Highlights Tours

Solheim Cup 2024: “The Most Fun I’ve Had on a Golf Course” -Team USA’s Winner Press Conference

The Solheim Cup 2024 seemed to have been decided after the first two days of the tournament and after the first singles matches at the latest. However, Team Europe fought their way back into the competition in impressive fashion and ensured excitement on the final day, which was ultimately decided by Lilia Vu in favor of the Americans. Afterwards, a visibly relieved and happy Team USA answered questions from the media. The winners’ press conference.

Solheim Cup 2024: “Maybe she’ll make another one” – Thompson-Farewell?

THE MODERATOR: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the media center for the 2024 Solheim Cup. I am joined by the victorious United States team. Stacy, just talk about how proud you are of this team and the week you all have had.

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, it was an amazing week from the start. We started the week off Monday going around D.C. and we had a great day.

From the moment this team was together, they were together. There was no we needed a couple days or anything like that. The vibe in the team room was amazing, the way they got along, the way they support each other. Our group of caddies were off-the-charts keeping the team room loose, making sure everybody had fun, and it showed. It showed in the golf that was played.

I’m just so proud of them. I’m proud that they get this moment where they get to celebrate tonight and win this Cup.

Q. Megan, you went back-to-back years undefeated in the Solheim Cup, a huge feat. Heck yeah. Just talk about how important both those experiences were for you.

To be able to go undefeated for both Solheims, it’s been incredible and a dream come true. Hopefully keep the streak alive and make the next Solheim Cup in 2026 in the Netherlands.

Q. Rose, you went 4-0 this week. I believe you never saw the 16th hole. Talk about your week and how awesome it was.

ROSE ZHANG: Oh, it’s been absolutely incredible. I feel like starting off the beginning of the week, I just felt so comfortable with everyone. The whole team has just been — they’ve just been so friendly, and everyone has had a good time in the team room, on the golf course. Like Stacy said, it translated over to the golf course.

I felt a lot more loose than I did last year, and it was good vibes all around.

Q. Lilia, you earned the point to capture the victory for the U.S. Team. How important was that for not only yourself but for the team?

LILIA VU: It was so important. I felt like in the middle of the match the wheels were kind of falling off. 16 I hit it through the green and into the bunker and I knew I had to make up-and-down.

And then somehow birdied 17 and was able to hit it really close on 18. I knew — I looked at the leaderboard, saw we had 14 points, and like Stacy said at the beginning of the week, half points matter. I only had one goal was to get it close and get that birdie.

Q. Stacy, when you accepted the captaincy in 2022, you said that the team needed you now. What did the team need back then, and do you think you met what the team needed?

STACY LEWIS: They needed to have fun and they needed to enjoy this. This needed to do that but also needed to play good golf. I think there was a lot of tension of trying to play perfect golf and not enjoying it in the process.

This team enjoyed this week more than the golf itself. They had so much fun together. They picked each other up when they needed it. They did whatever I asked of them. They were great, offering feedback on pairings.

Q. Lauren, I’m curious of the experience of playing in your home state and winning in your home state was like for you?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: I mean, it was my first Solheim so I don’t really have anything else to compare it to, but it was an amazing week. I wouldn’t change anything. I had an absolute blast with everybody out here, the caddies, my teammates, captains, our families that were around. It was a very special week.

Q. Lexi, potentially that was your final moment with your teammates out there. What did it mean to get a win in your potential final Cup?

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it was very special. It meant the world to me just to be here and to be part of this team. These girls are incredible.

Words can’t really describe just the personalities on this team and the talent that each and every one of them has. Like they’ve all said, from the beginning of the week, there was just something about this team that was different, the atmosphere, the energy from the team rooms to the bus rides to the first tee experience.

There was nothing like it, and just how we all came together and had fun and played some amazing golf on top of it. It was just great to be part of it.

