yourself is just so miserable. No matter how good a golf you play, I don’t think you’re going to be feeling too happy. It’s always great to have some good people around me like that. Yeah, I’m very lucky.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much, Inbee. Good luck this week. We’ll see you out there.

Press Release by ASAP Sports


Lydia Ko: “It’s a place where I’ve had a lot of good memories.”

July 20, 2021
Lydia Ko
Evian Resort Golf Club
Quick Quotes

Q. Lydia, got to be a good feeling to finally be back here in Evian. How are you doing right now?


Yeah, obviously we missed it last year, so definitely good to be back. It’s a place where I’ve had a lot of good memories, so, yeah, weather is beautiful and hopefully it stays that way the rest of the week.

Q. I obviously know what they are, but in your voice tell us some of the great memories you got here.


My final round here the year that I won in ’15 is probably some of the best golf that I’ve played. You know, I think when I was out of position I played smart and I finished really strong with a couple birdies in my last two holes.
So, yeah, in general, I used to be an Evian ambassador, so I feel like I have that connection with Franck and Jacques, and obviously Rolex is obviously a huge supporter of this event, so hopefully do them proud.

Q. You finished up the first practice round. We’ve had of a lot rain here over the last week, but how is the course looking?


I thought it was going to be really wet after seeing the email about how much rain this course is kind of received, but it’s actually pretty dry considering.
I just don’t know how much — like what extent the rain was. It’s drier than some time we’ve dominate come who are is looking pretty pure.

Q. How is your game feeling right now?


I had so much fun playing with Danielle last week. I had a couple not-so-good shots that kind of put us out of contention on this Friday.
But, no, hopefully that gives me good momentum coming here and just enjoy it and see what happens.

Q. And we’re in for a busy couple weeks. Here, Olympics, AIG. How are you going to be managing your time?


Yeah, going to take next week off, go home it Orlando for a few days and then I’ll be doing Olympics and the two Scottish events and have a pretty big break after that. Yeah, this is an important and big stretch for me.
So just making sure that I’m physically feeling good as well as mentally.

Press Release by ASAP Sports

Ladies Tours

Meet Sol, the official mascot of the 2023 Solheim Cup

Los Arqueros Golf hosted the unveiling of the mascot of the competition which will be held at the Finca Cortesín (Costa del Sol, Andalucía)

Energy, light, optimism, life, hope, warmth and joy are some of the values transmitted by Sol, the official mascot of the Solheim Cup that was presented Friday afternoon, June 18th in a fun event that took place in the Costa del Sol club of Los Arqueros Golf. The event was attended by Francisco Salado, President of the Provincial Council of Málaga, José Antonio Mena, Mayor of Benahavís, and Nuria Rodríguez, Malaga Tourism Delegate for the Junta de Andalucía, on behalf of all the entities and institutions that sponsor and support this biennial international competition between the United Stated and Europe women teams that will be hosted for the first time in Spain from September 18-24, 2023.
Sol delighted all the guests at the event and the children of the golf schools of the Costa del Sol who accompanied her in Los Arqueros. The mascot wore its finest clothes in a festive exhibition that starred together with Laura Gómez and Ana Peláez, young Spanish golfers from Málaga who dream of being able to play in the first edition of the Solheim Cup to be played in Spain.
The Solheim Cup begins with “Sol” (“sun” in Spanish), an unequivocal link with Andalucía and the Costa del Sol, and a perfect representation of the image that those who visit our country have in mind. Like the star, Sol arrives with the intention of illuminating the future and setting the course for the youngest golfers in Spain, becoming the friendly and unforgettable icon of this competition.
“We are very excited about the role that Sol will play from now on, as it will contribute to bring the competition closer to the younger fans around the world and will serve to identify the tournament with a key element of our country, Andalucía and the Costa del Sol. We would like the whole sporting world orbiting around Sol and the Solheim Cup in 2023, and that’s why all the institutions, organizations and companies that support the competition are doing our best,” explained Alicia Garrido, executive director of Deporte & Business.
The 2023 Solheim Cup, an event of Exceptional Public Interest that will be hosted at Finca Cortesín, is sponsored by PING, Costa del Sol and Rolex as Global Partners; and by AndalucÍa, Acosol, the local council of Marbella and the local council of Benahavís as Official Partners.