Q. Stacy, you turned and you passed the Cup to Lexi, kind of reminded me of the Stanley Cup in hockey when players do that. Why was it important for her to have that moment?

STACY LEWIS: Because she deserves that moment. I think she was kind of one of those first players to really get that first tee going loud and going crazy, and I think the Solheim Cup is what it is because Lexi started that, and she started with that energy.

All of my favorite Lexi memories are at the Solheim Cup. I’m just super proud of her. I know today was hard. It was a hard day for her emotionally, I think. Just proud of her fight.

She’s been a leader of this team for a long time. On and off, she leads by the way she prepares and the way she goes about her business. Who knows, maybe she’ll make another one.

Q. Rose, we asked you earlier this week what is it about playing in this air that fits your comfort zone. After going 4-0 here, do you think it might be the grass, the air? Any thoughts after another win outside D.C.?

ROSE ZHANG: Maybe the grass and the air. I’d like to say — it’s just been really comfortable to be playing on bentgrass and playing on these types of golf courses. The fans, I’ve always just thought about how great the fans were.

When they came out and just represented USA and how loud they were, it was just so cool to witness and to feel that inside the ropes.

The first time that I really played back in 2020, it was still COVID, and it was the U.S. Amateur. I don’t really consider that a full-on experience. I’d only consider that the golf course.

Other than that, this week has been just incredible with the golf course and the fans.

STACY LEWIS: I will add that in my day she had the highest course fit rating of anybody on this team, so there’s that part, too. The golf course was made for you, Rose.

Solheim Cup 2024 – Nelly Korda: “Probably the most fun I’ve had on a golf course ever”

Q. Nelly, I’m curious where this week ranks on the fun scale for you over the course of your career.

NELLY KORDA: This was probably the most fun I’ve had on a golf course ever. Just the team, the team environment, the caddies, everyone getting along, the fans. Everyone was so incredible. We all vibed really well off of each other. This is probably the most I’ve laughed and the most I’ve fist pumped ever on a golf course. It was just an amazing week and a dream come true.

Q. Where are the big bottles of champagne?

STACY LEWIS: We haven’t even been back to the team room yet. I think there were a couple. I think they drank them already.

Q. That was a little bit of a joke, but you look a little bit drained up there. You look very relieved. Do you feel like a burden has been lifted and you can just exhale?

STACY LEWIS: I feel that way. I don’t know how the rest of them feel. How do you guys feel?

MEGAN KHANG: I got some choice words that I’m not going to say, but we feel good.

ANGELA STANFORD: We feel like a million dollars, because we got the Cup.

Q. Do you feel like you celebrate in a more mature way than the guys?

STACY LEWIS: We haven’t gotten a chance to yet.

MEGAN KHANG: Have them bring the bottles out and we’ll see.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: We haven’t gotten to celebrate yet.

Q. Lauren, you mentioned that I think you came here four times beforehand. In any of those times did you ever practice a putt to win the Cup?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: So Terry, my caddie, came up the week before Canada, and on the 18th hole he put a putt down and he said, this is to win the Solheim Cup, and I made it.

Q. Suzann was in here just a little while ago and she was a little emotional. Have there been moments since you won that it’s been a little overwhelming for you or that the emotions have really hit you?

STACY LEWIS: Right now, no. Similar to her, in Spain, it didn’t really hit me until I got on the airplane and I was sitting on the airplane with my daughter and she was sleeping and I just lost it and I started crying.

I was like, we did all this work for these girls to play to a tie, and that was literally the only moment. From that point though on it was right back to work because I don’t want that to happen again.

There were parts of this journey that were hard. It was busy. There was a lot of work at times. There were frustrating things at times.

But that’s part of it, and just to watch them celebrate and to see Lilia pull off that shot in that moment was just really, really special.

Q. Do you think now after you leave here you’ll be able to finally, like you said, exhale and enjoy the moment?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, the shoulders are already down, so we’re going to enjoy the moment. We’re going to celebrate. This has been seven years in the making for a lot of the women on this stage.

There’s a lot — actually 10 that haven’t had this celebration yet, so we’re going back to the team room to celebrate.

Q. Knowing how much you love analytics, now that the matches are over, can you share some of the specific metrics you were using to help determine some of the pairings?

STACY LEWIS: No. No. I mean, a lot of it, it’s got to stay within this team. The assistants know it. We know what works, and I think I’ve got the buy-in now from this team, as well.

But yeah, we’re going to keep a lot of that to ourselves. But I’ll tell you one thing is this team played really, really good this week. It doesn’t matter the pairings or any of that. If you play really, really good golf, you’re going to win.

Q. Stacy, the business is now finished. Can you just speak to what that means?

STACY LEWIS: It’s a little strange, to be honest. I don’t know what I’m going to do next week now.

Yeah, I mean, the job was to get the Cup, and we finished the job. I don’t know what we do now. I hadn’t thought past this moment, to be honest.

Other than we celebrate, I’ve got to get my daughter back home to go to school on Tuesday, but past that, I don’t know what’s next.

MEGAN KHANG: But that’s Tuesday, and it’s Sunday.

STACY LEWIS: Exactly. That’s my point.

Highlights Tours

Solheim Cup 2024: Proud US Fans and European Criticism of Pettersen

The Solheim Cup 2024 was deservedly won by Team USA. The hosts were particularly impressive on the first two days in the Foursomes and Fourballs and their triumph created a great atmosphere among US fans on social media. While a large proportion of European fans were proud of their team’s performance, there was also a lot of criticism of Solheim captain Suzann Pettersen on social media – with Leona Maguire in the middle.

Solheim Cup 2024: Much criticism of captain Pettersen’s decisions

Alongside many positive reactions to Team Europe’s performance, much of the criticism from European fans on X (Twitter) was directed at captain Suzann Pettersen. At the center of the discussions surrounding Pettersen’s decisions regarding playing times and pairings was Ireland’s Leona Maguire. She had only played one fourball match on Friday (6&4 USA) and did not play at all on Saturday. According to Maguire, she played her singles match on Sunday with “extra motivation” and impressed with a dominant victory against Ally Ewing (4&3). After losing the Solheim Cup 2024, the Irishwoman was a little frustrated about the few appearances: “I feel like I’ve been playing really great golf all week in practice and it was a bitter pill to swallow to be sat out for as many sessions as I was. [Pettersen] didn’t give much reason, to be honest.” Maguire also responded to a post on X about her singles win by saying “form is temporary, class is permanent” – a possible dig at captain Suzann Pettersen’s decision.

Leona Maguire was definitely not alone in her frustration on social media. For example, X-user @poconnell383 wrote: “Very bizarre selections – no Leona all Saturday.” A similar sentiment was shared by @ColmMurf: “Pleased to see Leona’s one-on-one proved her captain inept. How she was picked for just one game was outrageous.” And @NeilFonda also expressed surprise at the European captain’s decisions: “It’s absolutely outrageous that Pettersen hasn’t explained why Leona McGuire was left out of 3 sessions!”

It is therefore not surprising that some European fans are calling for a new team captain for the 2026 Solheim Cup in the Netherlands. X-user @HoundDogBedtime, for example, also blamed Pettersen’s decisions for the defeat: “I hope they pick up on the mistakes Pettersen made: Captain’s picks and match compositions were extremely poor.” Users like @john_cross4 and @mantom62 even spoke openly in favor of a new captain.

Alongside all the criticism, however, there are also countless comments from European fans who are proud of Team Europe. Posts like the one from X user @Ursina70 piled up: “Great team, what a battle in the singles! I enjoyed every moment and almost lost my voice shouting “GO Europe” in the middle of that huge US crowd…”

Solheim Cup 2024: Euphoria among US fans and praise from the European camp

Unsurprisingly, there is euphoria among US fans on social media now that the Solheim Cup is back in the hands of Team USA for the first time since 2017. There are countless comments like @golfrichmar under posts on the US women’s X account: “Way to make it interesting ladies and thanks for bringing the Cup back home where it belongs.”