Ladies Tours

Major tournament, BMW Ladies Championship and Scandinavian Mixed premiere: BMW strengthens involvement in ladies golf

Munich. The BMW global involvement in professional golf will include a strengthened presence in ladies golf for the 2021 season. In addition to holding the second edition of the top-level BMW Ladies Championship in South Korea, BMW will be partnering at a Ladies Major for the first time – the Amundi Evian Championship – and at another first in the world of professional golf, at the Scandinavian Mixed Hosted by Henrik & Annika, where women and men will be competing for one prize fund and one trophy.

Swedish Major winners Annika Sörenstam and Henrik Stenson will host the innovative competition co-sanctioned by the European Tour and Ladies European Tour in June. Vallda Golf and Country Club in Sweden will see 78 women and 78 men battle for victory on the same course. Distribution of prize money will be based solely on the final placings. Points for the season-long competitions (Race to Dubai, Race to Costa del Sol) and the world rankings will be assigned using separate standings for women and men. BMW is supporting the premiere for this future-oriented tournament format as Official Partner.

One month later, the elite players from the world of women’s golf will be competing in the fourth Ladies Major of the year at Lake Geneva. The Amundi Evian Championship does not just boast a spectacular field. Nestling at the foot of the Alps, the Championship Course in the Evian Resort Golf Club is regarded as one of the most attractive golf courses in Europe, with a challenging layout that demands strategic and precise play. BMW is celebrating its debut as Official Partner at this Major, as it was not possible to hold the tournament last year.

South Korea is the dominant force in ladies golf. It is therefore no surprise that the public is so looking forward to the only LPGA event in this country, the BMW Ladies Championship. The top-class field and exhilarating location attracted more than 70,000 spectators to the tournament at the LPGA International Busan in 2019. It was also not possible for the BMW Ladies Championship to take place last year, meaning that the success story will now continue this October.

(Text: BMW Press Group)


LPGA Announces Zinus As Latest Official Marketing Partner

The Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) announced today that Zinus Inc., the rapidly-growing global e-commerce mattress and furniture company, has been named an Official Marketing Partner with the designation as the Official Mattress of the LPGA Tour.

As an Official Marketing Partner, Zinus will be represented within the LPGA’s media landscape through in-broadcast features and a robust digital and social presence. In addition, LPGA Tour players will amplify their message through soon-to-be-announced ambassador relationships. Zinus is also focused on supporting the growth of the game through the LPGA*USGA Girls Golf program and will be presenting a Zinus-specific experience later this year at sites across the country. 

“We are thrilled to welcome Zinus to the LPGA Partner Family,” said Kelly Hyne, the LPGA’s Chief Sales Officer. “Their global footprint mirrors the LPGA’s and provides an opportunity to talk about the comfort and inspiration of their products to a wide array of constituencies. We appreciate their support of vital initiatives to grow the game through the LPGA*USGA Girls Golf program and look forward to presenting a number of features on our LPGA platforms in the coming years.”

Zinus, a global direct-to-consumer mattress brand, is renowned for their expertly engineered mattresses and furniture that are infused with natural ingredients including green tea, olive oil, and charcoal, and are shipped directly to consumers’ doors.. With over 40 years’ experience in the home furnishings industry, Zinus creates well-designed, high-quality products packed full of features and benefits, all at affordable price points.

“As a global company, with operations spanning the U.S., Asia Pacific, and Europe, it was a natural fit to partner with the LPGA, whose members and fans can be found in more than 30 countries,” said Youn Jae Lee, CEO at Zinus. “Not only are we thrilled to support the world-class athletes of the LPGA, but we are honored to help empower the next generation of young women through the LPGA*USGA Girls Golf program. We’re delighted to join the LPGA Family and look forward to positively impacting the game for years to come.”

“At Zinus, our goal is to bring harmony to peoples’ homes around the world. For us, getting a good night’s sleep on a comfortable mattress is only one element of the equation. With the perfect combinations of premiere foams and fabrics along with natural infusions, our mattresses allow people to enjoy the best product for them, while still being affordably priced,” says Keith Reynolds, president at Zinus U.S. “We look forward to bringing this same harmony to LPGA athletes and fans, so they can find balance at home and on the golf course.” 

(Text: LPGA Press Release)