But many European fans like @reid1234576 also praised the performance of the American golfers: “Devastated for Europe, but USA played amazing”

In two years’ time, Team Europe will have the opportunity to regain the trophy in the Netherlands. Possibly again with Esther Henseleit and Leona Maguire and without team captain Suzann Pettersen.

Highlights Tours

Solheim Cup 2024: “Housegate” – First Drama Even Before the Start of the Tournament

The Solheim Cup is always good for drama, the best example being the story of the tearful “Gimme Gates” of 2015 involving Suzann Pettersen and Charley Hull, which was rekindled with the return of Alison Lee to the American team. The 2024 Solheim Cup had its first controversy even before the start. As Sky Sports reported, there was a dispute about the European team room. The Europeans made themselves a little too comfortable for the taste of their opponents.

The two team rooms, which are more like team houses, are located near the driving range of the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course and as hosts, the Americans had first choice. They left the Europeans the smaller of the two houses, which has the advantage of being directly adjacent to the driving range. Team USA complained when Team Europe used the driving bays in the house, saying that this was not permitted under the contract and that the tables and chairs that Team Europe had placed outside were also against the contract.

US skipper Stacy Lewis explained why these seemingly mundane facts upset the American team: “The inside of their hut doesn’t have much room for tables, so their tables have to be outside. Our players were warming up while having breakfast and chatting. We just tried to give everyone some space so we didn’t have to listen to them eat breakfast. There’s no bad blood.” The problem was solved, they said, by simply moving Team USA further down the driving range.

A Look Into the Past

It’s not just dramas that are being rehashed at the Solheim Cup. The LPGA Tour dug deep into the stars’ social media and found some very special pictures that were crying out to be signed.

“Full Glam” Before the Start of the Tournament

Before the team colors take center stage on Friday, the players had have the opportunity to really dress up at the tournament’s accompanying events. While the players familiarize themselves with the course the days before, the first of these highlights was scheduled for Wednesday with the gala dinner. The Smithsonian American Art Museum with its impressive Kogod Courtyard was prepared for the event. Team Europe appeared together in cream-colored outfits, while Team USA presented itself in navy and black dresses.

And before the tournament can really get underway, one thing is still missing: the opening ceremony.

Support for Team Europe

Team Europe may not have a former president who has visited the team, but it still gets all kinds of support from European (golf) stars.

Ladies Tours

Junior Solheim Cup 2024: USA Secures Record Victory

The American team led by Beth Daniel dominated this year’s edition of the PING Junior Solheim Cup and celebrated the biggest victory in the tournament’s history. With a final score of 18.5 to 5.5, the American junior stars impressively beat the European team led by captain Gwladys Nocera at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia.

Record Victory at the Junior Solheim Cup 2024

Before the final day of competition, the Americans were already leading 8-4 after the fourball and foursomes matches on Monday. On the decisive Tuesday, Team USA then went on a remarkable run in the singles, winning ten out of twelve matches. Of particular note was the performance of Jude Lee, who secured her victory with a 5&4 against Perla Sol Sigurbrandsdottir from Iceland and thus contributed the decisive point to the overall victory. “It was just incredible to play with the best girls in the world,” said Lee after her match. “It’s an experience we’ll all never forget.”

The American team put in an impressive overall performance, led by players such as Elizabeth Rudisill, who defeated world number nine Andrea Revuelta from Spain 3&2. Natalie Yen, Anna Fang and Madison Messimer also contributed to the outstanding result with clear victories. The only European to score a full point in the singles was Martina Navarro from Spain, who defeated Nikki Oh 2&1. Overall, the American team performed well in all game formats and dominated the European team in four-ball, foursomes and singles.

The record for the highest winning score at this tournament previously stood at 17 to 7 and was also set by Team USA in the inaugural event in 2002. This year, the American team surpassed this record and celebrated its first victory since 2019.

Beth Daniel Full of Pride

Beth Daniel, captain of the American team and LPGA Hall of Famer, was proud of her team: “My players were simply fantastic. They fought hard and every one of them wanted this win. I think the home advantage gave us extra motivation.” Nocera also paid tribute to her opponents: “Team USA played unbelievably. They had a very strong team and took revenge for last year’s defeat. We will be ready again in two years’ time.”

This is the Junior Solheim Cup

The Junior Solheim Cup, which was launched in 2002, pits the best young female golfers in the USA and Europe against each other in a match play format. Inspired by the professional Solheim Cup, the event is held every two years, alternating between the USA and Europe. In two years’ time, the Junior Solheim Cup will be held in the Netherlands for the first time. Europe will then do everything it can to bring back the trophy and build on this year’s experience with talents such as Andrea Revuelta, Alice Kong and Louise Uma Landgraf. The American team now leads the overall standings with a 9:4 record.

Highlights Tours

Solheim Cup: Jennifer Kupcho, Sarah Schmelzel and Lexi Thompson Complete US Team

U.S. Solheim Cup Team Captain Stacy Lewis has selected Jennifer Kupcho, Sarah Schmelzel and Lexi Thompson as her captain’s picks for the 2024 Solheim Cup, to be held Sept. 13-15 at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Gainesville, Va.

Kupcho, Schmelzel and Thompson join the nine automatic qualifiers for the U.S. Team who were named following the completion of play at the AIG Women’s Open. Nelly Korda, Lilia Vu, Lauren Coughlin, Ally Ewing, Allisen Corpuz, Megan Khang and Andrea Lee qualified via the U.S. Solheim Cup Team Standings, while Rose Zhang and Alison Lee qualified via the Rolex Women’s World Golf Rankings.

Lots of Experience for the US Team

hompson will represent the U.S. for the seventh consecutive time, joining 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023. She moves into a tie for third for the most times competing for the U.S., joining Paula Creamer, Rosie Jones and Morgan Pressel, trailing only Cristie Kerr and Juli Inkster with nine appearances and Beth Daniel and Meg Mallon with eight.

“Lexi was probably the easiest pick to make of these three, with her experience. I know what Lexi can do at a Solheim Cup and that definitely helped her get a pick,” said Lewis. “She’s somebody who is going to help the team out a lot, on the golf course and also off. With her experience, everybody on the team’s going to be watching what she does to try to learn from her. I am very happy to have Lexi back.”

“It means the world to me. To be able to represent my country, it’s the highest honor that you can possibly have,” said Thompson of being selected to the U.S. Solheim Cup Team. “To be there again this year, especially stateside, it’s a dream come true. To be able to play alongside my teammates and under my captains and assistant captains, it’s everything I could ask for.”

Kupcho will wear the Red, White and Blue for the third time, while Schmelzel will join Lauren Coughlin as a U.S. Solheim Cup Team rookie.

“I think Jennifer probably more so than anyone is a great fit for this golf course. I love how high and how straight she hits a golf ball. You can see it in how many strokes she gains off the tee and her ball striking is always what carries her,” said Lewis. “Sarah’s just super solid and doesn’t beat herself up. She’s a player who can play both formats with a lot of different people. She’s somebody that we’ve been watching for a long time and so we’re excited for her to be playing her first Solheim Cup and teeing it up in Virginia.”

“I am so happy to be part of the U.S. Team again, back in the team atmosphere,” said Kupcho. I’m most excited to be back on U.S. soil and just representing the U.S. in my country is so special to me. I’m so, so excited to do this for my third time and to play under Stacy, who is a great captain.”

“It’s obviously something that I’ve thought about ever since I started getting invited to the Solheim meetings last year,” said Schmelzel. “It’s something that just kind of sits in the back of your mind, and it’s always there in the back of your mind. It’s always something that you’re working toward, so to finally get to that moment and realize that it had come to fruition, it was honestly really surreal.”

The Solheim Cup 2024

Players started accruing points toward the U.S. Solheim Cup points standings at the 2023 Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions. Points were awarded to the top 40 participants at each ranking event, with double points awarded at the five major championships. In the Solheim Cup year, all points values increased by 50%. The full points breakdown is available at

The biennial Solheim Cup is the most prestigious international team event in women’s professional golf. In 2022, the European Team retained the Cup following a 14-14 tie with the U.S. Team at Finca Cortesin in Spain. The U.S. Team leads the European Team, 10-7-1, all-time in Solheim Cup competition.

Solheim Cup 2024: Team USA

Player Qualification
Nelly Korda U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Lilia Vu U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Lauren Coughlin U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Ally Ewing U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Allisen Corpuz U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Megan Khang U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Andrea Lee U.S. Solheim Cup Standings
Rose Zhang World Rankings
Alison Lee World Rankings
Lexi Thompson Captain’s Pick
Jennifer Kupcho Captain’s Pick
Sarah Schmelzel Captain’s Pick
Ladies Tours

Solheim Cup 2024: Eight Players Qualify for Team Europe

Over the past two years, professional golfers have had the opportunity to qualify for the Solheim Cup in three different ways. Six players qualified via the Rolex Ranking, the women’s world ranking list. Four players will be selected by European team captain Suzann Pettersen and two players, including Esther Henseleit, qualified via the LET Solheim Cup points list.

Esther Henseleit will be the sixth German player to compete in the most famous women’s team competition. Over the past two years, Henseleit has delivered consistently good performances and most recently catapulted herself into the top two on the LET Solheim Cup points list after winning silver at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris with second place at the ISPS Handa Women’s Scottish Open. Only Charley Hull earned more points than the Hamburg native. After the AIG Women’s Open, both players were guaranteed a ticket for the European team – as were Celine Boutier, Maja Stark, Linn Grant, Leona Maguire, Carlota Ciganda and Madelene Sagström, who are regarded as the six best European players in the world rankings.

Suzann Pettersen, the team captain, said of her team: ‘The European team is looking very good at the moment for the Solheim Cup 2024. Congratulations to the eight players who have qualified automatically.
‘We have so much experience in the team, but it’s also great that Esther is making her Solheim Cup debut this year. The European players have shown great performances this year and we are looking forward to September.’

Pettersen will name her four captain’s picks on Monday 26 August at 4pm (BST) live on Sky Sports News and streamed on the LET website.

Ladies Tours

Nine Automatic Qualifiers Named for 2024 U.S. Solheim Cup Team

With the completion of the 2024 AIG Women’s Open, U.S. Captain Stacy Lewis has learned the names of the nine automatic qualifiers who will represent the Red, White and Blue at the 2024 Solheim Cup, to be held Sept. 13-15 at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Gainesville, Va.

Rolex Women’s World Rankings No. 1 Nelly Korda, who has six victories on the 2024 LPGA Tour season, leads the list of seven players named to the team via the U.S. Solheim Cup Team points standings. She is joined (in order of ranking) by Lilia Vu, Lauren Coughlin, Ally Ewing, Allisen Corpuz, Megan Khang and Andrea Lee.

Additionally, Rose Zhang and Alison Lee will represent the U.S. as the two highest Americans in the Rolex Rankings not among the seven qualifiers from the U.S. Solheim Cup Team points standings.

“I’m just excited to have the team finalized. Much of this crew is repeating from 2023, so a lot of them have experience,” said Lewis. “We had five that were qualified coming into the week, and I’m happy to have Megan and Andrea back again. They were big parts of last year’s success.”

Alison Lee will be playing on her second U.S. Solheim Cup Team and first since 2015. The nine years between individual Solheim Cup appearances is the longest in U.S. Team history; Sherri Steinhauer had a span of seven years between U.S. Team appearances in 2000 and 2007.

“I’m really happy for Alison Lee to be back at the Solheim Cup, with the largest gap between two Solheim Cups,” said Lewis. “It’s been nine years since her last one and I’m excited for her to have a second go at it, to have a great experience and to do it at home as well.”

Experiences Team USA for Solheim Cup 2024

2024 will mark the fourth Solheim Cup appearances for Ewing, Khang and Korda, who all played on the 2019, 2021 and 2023 U.S. Teams. Corpuz, Andrea Lee, Vu and Zhang will also be making their second Solheim Cup appearances, while Coughlin will be a rookie on the U.S. squad.

Lewis also receives three captain’s picks to round out the 12-player American squad. Those players will be announced on Tuesday, Aug. 27, at 10 a.m. EDT.

Players started accruing points toward the U.S. Solheim Cup Team points standings at the 2023 Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions. Points were awarded to the top 40 participants at each ranking event, with double points awarded at the five major championships. In the Solheim Cup year, all points values increased by 50%.

The biennial Solheim Cup is the most prestigious international team event in women’s professional golf. In 2023, the European Team retained the Cup following a 14-14 tie with the U.S. Team at Finca Cortesin in Spain. The U.S. Team leads the European Team, 10-7-1, all-time in Solheim Cup competition.

Fans can see full 2024 Solheim Cup ticket details at Various daily and weekly ticket and hospitality packages are available so fans can enjoy every moment of the action at Robert Trent Jones Golf Club.
Written by LPGA

Ladies Tours

Valhalla Golf Club to Host 2028 Solheim Cup

The LPGA Tour announced that the prestigious Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky, will host the 21st edition of the Solheim Cup in 2028. The Solheim Cup, a biennial international match-play competition, pits the top American players from the LPGA Tour against the best of the Ladies European Tour (LET). This announcement marks a significant milestone as Valhalla joins an elite group of courses that have hosted both the Solheim Cup and the Ryder Cup, including The Greenbrier, Muirfield Village, and Gleneagles.

A New Chapter in Valhalla’s Illustrious History

Valhalla Golf Club, designed by the legendary Jack Nicklaus and inaugurated in 1986, is no stranger to high-profile golf tournaments. The course has previously hosted the PGA Championship in 1996, 2000, 2014, and 2024, as well as the Senior PGA Championships in 2004 and 2011, and the Ryder Cup in 2008.

“We are thrilled to be selected to host the 2028 Solheim Cup. Valhalla has a history of providing compelling finishes, and we are excited to add this event to our championship lore,” said Jimmy Kirchdorfer, Owner of Valhalla Golf Club. “We look forward to welcoming golf fans from around the globe back to our Kentucky home for what promises to be an unforgettable week of competition and camaraderie.”

LPGA Commissioner Mollie Marcoux Samaan emphasized the significance of choosing venues with a rich tradition of competitive excellence. “Showcasing our extraordinary athletes at venues that have hosted the world’s largest and most prestigious golf tournaments and that are recognizable to fans around the world will continue to elevate the LPGA Tour and the Solheim Cup,” she said. “Hosting the 2028 Solheim Cup at Valhalla Golf Club, with its rich tradition of competitive excellence, exemplifies this commitment. We are eager to bring the most exciting team competition in women’s golf to Louisville and Valhalla Golf Club.”

Road to 2028 Solheim Cup

As the LPGA Tour and the LET prepare for the 2028 Solheim Cup, the U.S. Team leads the all-time series against the European Team with a record of 10-7-1. The 2024 Solheim Cup will be held at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club in Gainesville, Virginia, and the 2026 edition will take place at Bernardus Golf in Cromvoirt, Netherlands.